
Showing posts from June, 2019

The Alleged First Molecule Detected in Space

The hands at the Darwin Ranch were whooping it up and passing around a bottle of rye to celebrate the discovery of the first molecule. Well, they did not discover the first molecule per se, but they found helium hydride. Cosmologists think that was the first molecule that formed after the Big Bang, but they have no actual scientific evidence. Looks good on paper, though. Credit: Hubble, NASA , ESA; Processing & License : Judy Schmidt Space is full of atoms and molecules, but the ones that are the least likely to react are in the areas between stars. Planetary nebula NGC 7027 was the area being studied, and yee ha boy howdy, they found themselves the molecule that doesn't occur naturally on Earth! This thing is essential for the Big Bang, but all naturalists have are theories and guesswork. In reality, the discovery is not all that impressive happening because the helium hydride will probably react with other molecules quite soon. Try as they might, secularists cannot ove...

The Truth about Vaccinations and Health

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen In 2019, there have been severe outbreaks of measles in the United States prompting official states of emergency in parts of New York and the State of Washington . Border guards are becoming infected by diseases carried by illegal aliens . There are many diseases that were considered under control or even eradicated, but there they are again. Part of the problem is the anti-vaccine movement. Credit: Freeimages / Brian Hoskins Although vaccines have kept people healthy and saved millions of lives, some people passionately resist using them. (Although atheists will ridicule some religious people and cultists who suffered the loss of a child because of this stance, it is not just a "theist" problem, as some atheists are also anti-vaxxers.) For some reason, the anti-vaxxer movement is growing despite science and common sense. Many proponents of this act like they are more intelligent and have higher moral standards than the rest of us, which makes...

Artificial Intelligence and Fake News

A new expression that I have picked up on is fake news. In many cases, it is an accurate description of how some media outlets will omit important details or even lie outright in order to persuade people. Unfortunately, it also is growing in the secular science industry. Now we have to contend with fake news and artificial intelligence. Pixabay / Garik Barseghyan AI can be used to generate fake news as well as to determine which news is false. This can be both good and bad, depending on who is doing the programming. The results have been a bit unnerving because they are difficult to discern from actual news reports, complete with references.  Any kind of computer or AI depends on the programming it receives, which reflects the biases and worldviews of the programmers (see " Artificial Intelligence and Evolving Morality " and " Artificial Psychotic Intelligence "). Imagine if some sidewinders promote new pharmaceutical products that are not actually cleared ...

Denisovans in Tibet

It is known that, like Neanderthals, the Denisovans were not exactly content to stay in one place. They also managed to share their DNA with other people groups, and the Tibetan people have a genetic variation that is shared with the mysterious Denisovans and nobody else. Credit: Freeimages / Niko Nami Imagine the Denisovans looking around and saying, "Nice plateau here. Impressive planation surfaces , those are going to be irritating to secular geologists in a few thousand years!" Well, maybe they didn't say exactly that. Moving on. In addition to DNA, a Denisovan fossil was found in Tibet back in 1980. Tests show that there was no DNA, but tooth dentine was examined to determined to be a close match to that of the former inhabitants of the Denisova cave way over in Siberia. Evolutionists commenced to using fundamentally flawed dating methods and using the scientific principle of Making Things Up™. Let's take a look at the biblical timeline and see how thes...

Draining the Dinosaur Swamp

We do not exactly see dinosaurs hitched up to carts for manual labor or getting saddled up for use in a posse comitatus . Practitioners of evolutionary pettifoggery will have us believe that dinosaurs joined the choir invisible millions of years before humans evolved, but biblical creationists have different ideas. Assembled at PhotoFunia Apparently they are bereft of life and taking dirt naps, except in a few possible instances in modern times , in the Bible , and in other instances of ancient history . Biblical creationists reject naturalistic presuppositions and believe that not only was there a global Flood at the time of Noah, but various dinosaur kinds were on the Ark . (Apparently, many dinosaurs were ill-tempered critters and became nuisances, so they were hunted.) The Flood radically changed the world, including the stomping grounds that dinosaurs preferred. Even the Sahara Desert was wet many years ago. Loss of habitat is a primary cause of extinction, you know. Gene...

