RATE Criticism Backfires

The RATE project ( Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth ) was an eight-year project to examine and clarify assumptions regarding "deep time". The results upset uniformitarian geologists, especially since it showed serious errors in their methodology. Several critics attempted to debunk the intensive study, mostly through "No it's not!" circular reasoning. However, a few managed to find some items that warranted further examination. Valles Caldera / NPS.gov / Photo by Sally King Dr. Russell Humphreys was accidentally helped by a critic. He gave further scrutiny to some material, and it gave further support to the RATE project — especially since important data from evolutionists was conveniently omitted. Even using uniformitarian assumptions, "deep time" is still deeply flawed. Recently a critic of the Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth (RATE) creation research project inadvertently helped me find a new line of evidence supporting the b...