
Showing posts from April, 2018

Macaque Selfie and an Evolutionary Worldview

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen We have seen many instances on this site alone of bizarre material submitted as science, especially when attempting to support universal common ancestor evolution. Perhaps the silly practices in the secular science industry are an extension of Western society as a whole. It is one thing that David J. Slater's unattended camera was used for pictures and a "selfie" by a macaque monkey (monkey see, monkey do?), it is quite another that there were court battles about the selfie. Most notable is one based on an eldritch view of animal rights. This version of the image, ruled as having no copyright, obtained at Pixabay from WikiImages Slater thought he owned the copyright, but the Ninth US Circuit Court of Appeals drew up the reigns and hollered, "Whoa!" This extremely liberal court has rulings frequently overturned by the US Supreme Court, so it is surprising to me that they did not side with PETA's "next friend" attempt...

Children, Evolution, and Robots

A recent article in The Guardian  discusses how Alex Beard and his wife wanted to study their newborn child's ability to learn. Various cameras were installed, and this interesting (but possibly utilitarian) study indicated that children have a high capacity for learning. This is not all that surprising, since scientists have learned that children begin learning even before they are born. Credit: Pixabay / Adelind Beard said that the best robots and forms of artificial intelligence are unable to compete with human learning. His naturalistic worldview does not allow for a rational explanation for human intelligence, nor does he consider the fact that we are made in God's image. He is right that robots cannot compete. via GIPHY Credit was erroneously given to evolution, and not the Creator who designed us with the capacity for intellectual development and abstract thinking, and created us in his image. His naturalistic worldview would not allow for such things.  To r...

The Purpose of Physical Pain

Some people have said that pain is useful because it lets you know that you are alive. I reckon that may be true, but most of us dislike pain because it hurts. We do not want to hurt. Simple. There are a few people who like pain, and some people think that this is because the line between pleasure and pain is a bit fuzzy. The picture below represents ecstasy, but I thought her expression was of agony at first. The Magdalen in Ecstacy , Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, 1606 Physical discomfort is a prompt warning that something is amiss. Don't be grabbing the coffee pot off the campfire, that will send signals through your nervous system mighty fast! Pain causes violent reactions, such as dropping the hot coffee pot. Something's wrong, deal with it quickly. There are conditions where people do not feel pain, and they have to be exceptionally careful or even have someone watch them because they can be damaged and not know it. Was the capability of feeling pain present ...

Spiders Exhibit Engineered Adaptation

Last time I checked, the established dogma of universal common ancestor evolution included purposeless change. We have seen several times that these evolutionists are resorting to pantheism , animism , mysticism , and so on. If you check your Charles Darwin Club Secret Decoder Ring™, you will see that materialists are making evolution into an entity, and tacitly appealing to design, not chance. But those things are against their rules. Diamond Head Crater, Oahu, Hawaii image credit: Unsplash / Chase O Some stick spiders in Hawaii would undergo some changes to suit their environments when they headed to other islands. Darwinists incorrectly refer to the changes as "evolution", but that is the opposite of the truth. Variation, sure. Speciation, maybe. Also, the changes are quite rapid. But they still remain essentially the same, and no new genetic information is added. What really puzzled the researchers (before they got bored and looked for something shiny to play with...

Bat Research Tainted by Evolution

People like my wife are not exactly fond of bats, and it does not help matters that we seldom see them in the daytime, and their appearance can be a bit startling. Movies and scary stories have not helped their image, either. A willingness to get the bigger picture and appreciate their design can go a long way.  Credit: Freeimages / Ann Petersen Bats have been using echolocation long before humans developed it, as have dolphins and other critters. Also, bats are known for eating a wagon-trainload of insects every night. Did you know that some lap nectar? Yes, they do it when hovering over flowers. Some interesting research on how their tongues are put together is enlightening. Then the research was spoiled by the obligatory homage to Darwin, that animals evolved what they need. Blessed be! A study on the Egyptian fruit bat's echolocation was conducted, and surprised researchers. They thought that since it had big eyes and came out in daylight, its echolocation would be mor...

More Pondering of Pluto

Percival Lowell was certain that our solar system had a ninth planet, and began searching for it in 1905. After he died in 1916, nobody continued the search for several years. Clyde Tombaugh was able to resume the search later on, and announced the discovery in 1930 . It was named Pluto by 11-year-old Venetia Burney . However, even with the best available telescopes, Pluto was only seen as a dot. It took NASA's New Horizons probe to give us a good look at it. This gave the world a passel of surprises. Pluto and moon Charon image credit: NASA (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Although Pluto was downgraded to dwarf planet status in 2006 by the International Astronomical Union, it has five known moons. The largest is Charon. These objects have thwarted cosmic evolution stories in several ways, including how the solar system is arranged with the four more solid bodies nearest the sun, then the gas giants, and you eventually get to the trans-Neptunian objects ...

