The Enigma of Arches and Natural Bridges

Yes, we have discussed arches and natural bridges in" Stone Arches, Bridges, and the Genesis Flood " and " Crumbling Landforms ", the article linked below provides a very good treatment of the subject (and not everyone has read every post here, of course). Flaws in a new hypothesis by secularists are also mentioned. The article also clarified for me the difference between an arch and a natural bridge. Wall Arch, before it collapsed in early August 2008 Image credit: US Geological Survey / Phil Stoffer (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) If you get a notion to saddle up or hike so you can see natural bridges and arches, don't be going on them. Secularists claim they've been standing for millions of Darwin years, but the things have been collapsing of late. Uniformitarian geologists cannot explain the large ones, even though they are clearly the products of erosion. Small "windows" have been formed rather recently. Nobody ha...