
Showing posts with the label Abortion

Consciousness and Unborn Babies

Consciousness has long been a problem for materialists, as they cannot define, understand, or explain it. Is consciousness (the soul) a physical part of the brain? That idea has been ruled out . Secularists cannot explain it through evolution , either. The secular science industry has been supporting leftist causes , and one of those is abortion. A recent study is incompatible with evolution. Experiments on brain activity in infants were conducted, and it was learned that the brains of unborn children reacted in the same way — indicating consciousness. Pregnant woman holding ultrasound, Hippopx The fact that babies are conscious is not a new discovery, and has been known for some time. Expectant mothers and fathers often talk to the unborn child, and some Christian parents read the Bible and pray so the child can hear. Soon after my second child was born (delaying his entry into the world for an extra month), he was being held. I spoke, and he turned his head in my direction. Yes, he k

Worldviews and the Value of Human Life

Although many Western countries developed from Christian principles, they are becoming increasingly secular. Even so, there are still some undercurrents of those ideals in society. A woman announces that she is expecting a child and people celebrate. Ultrasound pictures are shown. Expectant parents love this person they have never met in the flesh. Evolution devalues humanity and atheists desperately cling to that myth. It is not just a biological subject but a worldview. Evolutionists consider all forms of life to be related — and equally meaningless. But they cannot consistently live with such beliefs. Woman showing ultrasound, Unsplash / Christin Noelle People with a secular (indeed, anti-Christian) worldview celebrate death. People like this are usually on the political left, and it has been said that abortion is like a sacrament for them. They celebrate the killing of unborn babies! And yet, they get involved in conservation efforts and want to save the baby seals. The Christian

Placing Value on Human Life

Obviously, it is human nature to celebrate the arrival of a new life, and to mourn the loss of life. It is interesting that people get emotional over the passing of a celebrity that they never met. People wonder what makes human life have value at all, whether close to us or someone we admire from a distance. Materialists necessarily believe that there is nothing beyond molecules and atoms, but their evolutionary worldview is very self-refuting. They cannot account for logic, thought, love, or any of the preconditions of intelligibility. Standing near Giants Causeway, Unsplash / Steven Roussel It is consistent with his worldview for an atheist to value human life by how much someone contributes to society — using an inconsistent arbitrary standard. Obviously, Christians have a far different worldview and is not utilitarian. Life comes from God the Creator. That alone gives it value. More than that, however, is that God made us in his image ; we are not the product of evolution. The end

Evolutionists and their Love of Abortion

A few years ago, I noticed that atheists tend to be political leftists and approve of many behaviors that are against the commands of God. Particles-to-politician evolution is a tenet of atheism, so they fight red in tooth and claw to defend and promote it. To be blunt, evolutionism is a death cult, because advancement up the tree of life happens because of death. Things die and new ones evolve. You savvy that? Like people in various religious cults, people involved seldom consider in depth what their organizations believe. Bassinet, Freestocks / Joanna Malinowska While society is deteriorating, the murder of unborn children is gaining ground. It has been said that abortion is a sacrament to Democrats and other leftists. Many people know full well that they are ending lives (they admit it), and they do not care. Some are proud of the number of abortions they've had! That's depravity. Those people need to humble themselves and repent to Jesus Christ. Two things I've said bef

Abortion and Rebellion against the Created Order

The ideal status of the family unit was established by God in the beginning, which was one man and one woman. This was attacked shortly thereafter, and has been ever since. In fact, it is increasing. The Christian worldview sees other humans as created in the image of God. It was shocking to pagan nations, but gradually began to take hold in cultures and governments. It was the Christian influences and advocacy that led to the abolition of slavery, and the elevation of women and children, because all are bearers of God's image. Empty bassinet, Freestocks /  Joanna Malinowska People who hate God (whether they admit it or not) have rebelled against his created order for the family unit. Secularists use political ideologies that are ultimately Marxist in outlook, pretending that they are doing what is best for people. They promote false alternatives for the family, and claim that abortion is a "woman's right" and "healthcare" and will keep the bassinet empty. I

