Whose Life Matters?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen I don't know about other countries, but America is very "race" conscious. Some ethnic groups claim victim status and persecution from other groups, yet little attention is given to the murders of their own "kind". We hear about the "Black Lives Matter" group, and somehow, it becomes almost acceptable in the eyes of leftist media for them to block traffic and murder police officers. A response is, "Blue Lives Matter", because we need the police to do their jobs. There's a whole heap of racism from whites, blacks, and other groups that you want to name. Somehow, the lives of unborn children are not important to many people. "College Liberal" "meme" inspired by comments from Doug McBurney . This poor girl has been used in so many "memes", and was probably just minding her own business when the picture was taken. Did you know the word slave is based on the word Slav , as in Slav...