River Piracy on the Tibetan Plateau

If you mention Tibet, there are several things that can come to mind. These include Mt. Everest, the Chinese communist invasion of Tibet in 1949-51, the "top of the world", Mahayana Buddhism, and other things. Oh, yes. We must remember the geology of the Tibetan Plateau — and river piracy. Credit: Jeff Schmaltz , MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA / GSFC No, this river piracy is not about owlhoots on the waterways getting the drop on folks out for some recreation. We are going to discuss planation surfaces a bit more. You might recollect that these are flat surfaces (most dramatically at higher elevations) that uniformitarian geologists cannot adequately explain. River piracy is not performed by humans, but by rivers themselves (also called river capture ). Like planation itself, river capture is almost never observed today. Piracy is a word that describes what secularists do with real science, but we'll set that aside for today. A new model of river capture was p...

The Real Pseudoscience

Atheists and other anti-creationists are known for using labels in their attacks on biblical creationists, but those are ad hominems  and used for building straw man arguments. They call us "science deniers", which is based on equating evolution with all science. (One rancorous tinhorn says certain creationists "hate science" despite being shown that his claim is completely false.) Many also like to say that biblical creationists use pseudoscience.  Actually, the opposite is true! Original image: The Angry One  by Ferdinand Hodler To fully appreciate this question, we need to lasso ourselves some important definitions. Science is a system of knowledge using a scientific method. However, there is other knowledge to be had that is not scientific. Pseudoscience is a false claim that knowledge is gained by scientific principles. Astrology uses scientific approaches and appears  scientific, but that is not the case . Also, these owlhoots rely on appeals to ...

Our Cooling and Shrinking Moon

You would think that if the solar system was several zillion Darwin years old, things would have settled down. Instead, we have planets and moons showing signs of youth . On July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 landed on the moon and left behind some equipment (as did other missions). Seismometers on the moon detected quakes. Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin with the seismic experiment Credit: NASA (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Secular scientists were shaken by the data and unable to explain it. The moon should not have any tectonic activity, but yee haw boy howdy, it's there! This also indicates that  the moon is cooling , which it "should be" cold long ago according to secular views. Yet more evidence that Earth and the rest of the solar system were created recently. Scientists have concluded that our moon is probably still in the process of slightly shrinking as it cools. Photographs from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) showed embankments c...

Scratch Another Fake Evolution News Report

Darwin's disciples often try to tell us that a little bit of evolution builds up to minerals-to-mocker evolution, but such a claim ignores facts of biology. It also involves equivocation on the word evolution  when variations, speciation, and natural selection are observed. Such is the case in research on pigeons. Pigeon on a Peach Branch  by Emperor Huizong, 1108 Specifically, the research is on  the pigeons: lice. That's one reason you see birds preening. Evolutionists are claiming that their research shows microevolution and that this leads to full-blown evolution. ( Biblical creationists should avoid the word microevolution  because of confusion and deception.) What did they find? Natural selection, a concept that creationists affirm. No genetic information was added, and the lice remained lice. They were created to adapt, not change into something else, old son. Mayhaps those sidewinders wanted to pull another peppered moth icon, which has been soundly ...

The Magic of Evolution

Since evolutionism is pantheistic in nature, we should not be surprised then its adherents appeal to animism regarding the origin of life or the usual "forces" and "evolutionary pressures" in their imagined explanations. If you ponder it a spell, evolution seems like magic more than science. Background image credit: Pixabay / Kai Kalhh Papa Darwin bushwhacked creationist Edward Blyth and stole his concept of natural selection , then then turned it upside down. Instead of culling the unfit and preserving the best members of a species, Darwin imagined it as a creative force. It was largely abandoned, but neo-Darwinism conjures up new life forms through mutations and natural selection. Like magic. via GIPHY Darwin's Flying Monkeys™ will use evolution to "explain" anything, even when phenomena are contradictory. If something explains everything, it really explains nothing, old son. The late Philip Skell was an evolutionist, and he had proble...

