
Constellations, Cultures, and Babel

There are several items that creationists tend to post involving certain worldwide legends, such as stories of dragons and tales of global floods in numerous cultures (including the Epic of Gilgamesh ). I don't rightly recollect seeing much about constellations around the world, though. Credit: NASA (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) It's easy to imagine people laying in the grass or a field on a dark night and picking out stars to make constellations — you may have done it yourself. So it's somewhat puzzling to hear speculations about where the constellations originated. Many star patterns are common to widely separated people groups since ancient times, but according to evolutionists, the people evolved in different localities. The mysterium tremendum of convergent evolution is invoked in lieu of actual science to explain this puzzler. Darwinists are inadvertently admitting they have no idea why diverse cultures have many of the same constell

Basic Geological Models of the Genesis Flood

Scientists will formulate hypotheses, and if they withstand testing and challenges, those graduate into theories. You may have noticed that scientists like to make models. No, not those plastic things that are packaged in kits and held together with glue. A model is an attempt to explain an object or process that usually cannot be observed, so these are often found in historical science. When it comes to origins and the history of Earth, both secular and creationary scientists have their models. Models should have some correlation with observable evidence. Coffee rocks credit: Freeimages / Jenny Rollo Uniformitarian ("the present is the key to the past") geologists generally insist on slow and gradual processes to explain what is observed — except when they are forced to steal a rapid, catastrophic processes horse from the biblical creationists' corral. That is, secular scientists are frequently surprised by the evidence because it cannot be explained by their bel

Impact Geologists Find Lighting Quite Striking

Seems to be a frequent "explanation" for secular geologists: impact. Some huge object fell out of the sky, smacked into the earth, causing a whole heap of changes. This is followed by some kind of "then evolution did rearranging" boilerplate remark. I suspicion that it's easy to come up with feckless "science" for unobserved phenomena, especially when the main subject involves deep time, which is required by Papa Darwin. Time-lapse lightning strikes, image credit: NOAA Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents The big impact story has flaws, such as claimed strikes lacking certain evidence. In addition, lightning has been found to shock quartz and give a superficial resemblance to a meteorite impact. Lightning hits the earth about 100 times a second, and is mighty hot, too. Looks like another bit of secular geology has to be rewritten in the textbooks. For decades, geologists have looked at shocked quartz as an unambiguous sign of an a

Giardia, The Cute Pathogen

Imagine this phone call: "Hi Jim, want to come over and do microscopy stuff?" Got some burgers to grill, and other fixin's. It'll be fun." "Oh, hi, Marc. I should get out of here for a while. Listen, I need a break from the dinosaur soft tissues for a while. Got anything else?" "Well, I have some Giardia . We can stain them with iodine, and some with trichrome. They're cute." "Yes, they are. I can imagine constellations and stuff. Okay, I'll be over soon". There's a pathogen called Giarda that is an intestinal parasite which causes a disease called giardiasis . It's common, but many people have no idea they have it because there are no symptoms. Others get the colon explosion. Here is some health information about giardiasis if you're interested. Giardia trophozoites stained with trichrome. Credit: Waterborne Disease Prevention Branch, CDC (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Giar

Mosquito Flight Defies Evolution

This post was almost scratched because a lot of us detest skeeters, and I did a post a spell back about the design and dangers of the dreadful things . But this one has different details to examine: their flight. Y'all can appreciate the wonders of not only science and technology, but the design work of the Master Engineer, right? Mosquito on elder plant image credit: Pixabay / zsuzstot For a very long time, scientists could not figure out how mosquitoes were able to fly. Like so many other discoveries that affirm creation and refute evolution, advances in science and technology made it possible to commence understanding mosquito flight — they can beat their wings 800 times a second, after all. Many components had to be in place from the beginning or it simply could not fly. At all. Ever. Evolutionists use their special system of Making Things UP™ to "explain" how maybe perhaps it could be they suspect how wings formed. As the fossil record shows, there is no evid

The Blue Whale and Evolution

Kind of hard to believe that such a huge critter like the blue whale eats little shrimp-like creatures called krill, and they eat a lot of them every day. The whale does this like a giant scoop, swallowing enough water to fill a swimming pool, then closing their mouths under all that pressure. It blasts out the water through blowholes. Whales are mammals that breathe air, so they come up to the surface for that as well as blowing out the sea water. This made them targets for whalers, who brought them to the brink of extinction in days gone by. Credit: NOAA Fisheries / Southwest Fisheries Science Center James W. Gilpatrick, Jr. and Morgan S. Lynn Usage does not imply endorsement According to evolutionary mythology, life went from the sea to land, and mammals like this went back to the sea. The Charles Darwin Club Secret Decoder Ring™ inadvertently reveals that this is strictly guesswork based on evolutionary presuppositions; they do not have evidence for this process. They also

Oceans on Mars?

The search for signs of life on Mars continues, partly motivated by the hope of secularists to justify their faith in molecules-to-Martian evolution and abiogenesis, and from there, deny the Creator. Before that, however, secularists desire to find  water on Mars . It appears that water was indeed there in the past as the signs are quite distinct , though not all scientists are convinced. Speculative image of an ocean on Mars, credit: NASA (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Some scientists are saying that billions of Darwin years ago, Mars was a mighty fine place that even had oceans. Conjectures and models about what happened in the unobserved past can be useful, but they need to deal with evidence. Questions are raised, such as how Mars got water in the first place, where it went, conditions that would allow such vast quantities of water, the " faint young sun paradox ", and more. Interesting that these owlhoots are willing to consider huge amounts o