
Consider the Moon

Studying the solar system is fascinating, and not just the planets, but the moons themselves. Well, Mars has a couple of unimpressive rocks, but the gas giants start racking up bigger numbers. As far as we know, Jupiter jumps in with 67, Saturn rings up 62, Uranus has 27, Neptune isn't trying very hard with only 14. Even the former planet Pluto has 5 moons. The bonus excitement for biblical creationists is that these celestial objects continually startle secular astronomers with their proclamations of youth , and that includes the moons . Credit: Unsplash / Ganapathy Kumar Take a look up yonder at our own moon. We only have one, but it's ours, and we like it. Secularists tried to explain how the moon originated using long age presuppositions and bad science, but never really succeeded. (The rocks brought back by the Apollo astronauts didn't help secular theories, either.) Our moon is important for tidal action, and it has just the right fit for a total eclipse.

Specified Complexities in Bird Songs

One source of entertainment for us is hearing the birdies chirp. Actually, chirp is an understatement in many cases (except for sparrows, seems they do not have much of a repertoire), as some have rather intricate songs for certain purposes or time of the day. Something quite startling to me is the variety used by the mockingbird . "The price is right, too. Cheep!" And you give me grief for bad jokes. Moving on... Happy wren image credit: Wikimedia Commons / Francesco Veronesi ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) To further the amazement factor, some birds sing elaborate songs with partners, and they have specified complexity. Birds use their grass seed-sized brains to respond at the right time with others, and sometimes they sing in perfect unison. Also, they demonstrate the greater thinking abilities than apes (our "close relatives"). Evolutionists are surprised — this happens frequently — because of their worldviews. That is, time, chance, random processes, materialism

Insect Fossils Fluster Evolutionists

To hear particles-to-praying mantis evolutionists tell it, their naturalistic view of origins is a done deal. Maybe some minor disagreements among evolutionary scientists, but they are certain that common descent occurred. When someone that's been reading up on it presses them for the details, evolutionists reluctantly admit that there are several major problems in dating, lineages, actual evidence, and so on. There are serious problems with the story of insect evolution. Unidentified insect fossil image credit: US National Park Service (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) As you know, the most fossils are marine organisms. There are also (to use the technical term) bunches of insects. Problem is, evolutionists have an insect fossil, and then — nothing. After that, insects suddenly burst into the fossil record, fully formed. This missing space is called the hexapod gap (not to be confused with Deception Pass, that's where the Darwin Ranch is located). Ra

Evolution and the Ecosexual

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen WARNING: This article contains information that is not recommended for children, and may be disturbing for some adults. Researching diverse subjects for articles is often fascinating, but sometimes I find material that I find troubling, and take no pleasure in writing. Several of the links below contain mature content and profanity. Credit: Pixabay / David Bruyland When I first encountered the word ecosexual , I looked it up and then dismissed it as a fringe fad that would fall by the wayside, sort of like the word metrosexual . Instead, the ecosexual movement appears to have grown into a strange brew of environmental extremism, witchcraft, sexuality, evolutionism, and selfishness. Something else for you to study on is the way people are indulging in more sensuality nowadays. They are even seeking their identities in how they obtain sexual pleasure. Sex is a gift from our Creator, both for procreation and our pleasure. As we can easily see, it is bei

Oceans, Nickel, and the Young Earth

There are several indicators for the young earth that do not get a whole heap of attention. Creationists show that, using the assumptions of deep time proponents, the results do not reach the number of Darwin years that they require. One of these is ocean salinity , and a similar procedure is used when calculating the amount of nickel in the oceans.   Willamette Meteorite on display at the American Museum of Natural History. It has 7.62% nickel. Image credit: Wikimedia Commons / " Dante Alighieri " ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) Nickel is one of those elements that are essential to life, but too much can be dangerous, and the oceans would be toxic in 850,000 years. There is supposedly more of it under the earth's crust than on it, and nickel can arrive in meteorites (and meteor dust), which can have mixtures of iron and nickel. Then it is transported by water into the oceans, where figures show that nickel concentrations can be used to testify for a young earth — again, by using

Baffling the Secularists in Palo Duro Canyon

Seems like most people who have television, internet, and even newspapers have heard of the Grand Canyon. That place has been a tourist destination as well as a hotbed of geological research. If your travel plans do not allow for this one, there is another canyon that seems overlooked by many people. This is the Palo Duro Canyon, down Texas way. On a map, it's in the Texas Panhandle (it sort of looks like a top hat). This canyon causes problems for uniformitarian geological dogma. Credit: Freeimages /  Deborah Finnell You would rightly recollect that uniformitarianism is based on long ages, and "the present is the key to the past". This view precludes the Genesis Flood, which far better explains much of what is seen in geology — as we have seen here numerous times. If secularists weren't so afflicted with pusillanimity and had the courage to drop deep time presuppositions, they'd see how well Flood geology explains their observations. Actually, I'm bein

Further Protection from our Deflector Shields

If you did not read the news, space is a dangerous place. Aside from the lack of air, it is full of large and small objects zipping around (sometimes falling to Earth and scaring the horses). This includes high levels of radiation from our friend the sun. That friend would fry us deader than a — never mind. But the Master Engineer who gave us our usually well-mannered sun also gave us protection from it. Twin Van Allen Probes image credit: NASA (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) There have been a couple of posts here about the Van Allen belts, our planet-sized deflector shields that protect us from the solar output and the sun's occasional sneezes . The solar wind is pretty much constant, and Earth plows through it like a boat through water. This bow shock  does some interesting things to the electrons that should join in with the other solar stuff to destroy us. Instead, friction from those bad boy belts shred the solar wind. Some owlhoots will have us bel