Canyons, Valleys, and the Genesis Flood

Uniformitarian geologists offer assumptions based on deep time presuppositions regarding many aspects of geomorphology (an expensive word meaning the study of features on the earth's surface). They cannot offer actual evidence. However, there is a rational explanation for what is observed. Credit: Unsplash / Jonathan Auh During debates about the formation of canyons and valleys back in the 1800s, people wondered which came first, the valley or the water that was often found in it. Catastrophists believe that they are the result of a huge amount of water in a short time, while uniformitarians insisted that they were carved out over millions of years. Obviously, Flood geology was shouted down. After all, Darwin needs lots of time, so secularists want to make sure he has it. However, the evidence fits the global Genesis Flood models instead of secular ideas. Continental valleys and canyons come in all sizes and shapes. Some are V-shaped valleys, and others U-shaped canyons. S...

Engineered Adaptability and Design Features

Some critters can put up with a great deal of bad conditions and still survive. Darwin wanted us to believe that they had to evolve in response to their environments, but that is the opposite of the truth — and the opposite of what can be observed. We can make some comparisons with construction. Earthquake damage in Chile image credit: USGS /  Walter Mooney Usage does no imply endorsement of site contents We see damage from natural disasters like earthquakes and storms (and even man-made disasters) where some buildings have fallen but others are still standing. I'll allow that there are many factors involved such as where the storm or quake struck, but we can see that the buildings were designed  in anticipation of potential damage to remain standing. Evolution cannot happen if an organism cannot survive, obviously. Instead, the Master Engineer set up creatures to adapt. Engineers are rarely able to redesign external exposures. Conditions like wind, waves, and geolo...

Atheism, Grief, and Evolution

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  While I was studying a podcast by Dr. Albert Mohler on grief without God, a trolling raid millennial atheists began at The Question Evolution Project . They did not have anything of value to say, preferring instead to build up their own egos and rebellion against our Creator with ad hominem  attacks, straw man arguments, and basic affirmations that we are stupid. This is nothing new, and you will often find professing atheists who claim that they are happy and fulfilled since they ditched God. Some of the "former Christians" betray that falsehood because their comments show that they never were in the faith. I had a cyberstalker who claimed to be a Christian, but he originally belonged to a religion that is distinctly unchristian. Although claiming to be happy and fulfilled, he was angry, hateful, and bitter. How do "happy" atheists deal with tragedy? Credit: Freeimages /  Glenda Otero In Dr. Mohler's podcast, he discussed a wo...

The Clam Eyes Have It

Evolution is not supported by the evidence. Clam eyes have it, motion carried. Well, it seemed funny when I wrote it. Or were you unaware that those things on the beach and in the water that have hard shells have eyes? Supposedly simple organisms have simple eyes according to Darwinian mythology. Nope. Credit: RGBStock /  K Rayker The Master Engineer has surprised scientists with the specified complexity of eyes, even with clams, scallops, and such. Their eyes are very different from ours. Although their pupils expand and contract like ours, the light hits them in a different way. The retina is between the lens of the retina. Evolutionists all the way back to the Bearded Buddha thought that their eyes were simple, but they actually support special creation and defy evolution. Aside for the problems noted above falsifying Darwin’s rationalization, we now know that so-called simple eyes are not at all simple, but in some ways are more complex than the so-called highest, most...

Global Warming and Bird Habitats?

It is indeed unfortunate that logical thinking skills are not taught very much nowadays, as a great deal of bad information and even deceptions could be challenged by the public. Fallacies abound in politics, evolutionary science, atheism — and a passel of deception in global climate change propaganda. Credit: US National Park Service (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) The global warming hysteria is a political idea that is used to manipulate people through fear and intimidation , but much of the data is fundamentally flawed. In fact, the concept is rooted in atheistic old Earth evolutionary ideas , denying that God is the Creator and he is still God.  Ask them if we only have twelve (or ten) years to live and nothing can be done about it, why should we pay money to leftists?  Two examples of how activists used flawed information and even contradicted themselves. They got away with getting what they wanted, and you can see an example of what happens...

