
Showing posts with the label Nazi

Social Darwinism and Nazi Race Hygiene

Under totalitarian regimes, the best way to succeed in business and academia was to join the ruling party. There were members of the Communist Party who gave it lip service but their hearts were not really in it. In a similar way, joining the Nazi Party also gave freedom of movement. However, being a member of the party was also a way for advancement and to pursue ambitions. There were many German people who wanted to please  der Führer , and Nazi membership had its perks. War crimes were performed by Party doctors and nurses. Auschwitz gateway sign, Pixabay / Krzysztof Pluta The Lancet  is a respected medical organization that oversteps its bounds by writing screeds about global warming . In this case, they did serious research and issued a report on Darwinism and Nazi war crimes. One may think that for medical personnel to perform horrendous experiments and oversee the murders of millions of people, they had to be forced. No, they did those things enthusiastically. Eugenics ...

The Holocaust and Darwinian Scientists

People are able to analyze in detail the numerous records, narratives, and all sorts of documents to learn about the evils of Nazism. They may think that Adolf Hitler dreamed up all sorts of ideas and implemented them when he came to power, but that is not the case. No dictator, rescuer, or movement on a large scale ever happens spontaneously or in a vacuum. The groundwork has already been laid. Charles Darwin did not invent evolution, but capitalized on ideas of his grandfather and others, all the way back to ancient Greek philosophers and Hindus. Hitler was also an opportunist, and Darwin was a big part of the Nazi plan. Auschwitz Gateway Sign, Pixabay / Krzysztof Pluta People are enamored with celebrities, and that is abundantly clear in the modern Western world. They seldom have knowledge about the subjects they rant about, and fans unthinkingly embrace whatever is being promoted. Similarly, scientists and intellectuals espoused Nazism even before Hitler became a part of it. (That...

Evil People Trying to Prove Evolution

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  The content of this post (and especially in the featured article below) is  both important and disturbing , so be forewarned on both counts. People want to believe they are special, and the Nazis used evolutionism, bad science, and propaganda to "prove" the Aryan "race" was superior. Background image furnished by  Why?Outreach An honest examination of evolutionary thinking reveals that it has spawned many evils, including: Medical malpractice such as  "junk" DNA  and  "vestigial" structures Communism Scientific Racism It played a major factor in  World War I Eugenics Abortion Nazi racist policies , which were not limited to the Jews,  but also Gypsies  and others As we have seen many times, many adherents of the  Darwin Death Cult® are not driven by evidence, but instead are trying to promote the atheistic naturalism narrative . (If evolutionists were indeed following the evidence, they would all be biblical crea...

Darwinism and the Gypsy Holocaust

The trope of Gypsies traveling in wagons was rather common on television and in movies, often as comedy. They were viewed with suspicion and hostility, and some probably perpetuated their image as thieves and swindlers. However, the caricatures are inadequate. Encampment of Gypsies with Caravans , Vincent van Gogh, 1888 It is true that they had nomadic groups . Accents given to them on television seemed to be Hungarian, Romanian, and similar, but they did not originate from those areas. Gypsies are the Romani (or Roma ) people, and are a large minority in Eastern European countries even today. However, this ethnic group has a language similar to Hindi, and they probably came from India way back when. We hear about the Nazi persecution of the Jews, less about the Japanese atrocities in World War II , but not very much about the persecution and murders of many thousands of Romani people. Why pick on them? After all, Hitler didn't discuss them. It was because of Darwinian views of t...

Denying Bad Science for Good Reasons

Those of us who have the impudence to point out flaws in Darwinism, ask questions about COVID-19 lockdowns, want evidence contrary to global warming/climate change examined — we are chained with the epithet "science deniers". That is false. We appreciate and use science, but have this nasty habit of thinking for ourselves and denying dubious and even bad science. Josef Mengele, the Nazi Angel of Death, is in the center Original public domain image run through PhotoFunia Darwin's Flying Monkeys™ occasionally trot out the so-called persecution of Galileo Galilei by the Roman Catholic Church in their false claim about the war between science and religion. The Galileo affair was not as simple as atheists like to pretend , and many people are surprised to discover that it was a struggle of science vs science. True science has not suffered persecution from putative Christian organizations. There is the false science of directed panspermia (life came from outer space)...

