
Sneaky Eugenics Conference

Back in the early 20th century, social Darwinism had a branch of "science" called eugenics. People wanted to be all sciency and stuff, so they accepted this method of evolutionary thinking. Essentially, the "unfit" were forcibly sterilized, or at least strongly discouraged from reproducing. Racist Maggie Sanger started Planned Parenthood to help eliminate black people through eugenics. Eventually, Hitler took eugenics to its logical conclusion, which caused folks to shy away from that pseudoscience for a while. Colorized version of the International Eugenics Conference logo But since evil Darwinian thinking persists, eugenics never completely went away. Some owlhoots try to deny social Darwinism, and even make up their own "facts":   This is the opposite of the truth. Liar? Uninformed? Anxious to contradict the st00pid creationist? My vote is the first and third: lying, and desiring to contradict. Especially since he deleted the Tweet after I

Secularists Still Confounded over Moon Origins

Know why adherents of long ages have so many speculations about the origins of the moon? Because none of them work. An idea gets the limelight for a while, gets shot down, someone dreams up a new lunar origin story and leads a cavalry charge to promote it, then that fizzles as well. After the scenario happens a few times, secular scientists try to prop up the best of the hypotheses that failed previously. Silvery Moonlight , John Atkinson Grimshaw, 1882 The most popular view is that our moon was formed by an impact in the thrilling days of yesteryear, according to Darwinist time and assumptions. Even though water was found in lunar rocks , the impact concept was still embraced. The whole thing requires a bit of dealing from the bottom of the deck , but the impact thing still fails. Any cosmic evolution idea fails because none of them deal with the facts. Truth is, the solar system was created relatively recently, and the evidence is a far better fit for the facts. Science buil

Origin of the Terms "Operational" and "Historical" Science

Seems that some advocates of universal common ancestor evolution get on the prod and feel the urge to contradict almost anything a biblical creationists or Intelligent Design proponent has to say. Some, although uneducated, will even argue with evolutionary scientists who agree with creationists (such as the owlhoot who refuses reasons that neither side of the origins controversy expects dinosaur fossils in the Grand Canyon. Interesting that the demoniac who continually attacks creationists on that matter does not challenge evolutionists). They must contradict and attack, it's who they are and what they do. Gotta protect that Darwinian death cult, don'tcha know. Similarly, if you disagree with an atheist's arbitrary assertions and definitions of "reality" (long ages, no God, evolution, etc.), expect to be ridiculed. Not only your intelligence, but your morality as well: you are lying to distort reality. They can't defend their positions further than "

Mice Exhibit Gene Control Design

We have been seeing how Darwin and his followers have been using externalism , saying that external forces cause change in living things. They have it wrong. Taking the perspective that organisms are designed to change by the Master Engineer all the way down to genetics and epigenetics . Additional support for this view comes from analysis of the way mice digest food.  Credit: Freeimages / Kym Parry Some detailed research on the squeaky little critters' innards was conducted and led to some interesting results. "Epigenetic markers" work outside the genetic code, and show that these switches operate even with environmental changes. This adds to our knowledge that creatures were designed to adapt to continue to live in a changing world. Darwin proposed that evolution happens externally, that the environment shapes organisms. But a growing amount of evidence suggests the opposite: Most changes happen because the organisms themselves sense, and react to, the environm

"Junk" DNA Similar to Computer Memory?

One trait that atheists and evolutionists have when encountering information regarding intelligent design (especially from biblical creationists) is to ignore it and attack. For example, a recent post about the follies of secular astronomical predictions was ignored by an uneducated tinhorn who wanted to be smarter than everyone else in the room — he wanted to talk about an asteroid instead. Similarly, we get challenged at The Question Evolution Project by atheopaths who ignore the content of the posts, change the subject and (wait for it...) attack. It's who they are and what they do. As we shall see, this kind of thing happens in professional circles as well as from social media nitwits. The book Contested Bones dealt with, well, bones. Three pages of it involved other failures of evolution. What's a fundamentalist Darwinoid to do except ignore the majority of the text and attack those three pages? Sure, that's how scientific discourse works in the secular world n

Refuting the "Jesus was an Alien" Story

Didn't plan it this way, but this post fits in with the recent article on catching bad arguments in a video, and thinking critically.  Every once in a while, someone goes into the weird stories corral and trots out the story that Jesus was able to do those healings because he was an alien. While he did cross some regional borders, I mean alien as in from outer space. This idea is usually found among New Age enthusiasts, and they have a passel of aliens in their worldviews. If you study on it, you'll notice that these beings claim to be more highly evolved, and traveled from way up yonder to our planet to show us the way. That way involves throwing away the Bible and believing what they say about Jesus and the coming world religion. For them, Jesus is not God the Son, the Creator, the second person of the Trinity. They "prove" their claim by assuming it (circular reasoning), and have lousy evidence. Their reasoning is sorely lacking as well. Aliens, the invisi

Aliens Among Us and Evolutionary Propaganda

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Did you know that aliens have visited us in the past, and are among us now, but we don't know it? It has to be true because I saw it on YouTube. (I also obtained from there proof the earth is flat and life evolved from a primordial scum.) Some people are gullible, and this can be seen when they want to prove evolution, and have evidence of imaginary invisible friends from outer space. Put fake news in video format and show the world? Sure, the end justifies the means for some owlhoots. Credit: Pixabay / LionFive Here is where I get into some critical thinking with y'all. Ask yourself some questions, such as, "If space aliens are such a secret, how does the video maker know?" From some of the stories about such aliens, you may want to ask, "Why is the video maker still alive, and why wasn't the video and all evidence destroyed?" Some folks don't cotton to having their secrets revealed, after all, so it seems unlikely th