The Failure of Cures from Stem Cells

A few years ago, there was a great deal of excitement over the promise of stem cell research. It was touted as a way to treat and cure numerous ailments, and has even been promised by leftist political candidates as promoting science. Of course, "science" cannot advance without murdering babies, according to those sidewinders. Adult stem cells gave hope that research could be conducted morally because it would not involve child sacrifice. Now we hear far less about stem cells nowadays. Stem Cells image credit: USFDA (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) People were ready to slap leather over the promise of stem cell therapies, and Christians are enemies of science that interfered (also see " UK Prime Minister addresses Climate Change, but undermines Christian doctrines "). Their information came from what "scientists say" through the secular science industry (especially the press), but they were just talking through their hats . After all t

Fake Science Weaponized Against Christians

Some of the things pointed out previously can be seen continuing to happen, as secularists use what they call science against Christians and creationists. We have seen that opinions and speculations are often falsely presented as facts. Materialists will assert that their atheistic view is "reality", Darwin's disciples often claim that evolution is  science, global climate change caused by humans is "settled science". Christians, scientists, and creationists are demonized in many ways , including as "science deniers" because we oppose faulty science and logic. Unsplash /  Kelly Sikkema The public has a love/hate relationship with science, not really understanding much about it (often viewing it with suspicion), but using "science" as a weapon when convenient (see " Science in Name Only "). If the spectral monolith of Science (as an entity) is invoked as an authority, "Science says...", then something is assumed to be true

Eugenics, Abortion, and Down Syndrome

As many know, eugenics  (meaning "well born") is a method of deciding who is fit for life. It is based on Darwinian ideas and political climate. It fell out of favor in the US when the Nazis took it to its logical conclusion, but is returning and being used to eliminate Down Syndrome. Donald Trump and Mike Pence with guests on World Down Syndrome Day, 2019 Credit: Flickr / The White House / Tia Dufour Of course, when I say "eliminate" Down Syndrome (sometimes called Down's Syndrome), I mean that prenatal tests determining the condition result in abortion. Cold-hearted Iceland proudly proclaims that there is almost no Down Syndrome there, but that's because the children were murdered . (Interestingly, Poland has gone the other direction .) My shameful distant cousins in Denmark are about as bad as Iceland. I am convinced that a big reason that the formerly United States is under divine judgment is because of the millions of abortions that are performed. Many

Effects of Evolutionary Thinking on Law and History

Regular readers have seen how the distraction of, "Evolution is just biology" is completely false. We recently saw how evolutionism can be a religion in its own right , and how it is a worldview through which people interpret data and make choices. Christopher Langdell portrait by Frederick Porter Vinton , modified Secular geologists "know" that the world is billions of years old. That's what the Bearded Buddha wants, that's what he gets — evidence for the young earth is suppressed or ignored. Social Darwinism was the application of his biological ideas to produce eugenics and a drastic increase in abortions , scientific racism , women as inferior , and much more. William Blackstone wrote his commentaries on the law, and those were foundational for a long time. Christopher Langell was influenced by Darwin, and decided that since evolution was true, then everything evolves. The US Constitution is something that needs to evolve as well; judges are more importa

The Recapitulation Zombies of Evolution

We think they are dead, but Darwin's acolytes keep using the black magick of scientism and wishful thinking to bring them back. Not living organisms, but their bad ideas. In this case, the idea that an unborn child goes through evolutionary stages in its development. This has been proven false for a mighty long time, pilgrim, but it is still used to justify abortion. Original image credit: Pixabay /  Ahmadreza Heidaripoor If scum-to-sorcerer evolution were "settled science" or a fact, there should  be no need to use bad logic, misrepresentation, startlingly bad mistakes — and outright fraud. When posting about Haeckel's fake drawings on social media, people said those long-discredited things coupled with the rejected recapitulation idea can be found in modern textbooks. As any knowledgeable propagandist can tell you, concentration and repetition coupled with the Big Lie are effective tools to influence the undiscerning. Devious Darwinists seem to be trying to

When Politics Imprisons Science

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This article seems somewhat appropriate on the anniversary of these here United States declaring independence from England, but it is not about that event. I will let people with more skill deal with those details. Instead, I am going to touch on a few subjects before getting to the main point. You're welcome to ride along and see how this develops. Credit: Pixabay / Prettysleepy2 When listening to podcasts or reading certain materials, I like getting some personal information from the speaker or writer. It makes them seem more relatable. I understand that people like that sort of thing, and that's one reason I put in some of those things in posts and articles. I have a weblog for things that I try to post on once a month to keep it active; things like not caring about the finales of certain popular media events . Another weblog was my first, and that is also infrequent, often for politics and culture . There are items I've posted there bec

