Mars, Moon Continue to Baffle Secular Geologists
There have been numerous instances where secular scientists have been amazed when the facts do not fit their assumptions. This frequently happens in astronomy and cosmology. Conventional approaches of geologists and astronomers/cosmologists presuppose deep time, which often does not pan out. A big push has been on to find signs of life way out yonder in the universe, and that would prove evolution in their minds. Exoplanets have secularists excited, as do some of the moons and planets in our own solar system. Mars and the moon are comparatively close, but they still cause consternation. Moon and Mars, WikiComm / NASA (PD), usage does not imply endorsement of site contents A word about date ranges before we continue. When biblical creationists present evidence for a young earth, solar system, or universe, those dates are often upper limits. Remember when we touched on how misotheists criticize what they do not understand ? Those uninformed criticisms happen regarding age limits. For ex...