
Showing posts with the label Racism

More Evidence Neanderthals were Human

At one time, Neanderthals were portrayed as stupid brutes in our supposed evolutionary history. Evidence over the years prompted Darwinists to realize that they were not so far removed from humans after all . Still, they try to keep some form of evolutionary link going, plus showing racism against Neanderthals . This makes racist Charles Darwin smile. It should be case closed  that humans and Neanderthals were the same species because our ancestors exchanged DNA. (Indeed, some folks may have allergies because of inheriting DNA from Neanderthals .) New research affirms their humanity. Neanderthal reconstruction, Flickr /  Michael (a.k.a. moik) McCullough  ( CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 ) Someone can search for but not find an ape that fashioned jewelry because it had deep personal meaning. Symbolism — which indicates abstract thought, a human trait — is indicated among these "archaic humans." Also, it has been suggested that they are not exactly extinct . They had culture and were intellig

Brain Collections and Evolutionary Racism

When watching, reading, or listening to Conservative American political material, it is frequently pointed out that leftists are obsessed with race. White people are evil, darker shades are good — and quality of character is irrelevant. It is ironic when "people of color" support Darwinism. Although disliking people who are different has been around a very long time, Darwinism gave us eugenics and scientific racism. To prove that white people are superior, Darwinists used evolution to justify collecting brains and skeletons of  those they considered belonging to lesser races. Cushing Brain Collection, New Haven, Flickr / techbint ( CC BY 2.0 ) In the 19th and 20th centuries, evolutionists collected skeletons and brains of the aboriginal people of countries. Kindly pay attention: These evolutionists (many were scientists) were confirming their biases. That is, they did not other races to be inferior because of the science, but tried to make science fit their beliefs. Any writ

Darwin, Racism, and Evolution

Although much of what Charles Darwin wrote is now ignored, he is treated with reverence by many admirers. Indeed, he is the Prophet of evolutionism. When posting material about his racist views, atheists are often outraged — outraged , I tell you! It has been said that discussing his racism is an ad hominem . He was a product of his times, after all. That means it is irrelevant, but they still  tidy it up . Not hardly! It was instrumental in his philosophies and what he presented as science. Muddy river with rocks, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen It is well documented that Charlie considered white people the top prize of evolution while those with darker skin were closer to apes. He also said that eventually, civilized people would exterminate lesser races and apes. (I never understood why that would be necessary except in his worldview.) Racism was fundamental to his version of evolution. As for being a product of his times — not buying it. There were prominent white people in Victoria

Evolutionary Racism and the Tasmanian Genocide

Many evolutionists become incensed when the racism inherent in their belief system is discussed, although some scientists are finally admitting this fact. Charles Darwin's Victorian myth of evolution had white English males as the pinnacle of evolution, but women were inferior . Creationists are sometimes accused of blaming Darwin for racism although it had already existed for millennia. True, but justifying racism with evolution has existed before Darwin ( he did not create evolution) , and it increased tremendously after his version of evolution. This is demonstrated in the horrific genocide of the Tasmanian people. Group of natives of Tasmania , Wikimedia Commons / Robert Hawker Dowling , 1859 (public domain) Perceived as an unevolved nonhuman race, European settlers murdered Tasmanians and rounded them up for relocation. Skeletons and body parts were put in collections, both private and in museums. (Tasmanian women were raped, showing the inconsistency of the invaders, who did

Genocide in Cambodia Motivated by Darwinism

Social Darwinism is the logical extension of evolutionary thinking, making his biological ideas into a worldview. It has been documented on creationist sites that many totalitarian dictators put survival of the fittest and other principles into practice. Eugenics (eliminating those thought unfit for breeding) was taken to its logical conclusion by these dictators. One of the atheists who is responsible for murdering millions was known as Pol Pot, and it was indicated that his policies were more vicious than even those of Hitler. The Darwin connection is largely ignored by popular history sites. Pol Pot during meeting with Nicolae Ceaușescu, WikiComm / Romanian Communism Online Photo Collection (modified) Pol Pot was an atheist, communist, and evolutionist. He was especially devoted to the communist writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Joseph Stalin, and Mao was also a tremendous influence to Pot. In addition, he was a tremendous racist. The Khmer people of Cambodia were numerous, but

Charles Darwin and the White Supremacists

Something that many of totalitarian dictators and even mass murderers of the last 150 years or so is holding to belief in Darwinism. Evolution is not just a theory for academics to discuss and for ordinary people to accept because they said so. Instead, it is a worldview used to interpret science and morality. Unfortunately, white supremacy will never go away. Those sidewinders are known for despising people with darker skin, but they have particular venom for Jews. Leftists label many people as "far right" including white nationalists, but leftists as well as alleged Conservatives were joining in with hatred for Jews. People worshiping statue of Darwin, made by AI at Bing Although the Intelligent Design people wrongly want to keep God out of the discussions, an article makes a point — which is often made by presuppositional apologists. That is, if Darwinism is right, nobody  can condemn Hamas for attacking the Jews. When atheists say that something is morally wrong, they are

