
Hox Genes — Evolution Fails

Proponents of atoms-to-athlete evolution insist that evolution has predictability. This is the opposite of what is actually observed, since evolution has lack of predictability and lack of benefit . Many of the predictions made by evolutionists seem to require people to put aside their reasoning ability and put their faith in the mystical esoteric knowledge of the high priests of evolutionism. Hox Cluster / Public Doman / Squidonius Falsified predictions in evolutionary thinking are readily apparent, especially in genetics. The Hox gene (combining the words homeobox and homeotic ) are strong indicators that God is the designer, not the mad god of naturalism. Without a doubt, humans, chimpanzees, and other organisms share some very similar features. One explanation for the origin of these features is that they reflect similar designs that serve similar purposes. The common design inference is quite intuitive since components of complicated human-designed systems are all di

Distant Starlight — Creation Science's "Elephant in the Room"?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen One of the most frequent "Gotcha!" attempts from evolutionists that I've encountered at The Question Evolution Project and other places online is the "distant starlight" problem. That is, when we bring up the many evidences for a young Earth, solar system, and universe, those get ignored and the owlhoot campfire red herring song is sung: "We see light from stars billions of light years away, therefore, the universe must be old, the Big Bang is right, and you're wrong". They act like it's the creation science "elephant in the room" that is being ignored. First, in their efforts to slap leather with creationists, they're shooting themselves in the foot instead. The Big Bang is loaded with difficulties and ad hoc  "explanations" (rescuing devices), including it's own light travel difficulty called the " horizon problem ".  Also, changing the subject (which was evidence presented

Darwinism is Beyond Useless in Neuroscience

Give some thought to your brain and how it works, if you don't mind. There are many new discoveries showing that bacteria-to-brain-surgeon evolution has nothing to do with the amazing complexity of the mind and various thinking abilities. The truth is, God gave us intelligently designed brains that he intends for us to use properly. The vision center is not just hard-wired for vision, forming neuron patters to learn new motor skills, processing information to realize if something is new or familiar, and more. Evolutionary "explanations" only get in the way — if they are offered at all. To learn the details, I'd lobe it if you clicked on " Built-in Brain Designs that Amaze Scientists ".   

Dragon of the Sea?

All too often during discussions about evidence that dinosaurs existed with humans, some owlhoot will exclaim something akin to, "You creationists are stupid! Dinosaurs have been extinct for tens of millions of years, and the word dinosaur  doesn't even appear in the Bible!" Sure, Skippy. Except that the Bible has existed far, far longer than the word dinosaur. The most popular translation, the King James ("Authorized") Version, was first released to the public in 1611, and Richard Owen didn't come up with the word until 1841 or 1842 (sources disagree on the exact year). For that matter, biblical descriptions of behemoth, leviathan , and possibly the winged fiery serpent  were dismissed by commentators because 'tweren't none around at commentary time. You savvy? Actually, discoveries of dinosaur bones and fossils actually helped clear up some passages in the Bible that were baffling before. Modified segment of " Carta marina " by Ol

Can There Be Life on Kepler-452b?

Some evolutionist owlhoots act like if there is life elsewhere in the universe such as on Kepler-452b , it means Christians should throw away their Bibles, ride into town, and have a good time in the saloon. But they're getting ahead of themselves. We keep hearing about "life elsewhere in the universe", which seems to be implying that the discussion is about sentient beings  that are going to wave back to us and say, "Howdy!" Artist's conception comparing  Kepler-452b to Earth. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/T. Pyle There are other reasons these people are a long ways ahead of themselves. Just because a planet is in the "habitable zone" is not a guarantee that it's suitable for life . Kepler-452b is in the zone, so evolutionists are full of joy that maybe  there's liquid water there, and maybe the building blocks of life. Building blocks alone do not make for life , they need to be intelligently and intricately arranged, and assuming tha

Homo naledi — Your Nonexistent Evolutionary Ancestor

Once again, the press are all agitated about the Latest Evolutionary Find™ tagged  Homo naledi . Crawling through a small opening in a cave that would give some of us claustrophobia, some paleoanthropologists are calling a jumble of bones something we evolved from. I reckon they have proof, since the artist's reconstruction, complete with human-like eyes , must be right, and they know  what the eyes looked like... Not hardly! Stampedes of gleeful assertions from the secular press aside, there is disagreement about the critter in the ranks of the evolutionists. Sure, they start from the presuppositions that evolution is true and build some kind of evolutionary connection from there. However, they have nothing to connect Homo naledi  with humanity. Know why? Humans and apes were created separately. Homo naledi—a South African fossil assemblage classified as a new Homo species by paleoanthropologist Lee Berger—is stirring up controversy as evolutionists debate its identity an

Texas Tyrannosaurus Tracks

It seems like finding dinosaur footprints would be unexciting, what with there being billions of them and all. And yet, more are being found. There's a "dinosaur freeway" of tracks from New Mexico to Colorado  that have new tracks revealed, usually after a flood. Imagine cowboys riding herd on dinosaurs for that distance. Well, they did a sizable trek from Texas to Kansas in the heyday of cattle drives, but cattle aren't prone to eating horses. Sorry, my imagination needs to be lassoed. Buckhorn Wash, Utah, dinosaur print Image credit: US Department of the Interior BLM Anyway, new dinosaur tracks have been found practically in the backyard of the Institute for Creation Research after a flood receded. Several kinds were found, puzzling paleontologists. Yet again, creationists' Genesis Flood models have the better explanation. Spring rains flooded the Dallas area this year, including Lake Grapevine which is about 10 miles west of the Institute for Creati