Pluto and the Kiladze Ice Volcano

When I was in school, the solar system had nine planets. The Kuiper Belt was not mentioned, nor were dwarf planets or trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs). Pluto lost its planethood status because of its size; there is a passel of TNOs with Pluto being the first. All of that stuff was expected to be geologically dead, but Pluto and its moons baffle deep time proponents with activity . There are volcanoes out yonder such as Jupiter's moon Io , and some that expel ice instead of lava. Pluto has some of these. Artist's concept of New Horizons visiting Pluto, with moon Charon in the distance, : NASA/JHU APL/SwRI/Steve Gribben Ice volcanoes throw out water ice as well as methane and others are more accurately called cryovolcanoes . Pluto has one named Kiladze, named after the Georgian astronomer Rolan I. Kiladze. This volcano shares its wealth abundantly, then its caldera collapses. Then erupts again and repeats the cycle. The energy necessary to do this should not exist according to deep...