Racial Brain Collecting and Evolution

Everyone has presuppositions and worldviews, and these things drive science. Secular science assumes that the universe is billions of years old and that cosmic, chemical, biological, and other evolutions happened. Biblical creation science affirms recent creation, and modifications are not evolution. Evolution extends beyond academic and scientific discussions and influences the lives of people. While people disliked other ethnic groups different from their own, Darwinian evolution (and modifications) gave rise to "scientific racism" and greatly increased the problem. Smithsonian Building, Wikimedia Commons / Noclip (modified at Fotosketcher ).jpg Evolutionists often become incensed when it is pointed out that Charles Darwin was a blatant racist. Some try to improve history , but the facts cannot be changed. In the Victorian era and later, scientists attempted to justify racism and eugenics. They insisted that darker people were physically and mentally inferior to white folk

Woodrow Wilson: Racist, Eugenicist, Darwinist

In American politics, progressive  has different meanings. In modern times, it includes special consideration toward black voters coupled with the "soft bigotry of low expectations" — you cannot succeed without leftists. Woodrow Wilson was a progressive American president who was blatantly racist. Like many today, he "progressed" away from the US Constitution. There are people of the "cancel culture" motivation that want to rewrite history, erasing people who had any racist tendencies whatsoever to be expunged from its pages and pull down their statues. Some people on the left like Wilson as well as Charles Darwin are still adored, inconsistently excused as "products of their times." Woodrow Wilson, 1912, Library of Congress , modified at Pixlr The culture was important, as the Civil War still lingered in the minds of many. Woody was no friend of the Reconstruction efforts, believed in the Lost Cause of the Confederacy , and worked to reverse eff

Darwinism and the Rwandan Genocide

Imagine if you will that you had a good relationship with a neighboring group of people, and things were fine for many years. Some people from your group even married people from their group. Things changed. They are now considered inferior and should be killed. Folks in your group accepted those racist views and the reasoning behind them. Obviously, this describes Nazi Germany. It also describes other places. A common factor is evolutionary thinking, which influences many areas in societies, such as law . It may be surprising to learn that Darwinism was instrumental in the Rwandan Genocide of 1994. Ntrama church altar, site of one massacre, Flickr / Scott Chacon ( CC BY 2.0 ) German colonists, and then later the Dutch, brought their Darwinist views and imposed them on Rwandan tribes. This Victorian myth of origins elevates white people to the pinnacle of evolution. By presupposing evolution and racism, colonists infected the people with the view that one tribe (race) was superior bec

Charles Darwin was not a Slavery Abolitionist

Disciples of Charles Darwin try to brush aside or ignore his view of women as inferior , and especially his blatant racism . Some build a straw man by claiming that we said evolution is racist when we talk about scientific racism and other extensions of his conjectures. There have been owlhoots who claim that saying Darwin was a racist is an ad hominem , but that conveniently ignores the fact that his beliefs were fundamental in his development of evolution — ideas have consequences . People also point out that he was opposed to slavery, and a couple of authors try to make Charlie appear to be a passionate abolitionist. Public domain image, run through removebg , colorized at Palette , flames added at LunaPic A couple of biographers wrote a book that portrayed Darwin as someone who was concerned with the abolition of slavery. His work on species was with abolition in mind. When Dr. Robert F. Shedinger gave the tome close scrutiny, he realized it was stuff and nonsense. Sure, it was

Earliest Human Ancestor X Still Not Found

Chuck Darwin released the wolves over 150 years ago in search of evidence for evolution, especially ancestors of modern humans. While uninformed disciples claim that evolution is "settled science," evolutionary scientists know that it is anything but settled. Sure, they keep finding evidence of early humans, but nothing that can be considered a candidate for Ancestor X, the beginning of all people groups. (Sounds like a "patient zero," the first infected with a contagion.) They have many disputes and no firm evidence — and even some possible racism. It must be admitted that a great deal of evolution is ethno-centric. After all, Darwin's Victorian myth placed his white Englishmen be the pinnacle of evolution, but darker people were less evolved. (I reckon it must have grated on " scientific racists " to propose the idea that humans evolved and spread out of Africa. That is disputed, and some believe the Middle East is the source of humanity. That's

Rational Thinking — Now More than Ever!

