
Design in Early Fruit Fly Development

A while ago, we had a short article on fruit flies , how they defy evolution and affirm creation. My wife detests the things. I have a slightly higher tolerance, but get a mite cranky when they try to fly up my nose. They are tiny, so pictures need to be magnified. Those of us who want to avoid fruit flies can avoid bringing fruit home, but they are attracted to other things as well. Because they eat decaying material, they are considered beneficial. Want to just wait until they die off? Sure, they live less than two months. But boy do they breed! So, it's not so easy. Fruit fly liking a coffee fruit, USDA-ARS / Scott Bauer (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Enough about the annoyance part. Now that scientists have the equipment to see tiny things, and are learning more about proteins and mRNAs, we can see that they testify to the genius of the Master Engineer. There is no logical place for evolutionary ideas in the life cycle of the lil' ol' fruit f

Astrobiology and the Other Richter Scale

Purveyors of universal common ancestor evolution cannot explain the origin of life on Earth, so they give the problem to their imaginary invisible friends, the space aliens. Evolutionists presuppose their belief system, and then insist that life must have not only originated, but evolved somewhere far away. Then they want to commence with conversation. That's assuming the aliens exist, are advanced enough to receive and send signals, everyone's using the proper signals, they want to talk in the first place, and so on. Not to mention the time lag, since they are supposedly zillions of light years away. Credit: Pixabay / VirajTamakuwala There was a time that people played the odds (the so-called Fermi Paradox ) and insisted that life had to exist on other worlds. Problem is, the more scientists learn about the hazards of space and the "habitable zone", the less likely those odds are going to play out. From a biblical creationist perspective, most of us reject ET

Galapagos Islands Showcase Creation

Devotees of Darwin can head down yonder to Ecuador and take a jaunt into the Pacific Ocean to see the sacred site known as the Galapagos Islands. Even though we hear about all the scientific research being conducted, people take vacations there. The Bearded Buddha made many observations there while making his voyage on the Beagle, but made seriously erroneous conclusions. Credit: RGBStock / Stella Bogdanic One writer referred to the Galapagos Islands as a "laboratory for evolution". Unfortunately, Darwin's disciples deceive others as well as themselves by conflating variation with evolution, implying dust-to-deceiver evolution. What we see is a passel of different critters, and varieties of those critters, just as the Master Engineer designed them to have. We do not observe evolution. A recent Livescience article is entitled “The Galápagos Islands: Laboratory of Evolution.” It addresses, among other things, “unique examples of plant and animal life.” The island

Rewriting Dinosaur Evolution Again

Once again, the hands at the Darwin Ranch have to put in overtime at the propaganda mill. This is because the story dinosaur evolution needs to be reconfigured and rewritten yet again. This post will link to three articles — I have five or six available, but that is asking too much of y'all. Original image: The Passion of Creation by Leonid Pasternak, 1880s "Why does it need rewriting again, Cowboy Bob?" Evolutionists and other old-earth believers have their anti-creation assumptions and presuppositions. Then, they commence to plugging in data where it fits. When the data are recalcitrant to evolution, they torture the facts until they confess to whatever is needed. This includes changing the storyline. In today's exciting episode, we see how the narrative of dinosaur evolution keeps on shifting. What really takes the rag off the bush is when Darwinists claim that they have evidence for evolution that actually works against evolution , or get all fired u

Physical Death Provides for Life

"Sure is mighty hot, Luke. You sure we can make it to the next town?" "Yep. Not much father, Clem. Then you, me, and these hosses will get watered." "Them vultures look impatient for us to give up the ghost." "They gotta eat too, ya know. But it won't be us." Luke was right, and after plenty of water and cooling down, Clem commenced to cogitating on the physical part of life and death. We see carrion birds eating roadkill, and know that some scavengers are not too proud to drag off a carcass as a present for the wife and kids. But there is a great deal of activity in death of which we are unaware. Credit: US National Park Service / Sally King (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Our Creator knew that with sin, death would enter the world (Romans 5:12). Things die, but can't just lay there. He made provision for them to go away — eventually. It's interesting that some of the microscopic organisms that help

Rapid Adaptation Supports Engineered Adaptability Model

Votaries of minerals-to-monk evolution generally accept the view promulgated by Darwin that evolution is the result of external "pressures". These cause organisms to adapt and evolve very slowly, eventually turning into something else. Some owlhoots support evolution through fake science and bad papers that often go unnoticed. Creation science, meanwhile, presents reality: designed, targeted, rapid adaptations programmed by the Master Engineer. Assembled and modified using components from Clker clipart and Paint.NET Instead of external influences on organisms, evidence supports the continuous environmental tracking model. Things change, and they do it far more quickly than Darwin's disciples want. How about the showshoe hare? We know that it changes color from white to brown, and then back again. The change has changed as well according to the environment. Some evolutionists are admitting that things change quickly. Then they deal from the bottom of the deck

If Physicists Knew SUSI...

The articles linked here should have more appeal to people with physics and mathematics background. Secular physicists have been attempting to salvage their Big Bang concepts, but they only have theoretical constructs, not experimental support. The Higgs boson was thought to be a way to hitch a new team of mules to the old wagon, but that did not work so well. In fact, some scientists speculated that the universe should not even exist . Later, they came up with supersymmetry (SUSY) , where bosons and fermions would find their superpartners . Guess they could dance the night away. They don't know SUSI like I know SUSI. Dance in the City , Pierre-Auguste Renoir, 1883 It was hoped that experiments at CERN would help lonely particles find their partners and help salvage the dark matter concept (the other team of mules hitched to the wagon for rescuing the failed Big Bang), and also the string theory ideas. Nope. For more about those subjects, see " SUSY is not the solutio