Listen Up, Neanderthals!

Some mighty interesting discoveries about Neanderthals are becoming more frequent. (Indeed, it seems like when I write up a post on them, another is waiting in my reading list for attention.) I spread out the posts. Some Darwinist holdouts want Neanderthals to remain as primitive brutes, but their humanity has been fully established . Although this Intelligent Design article supports conventional evolutionary years, it also discusses how they were sophisticated, and skilled at cooking . Another from the same source suggests use of eagle talons and feathers for ornamentation show they had symbolic expression thought processes. Le Moustier Neanderthals, AMNH / Charles R. Knight , 1920 Researchers can determine some surprising things from fossilized bones ( e.g., the amazing eyes of trilobites ), and similar technology has been applied to Neanderthals. The result is that they could hear just fine. Frankly (mind if I call you Frank?), it seems that secularists would say that goo...