Hard Rock and Noah's Flood

Using basic scientific knowledge and doing some thinking, we can see that uniformitarian geology (present processes are the key to the past) does not explain many of the landforms or the huge landslides that we see with our own eyes. Using the Genesis Flood as a model, those geological features that are perplexing to secularists make a great deal more sense. Case in point, the transportation of hard rock boulders. Credit: Freeimages / Benjamin Earwicker Some sidewinders get on the prod and indulge in prejudicial conjecture and ad hominem attacks. They try to dismiss the deep time-defying Flood geology, saying it never happened and that there is no evidence of the Flood. Assertions do not create facts. Twitter posts are public domain, and this one is also used under Fair Use provisions for educational purposes You're showing your bigotry and lack of education, old son. How about doing some research before showing yourself a fool again? And I don't mean reading ...

"Alien Intrusion: Unmasking a Deception" Video Review

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Since the movie project Alien Intrusion: Unmasking a Deception was first announced by Creation Ministries International , I've been chomping at the bit to see it. Unfortunately, I was unable to see the movie in the cinema. Trusting past experience, reviews from various people, having read the book, and so on, I did something that I've never done before: pre-ordered five copies of the DVD. Now that I've seen it, I can tell you that I'm glad I did. (I think my brother just guessed what he's getting for Christmas.) This isn't strictly a review, since I have a few things of my own to add. Image courtesy of Creation Ministries International As with the book by Gary Bates, the video of Alien Intrusion required a huge amount of research. There is video footage from past documentaries and interviews, as well as quotes from various books and such. There were some excellent CGI moments as well. The video was equal to, and often surpassed,...

Archaeopteryx and Pterosaurs Together

In our last exciting episode, we saw how modern bird fossils have been found in places that frustrate minerals-to-mallard evolutionists. There are additional developments in paleontology that make matters worse for their fundamentally flawed worldview. It seems that pterosaurs were doing right well until they were't. That is, they did not just decline gradually, but they appear to have pretty much stopped suddenly. Secularists try to use the asteroid impact extinction story (where all sorts of other critters inexplicably survived while others wound up taking a dirt nap). There's no evidence for this sudden demise, however, just speculation. A recent discovery in a phosphate mining area showed a pterosaur with a wingspan the size of "a small plane", about nine meters (30 feet). That bad boy would spook the horses something fierce! Wouldn't have made the cowboys comfortable, either. via GIPHY In the same time scheme (according to Darwin years, that is), p...

Modern Bird Fossils Fluster Darwinists

Fossils that are not found in the established order put burrs under the saddles of evolutionary paleontologists. Darwin set the stage for modern evolutionism, where organisms go from simple to complex in gradual progressions. The fossil record does not show this. Modern-type birds are not supposed to be found in the Cretaceous, and when biblical creationists point out that such fossils are indeed found there, Darwinoids scoff. They say we're misrepresenting the facts, uninformed, or even liars. (Yeah, that makes sense! Lying to convince people about the holy God the Creator and his written Word, the God who hates lies, and we do that — absurd on the face of it.) How about honestly examining the biblical creationist material? via GIPHY However, creationists are accurately using the material of evolutionists against them, and showing that their interpretations of the evidence are wrong. Although your typical village Darwin bot may appeal to outdated, biased material in W...

The Planet that Should not be There

Seems like the goal of the secular science industry is not to learn and interpret data, but to make naturalistic pronouncements. This may play well with atheists and other owlhoots advocating long ages, but discoveries should be teaching them a bit of humility. Not happening, Hoss. Artist's conception of Kepler-78b, credit: Wikimedia Commons / Hemsley Jenkins ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) Here, we'll look at space exploration. Regular readers of this site (and the linked sites as well) have seen numerous items that have startled or shocked secular astronomers and cosmologists because they exhibit signs of youth, not an ancient universe. This is primarily because these scientists are operating from naturalistic presuppositions, denying the Creator who made everything much more recently than is dreamt of of in their philosophies. via GIPHY Also, planets both in our solar system and outside (known as exoplanets) get cosmic evolutionists on the prod because they are in defiance of...

Praying Mantis Vision Opposes Evolution

Humans and several critters have what is called stereo vision, which gives us the ability to ascertain depth, distance, and so forth. Such vision is not all that uncommon, but you would not expect to realize that the praying mantis is the only insect known to have this ability. Credit: RGBstock / David Abernethy Sight itself is an intricate process. Light is received by the eye, then the brain processes the information so that the organism can make sense of it, often in a hurry. (Ever see a horse shy away from a rattlesnake that it saw but the rider didn't?) 3-D vision is even more complicated. It alone is in opposition to molecules-to-mantis evolution, but to be found in an insect is further evidence of the Master Engineer's craftsmanship. The research on these critters is rather fascinating, and I found it a bit amusing as well. In the animal kingdom, many types of creatures use stereo vision to determine the distances between them and visible objects. In humans, eac...