Brian Sims and the Increasing Fanaticism of Abortionists

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen People who support abortion are frequently vehement in their views, but it should give Brian Sims (a Democrat member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives) reason to pause when both pro-life and pro-abortion people agree that he is out of line . It is obvious that he is a bully. However, I am not going to spend much time dealing with what has already been covered in the news. Instead, we are going to ride along a slightly different trail and learn some important things. Credit: Freestocks / Joanna Malinowska Before we return to Brian Sims, some other items need to be mentioned. I learned quite a bit from The Chris Stigall Show podcasts, including interviews and his own insight, so I thank him for that. I recommend the podcast called " The Great Pushback " at the 19 min. 34 sec. mark for an excellent discussion. Free to listen online or download. The Evolution Deception Regular readers know that I am strongly pro-life. A child is f

Taking Up Space — Book Review

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen On Saturday, October 20, I had just finished reading a Western novel, which I do from time to time to "decompress". Shortly after lights out, Steven J. Wright sent me a message that I discovered the next morning. He wondered if I would do a review of his new novel, Taking Up Space, which was going to be published very soon. (After all, I wrote about his novel The Deception back in twenty aught thirteen.) I warned him that I would have to mention things I did not care for as well as positive, and he was okay with that. This child saddled up with some free ebook reading material under no obligation to give a glowing review. So, that's the disclaimer as well as a personal anecdote. Most folks don't know that I am writing up a review for a book, video, or whatever. This was an interesting experience. I was corresponding with Mr. Wright and giving him progress reports as well as some thoughts along the way. Although you have seen some book r

Abortion, Abolition, and Creation

This post will have two parts, the first one is a link to an article, and second is a link to a video on an important related topic. Regular readers may have noticed my conservative approach to theology, and biblical creation science seems to attract those of us who believe the Bible without compromise. In addition, my pro-life views have been made plain here several times. Once again, it seems that biblical creationists are pro-life as a whole; I have never encountered or read a biblical creationist who approves of abortion. Credit: RGBstock / Jean Scheijen In my activities online and in the physical world, I have noticed that there are few atheists who oppose abortion. This seems contradictory. After all, they believe that this life is all we have, make the most of it, pass along your genes (according to evolutionary thinking), then push up the daisies. It seems like they would fight for life everywhere. Unfortunately, atheists generally oppose the sanctity of marriage and p

Human-Chimp Hybrids?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Secular psychologist David P. Barash decided that it is time to make human-chimpanzee hybrids, which would cross a significant number of ethical and moral guidelines . Psychology is not exactly a biological science, but the secular science industry as a whole, including psychology, is firmly entrenched in materialistic worldviews with evolution as the cornerstone. To push the boundaries and tamper with embryos and genetics is consistent with their fundamentally flawed paradigms. Not too long ago, scientists were lamenting that they were constrained against extending the lives of human embryos in a dish (evolutionary thinking supports abortion), wanting to keep them alive a bit longer. The chimera experimentation through CRISPR is increasing (see " Ethics, Scientism, and an Evolutionary Worldview " for more about this). Believing the false science that the chimpanzee genome is 98 percent similar to that of humans , that molecules-to-monkey evolut

Sneaky Eugenics Conference

Back in the early 20th century, social Darwinism had a branch of "science" called eugenics. People wanted to be all sciency and stuff, so they accepted this method of evolutionary thinking. Essentially, the "unfit" were forcibly sterilized, or at least strongly discouraged from reproducing. Racist Maggie Sanger started Planned Parenthood to help eliminate black people through eugenics. Eventually, Hitler took eugenics to its logical conclusion, which caused folks to shy away from that pseudoscience for a while. Colorized version of the International Eugenics Conference logo But since evil Darwinian thinking persists, eugenics never completely went away. Some owlhoots try to deny social Darwinism, and even make up their own "facts":   This is the opposite of the truth. Liar? Uninformed? Anxious to contradict the st00pid creationist? My vote is the first and third: lying, and desiring to contradict. Especially since he deleted the Tweet after I