Irreducible Complexity in Sperm Cells
Although some Darwinists try to deny it, sexual reproduction has long been a problem for evolution. In fact, it refutes evolution . The smallest of human cells are spermatozoa, and were once thought to be simple. At one time, cells were thought of as simple until scientists had better equipment and learned that they are amazingly complex. Sperm cells were thought of as simple cells even after other cells were discovered to be fascinating. They lacked certain features found in other cells and functioned differently. Scientists had plausible reasons for thinking they were simple but that all changed quite recently. False-color sperm cells, Flickr / SantaRosa Old Skool ( CC BY 2.0 ) One claim of dysteleology (alleged bad design, therefore there is no Creator) is the vas deferens , which provides transport for the little swimmers. Such a claim is completely refuted . There has been a passel of research on sexual reproduction, and although secularists light their prayer candles to Darwin