Evolutionists Get Away with Saying Ridiculous Things

We expect Darwin bots to say ridiculous things on forums, social media, and so forth. They often do not understand their own mythology or the workings of science. Ironically, biblical creationists often need to correct them. When trained scientists jump the corral fence and go running off into fantasy lands, that is a bit more concerning. Darwin's Flying Monkeys© in the secular science media ignore their journalistic duties, allowing plenty of piffle to remain unchallenged. After all, they're promoting materialism and denying the Creator. Sharing a secular presuppositions somehow makes these things acceptable. You don't have to be a scientist to spot nonsense. Unfortunately, people in general are not skilled in critical thinking, and accept what "scientists say" as truth. Of course, they'll change their minds later on so many things... via GIPHY David Coppedge rounded up some of these items: Stephen Hawking knew what happened before the fictitious ...

Esoteric Evolutionism Eliminates Science

Evolution itself is not the invention of Charles Darwin, but instead, is an ancient pantheistic religion that Darwin got all gussied up and put forward as science. His ideas have been adjusted for over 150 years because they do not work. As we have seen in several recent posts, Darwin's disciples are becoming increasingly unscientific and mystical in their pseudoscience. Credit: Pixabay / arturo_ngeek Natural selection is not understood by evolutionists, and some are putting forward a version that is loaded with mystical overtones . Evolutionists conjure up forces as unscientific rescuing devices to cover the failures of scientists' conjectures. There are more, but let's take a gander at some really fun stuff. Fun, if you're into weirdness masquerading as science. Secularists cannot account for the origin of life (often trying to distance themselves from it, dishonestly claiming it has "nothing to do with evolution"). Nor can they account for conscio...

Dinosaur Soft Tissues and the Age of the Earth

One of the biggest issues that gets proponents of universal common ancestor evolution and other old earth advocates on the prod is dinosaur soft tissues. Although soft tissues and such have been found previously, the work of Mary Schweitzer and microscopist Mark Armitage analyzing dinosaur blood and soft tissues really brought the subjects into prominence. Some evolutionists try to deny it, even saying that biblical creationists were misrepresenting the discoveries or outright lying. But the subject simply will not go away. Some of us won't let it. So, secularists and their religious useful idiots keep the excuse mill at the Darwin Ranch running at full steam. Compromiser Dr. Hugh Ross has a kind of cult following and some strange beliefs . He has an associate, Dr. Fazele Rana, who has written a book that is a thinly-veiled attack on biblical creation science. It may seem convincing, but Rana did poor research (none of it with the tissues in question under a microscope). He ...

Mystical Natural Selection Tour

Although evolution through natural selection alone has been largely rejected, drummers for Darwin continue to claim it is essential. A spell back, we looked at how evolutionists were trying to predict a natural process and instead supported the Stuff Happens Law . Some other jaspers also inadvertently supported the Stuff Happens Law by claiming that it's not "fitness" that leads to survival, but just plain luck (see " Natural Selection? No – Sheer Dumb Luck "). Seems like evolutionists are appealing to luck with greater frequency. Mayhaps they're inspired by Clinton Richard Dawkins and his Mount Improbable foolishness . Keep reading, things are getting stranger. Generated at Some of the problems evolutionary scientists are having could have a simple explanation: they are unclear on the concept of natural selection. For that matter, scientists disagree on evolution (often attributing variations and minor changes to their blind, mad, gibberin...

Weeds are Surprisingly Important

A plant is considered a weed partly because it came along and asserted itself without so much as a "by your leave", interfering with the plants that are being cultivated for beauty or food. Persistent, resilient, and with a habit of taking over if left unchecked, weeds are actually doing what the Master Engineer intended. Credit: Unsplash / James Lee If you step back and study on it a spell, you'll see that weeds serve a purpose. We prefer it when they serve their purpose somewhere else. They actually anchor the soil so it doesn't all erode away after construction, for one thing. Also, the lowly dandelion is highly nutritious — all of it, so you can cook up some dandelion greens . Some things considered weeds have medicinal value as well. Don't be getting a notion to be eating or medicating with things you don't know, however.  Remember the post about how the volcanic island of Surtsey and other newcomers are coming along quite well ? Some of the firs...

Engineered Adaptability or Intangible Evolutionary Forces?

We have been seeing how Darwin's followers have been appealing to ad hoc stories, unscientific and illogical hypotheses, incompetent evosplaining , and even animism to keep their pantheistic worldview intact. They even resort to evolutionary teleology , which is contradictory to their belief system. I reckon that they know their beliefs are not supported by science, and are simply the product of desperate, blind faith. They are also determined to find excuses to deny their Creator at almost any means available. Credit: Pixabay / Christian Reil (slightly modified) In the Engineered Adaptability series, we have seen that Darwin believed in external influences to cause evolution. This idea is not tenable, though evolutionists persist in continuing to ride that owlhoot trail. Instead, evidence shows that organisms have been engineered to adapt to conditions, instead of having conditions force them to evolve.  Naturalistic scientists are further increasing their mystical v...