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Other biblical creationists and I emphasize rational (critical) thinking, and to use it plus healthy skepticism. Such thinking is not just for sciences or academic purposes, but is helpful every day. We use it daily to some degree or another, often without realizing it. If you will mount up and ride the trail with me, I will provide a fun piece, some examples from feral atheists, a bit of strange pseudoscience, then move onto more specific ways that we use logic every day — and why such thinking is extremely important right now. Woman thinking by water, Pexels / Engin Akyurt Something I'd like to give you to put in your pocket right now. You can take it out every now to look at: Undue haste is a tool of Satan. Yeah, it's a mite overstated, but memorable. When being pressured to make a decision right now , with no time to stop and think, you are probably better off not making any changes. I remember times of being hurried that were disastrous. On occasion

Evolutionary Racism and the Buffalo Shootings

Although he opposed slavery, Charles Darwin was a racist. His disciples become infuriated with us when we point out this fact and cry, "That is an ad hominem! " While it is indeed about the man, it is not fallacious. His racist views were instrumental to his version of evolution. Darwin considered black people and others to belong to less-evolved inferior races. Eventually, those "races" would be replaced by civilized man — white people. (This child wonders if the best white people were the Victorian English.) This exacerbated racism and formed "scientific racism." Tops Friendly Market, Flickr / Nicholas Eckhart  ( CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 ) The way mainstream media refer to white supremacists, neo-Nazis, etc., make it sound like there are quite a few of them. I have never met any. Yes, I've met racists but not the hardcore types, and turned down connection requests on social(ist) media for white supremacists. The Buffalo shooter on 14 May 2022 was racially mot

Now Paleontology is Racist!

The secular science industry is ruining science by supporting leftist causes , and Russell Watchtower is working overtime. He heads up the Ministry of Truth at the Darwin Ranch (west on Folly Road, past Stinking Lake, up toward Deception Pass). The wokeness gang declares that paleontology is racist. Instead of opposing or even ignoring such nonsense, secularists react, " Yahyuh, yahyuh, dat makes good sense! " White people are bad — because reasons and stuff. We developed many sciences, and obtained fossils where they are found. This includes places now occupied by people of color. Made at PhotoFunia using a Wikimedia Commons image from Daderot  ( CC0 1.0 ) In some astonishingly bad logic (frequently found when promoting fish-to-fool evolution), Nature allows numerous unsupported claims in a capitulation to leftist absurdity. In addition to anti-white, anti-wealthy assertions, they conveniently neglect how "colonialism" occurred throughout history. When asserting t

Forensic Anthropology and Darwinian Racism

Although evolutionists try to distance themselves from their racist past, it has been a serious problem since the Bearded Buddha published his tomes. Not all of the public has been fooled by denials of evolution supports. Elements of racism in evolutionary studies are found even today. An area that could be severely damaged is forensic anthropology. (The television show Bones was loosely based on a real forensic anthropologist, portrayed by Emily Deschanel.) Forensic anthropology can be used to determine a victim's race. Skeletons in the' Boat Houses', Herculaneum, Flickr / Big Albert (Public Domain) If enough material is present, forensic anthropologists can determine with a high degree of accuracy the size, sex, and other details regarding the victim. This is where we clarify something: God created only one race. There are no "races", but the term is used as a convenience despite its flawed evolutionary background. More realistically (and biblically), there ar

Mentally Disturbed Social Darwinists

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen First, a reminder that when people use the word  Darwinism today, it partly a convenience. Classical Darwinism was dying a few decades after it was set forth, but was changed and is now called the neo-Darwinian synthesis, modern evolutionary synthesis, and so on. When discussing origins, it is expected that people know what is being discussed when the words Darwinism and evolution are used.  Moving on. As shown previously, Darwinism is not just a biological theory, but a worldview. Social Darwinism  has been around almost as long as classical Darwinism, and applies survival of the fittest principles to societies. Mostly made at Atom Smasher It was popular in the last century, giving rise to eugenics , scientific racism , ruthless capitalism, and more. Karl Marx saw his economic and political views expressed in Darwinian natural selection . Take a look around at what is happening in the world today. A form of Marxism has been zombified and is walking around, co

Evolutionists Defame Creationists as White Supremacists

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Recently, I was surprised by a weblog article, " Now creationists are white supremacists. Wait, what? " That really takes the rag off the bush ! I commenced to gathering thoughts so I could use it as a springboard, but then asked my contacts at Creation Ministries International , who replied that they were going to respond. Here we go. There are several instances where " Denial of Evolution Is a Form of White Supremacy " by Allison Hopper agitated so many people — in addition to its glaring stupidity.  Scientific American  is known for anti-creationist hit pieces, and they let this opinion thing fly without checking the facts. Background image credit: Pixabay /  Beate Bachmann This amazing new offal is reminiscent of the  Paul Braterman attack on Ken Ham and creation science in general  — which also was allowed to post despite glaring falsehoods. This is much worse, and since Scientific American  and Hopper are not dry gulching an individual