Darwinism and Chinese Communism

Some people wonder why the fuss about origins. After all, Darwin proposed a naturalistic view of origins, so let the scientists slap leather on that and we can just go on about our business. Unfortunately, evolutionary views have been applied to many areas, and even prompted tyrants and wars. Mao Zedong ca. 1950 via Wikimedia Commons If you search this site, you will find links to articles on many outgrowths of Darwin's death cult, including eugenics, abortion, "scientific" racism, and more. It is worth noting that Darwin's sidewinders saw fit to get into wars. Darwinism played a prominent role in World War One , the Nazi race holocaust , communism , and more. Remember, the religion of atheism has evolution as a cornerstone, and millions of people were murdered by atheist evolutionists. What people may have forgotten (or neglected, since evolution is adored by "wise" people and many scientists) is that the atrocities in Communist China under Chairman...

Audio Saturday: Hitler and the Nazi Darwinian Worldview

The fact that the Nazi worldview drew heavily from Darwinism has been thoroughly  documented, despite the denials of evolutionists. Dr. Jerry Bergman has done considerable research on this topic , and has written a he avily-documented book. "Dr. Jerry Bergman has taught biology, genetics, chemistry, biochemistry, anthropology, geology and microbiology at the college and university level for over 40 years. He has over 900 science publications to his credit, in twelve languages. He has published 30 books and monographs and been a consultant for over 20 science textbooks. He appeared on Crosstalk to discuss his latest book, Hitler and the Nazi Darwinian Worldview . It is subtitled, 'How the Nazi Eugenic Crusade for a superior race caused the greatest holocaust in world history.'" You can listen to the MP3 or download it here . Addendum: The "Hitler was a Christian" nonsense is easily refuted here .

Evolution and the Creation of Tyrants

Over and over, atheists and evolutionists claim that most of the greatest mass murderers in history, who happened to be atheists, were not motivated by their atheistic worldviews . This is clearly false. Evolution has been embraced by tyrants; Hitler used eugenics to accelerate the natural process of evolution. Communist leaders were anti-Christian, anti-Jew, anti-religion. Darwinism is a dangerous philosophy. Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) endorsed a program in Germany to breed a superior race. The scheme was based on a horrific evolutionary theory called “eugenics” that was founded by Charles Darwin's cousin, Francis Galton. The idea of eugenics was to improve the human race using principles promoted in the theory of evolution. The idea was simple: partition the human race into two groups, the “fit” and the “unfit.” Eugenics seemed to be a way to make sure the “fit” had children and the “unfit” did not. In Germany, the leaders of the eugenics movement got mon...

Evolution and Abortion

Darwin stood for me like a mighty doorkeeper at the entrance to the temple of the universe. I was intoxicated with his minute, precise, conscientious and at the same time powerful, thought. I was the more astonished when I read . . . that he had preserved his belief in God. I absolutely declined to understand how a theory of the origin of species by way of natural selection and sexual selection and a belief in God could find room in one and the same head. — Leon Trotsky Eugenics Congress logo Stop and think about it for a few moments. Masquerading as "science" and "proven fact", the faith-based philosophy of evolution is used as a scientific justification for all kinds of evils in the world. Laissez-Faire Capitalism , Communism , Nazism's extermination of the "lesser races" , eugenics and more all evolved from a common ancestor called Darwinism. After all, it's "survival of the fittest", isn't it? While wars, selfis...

Darwin and the Nazi Legal System

This article is focused on the Darwinian roots of the Nazi legal system. It contends that Darwinism underpinned the most basic features of Nazi legal order and theory. The Nazis developed a ‘progressive’ theory of law in which ‘law’ was interpreted as a result of force and social struggle. According to the Nazi legal theory, the legal system should not contain fixed rules of law but evolve in continuous flow as a ‘living law’. Because the Nazis were Darwinists who believed that human beings were descended from the animal kingdom, they did not accept the idea of God-ordained human rights, but rather that the ‘stronger’ would have the ‘right’ to dispossess and destroy the ‘weaker’. During that time, most German judges and lawyers were legal positivists who rejected the concept of God-given rights as defined by the Holy Scriptures and classical natural-law theory. As a result, a ‘master morality’ w...