Evolution Experiment on Mimicry is in Bad Taste

Mimicry is often very useful, such as when someone pretends to be like John Wayne when he is really the unimpressive town character. This is by calculated planning, however. In nature, mimicry happens for the benefit of some critters. Darwin's acolytes cannot explain this because they would need to invoke teleology (purpose). Evolution is supposed to be without plan or design. Viceroy butterfly (with incorrect identification) image credit: Flickr / libbycat89  ( CC by 2.0 ) The viceroy butterfly can puzzle evolutionists until their puzzlers are sore. Sometimes their predators find them mighty tasty, but when they hang around with monarchs, they are more likely to be left alone. They look like the nasty-flavored monarch, you see. However, when away from monarchs, they also taste dreadful. And give off an odor that puts off predators. Researchers commenced to doing the usual circular reasoning by assuming evolution to prove evolution. They had a kind of taste test, but it on...

Grow Grow Godzilla!

Mayhaps I should set up a game show where scientists and other Darwinoids trot out their speculations, then everyone in the audience can shout, " That. Is. Not. Evolution!"  Sure, and we could start with the peppered moth fiasco. Then we could move on to the Elvis of the monsters, Godzilla! Ceratosaurus image credit: / Warpaintcobra "No, that's king of the monsters, Cowboy Bob! Elvis was the king of rock and roll." Oh, right. I got confused in my enthusiasm and his monster hits. Thank you, thank you very much. There is speculation that Godzilla was made to be a kind of  Ceratosaurus , but that is a mite difficult to justify this this 1954 daikaiju was named "Gojira", merging Japanese words for gorilla and whale. ("Godzilla" is an English transliteration of Gojira   that was given by Tohu studios .) It is proper to examine cinematography, culture, and history regarding Godzilla and call it evolution. Unfortu...

Hybridization and the Tree of Life

As any well-indoctrinated schoolchild can tell you Charles Darwin envisioned a tree of life where life evolved from the simple to the complex, with many branches. Hybridization is problematic for evolutionists, and the branches would wind up fusing back together. Otero Tupac working with orchids Credit: CSIRO / Carl Davies  ( CC by 3.0 ) (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Informed creationists do not believe in the "fixity of species". Not only do we accept hybridization and speciation, but they also support biblical creation science. The Master Engineer designed organisms to adapt, and sometimes hybridization is a way they can survive.  Carl Linnaeus established modern taxonomy and saw that new species could arise through hybridization. William Herbert also saw that the created kinds  referred to in Genesis can diversify. Note that the biblical kinds are considered to be above the species level, more closely aligned with the family  classi...

The Confusing Clownfish

There was a popular animated movie involving a clownfish a spell back, but movies are not a good source of accurate information about nature. Even so, clownfish are kind of cute. We see the typical image of orange and white, but they are found in a variety of colors. The most baffling thing about them is their companionship with sea anemones. Credit: Unsplash / Sebastian Pena Lambarri How can the clownfish get so cozy in the tentacles of the sea anemones? Those things sting their prey, after all, and are related to jellyfish. You might be unpleasantly stung your ownself. Scientists think that the slime coat (mucus) on this fish makes it chemically invisible to the anemone, but there may be other factors involved as well. ( Fish need their slime coats , but this dude's is special, I reckon.) They make their homes around anemones. Yes, you can keep both in home aquariums — if you know what you're doing. To preserve the species, clownfish have the organs of both males and...

Amino Acids in Amber?

In their efforts to convince people about universal common ancestor evolution, its proponents continue to use circular reasoning and incomplete research. As see in other posts, amber is a mighty fine for preserving things. Amino acids have been discovered in it. Credit: Morguefile / GaborfromHungary Although amber preserves things exceptionally well, it is not perfect. Especially over millions of Darwin years. Proteins can deteriorate even there. Cosmic rays, temperature variations and other aspects of nature don't help matters. Using the same bad logic that was applied to dinosaur proteins , a test involving proteins and amber was run and then extrapolated over a huge amount of time. Try as they might to get away from the truth, reason and evidence support recent creation. If this doesn’t take the cake for soft tissue preservation: intact amino acids in amber said to be 100 million years old! Even this one evoked a ‘wow’ response from Jon Tennant at the PLoS Paleonto...