Developmental Genetics Paper Fails to Show Evolution

If my experiences online are any indication, denizens with Atheism Spectrum Disorder seem compelled to attack biblical creationists and Intelligent Design proponents and defend particles-to-peer-reviewer evolution. Some will falsely claim to be scientists, others demand a creationist's "credentials." I lack belief that many scientists are interested in trolling. On occasion, someone with knowledge joins a discussion. David Coppedge briefly interacted with Dr. Ralph Marcucio. Dr. Marcucio was involved in a paper on genetics (the science started by Gregor Mendel, peas be upon him). He claimed that the paper supported evolution. Background image : The Passion of Creation , Leonid Pasternak, 1880s Apparently Ralph's work has some good science, but his emphasis on canalization (an organism's tendency to go back to its earlier form when provoked) actually works against him. Further, canalization is compatible with teachings of biblical creationists! This illustrates a...