Amazingly Silly Evolution Research

The year 2020 has been dreadful for many people. Changing the calendar will not make the evils of the previous year magically go away, nor will the good things disappear. We will end the year with appallingly fatuous "research" conducted to glorify the Bearded Buddha. If creationists get lost in the woods, all they need to do is say something refuting minerals-to-machinist evolution, and a misotheist will show up to argue. The creationist will probably be told, "You don't know anything about evolution!" Interestingly, we encounter that false accusation on teh interwebs quite often, and then the complainants will frequently demonstrate lack of knowledge of evolution themselves — indeed, they often exhibit ignorance of science itself. We have an article to examine that has three examples of foolishness (and even some arrogance) that still manages to garner praise from secularists. One tinhorn is even attempting to rewrite Darwin's sacred tomes by saying we wat...