Whale of a Good Story

It is difficult for me to decide what puzzles me most: The gullibility of the people who accept pronouncements of  evolutionary scientists as if they were ex cathedra, or scientists who make up ridiculous excuses to explain away flaws in their theories. Perhaps the worse problem is that people are unable to think things through for themselves, while the rest of us will look at their "explanations" and say, "What?"

To sing the praises of evolutionary cosmology astronomers are looking for planets outside the solar system. After all, since life supposedly evolved on Earth, it must have evolved elsewhere, right? Mind you, we have speculations, guesswork, "scientists think", "maybe", "perhaps" and other deep technological terms that you and I cannot hope to understand from the wisdom of evolutionists.

If I had known that wishful thinking was a prerequisite for being a scientist, I would have followed through and become one long ago.
A mind-boggling excuse from evolutionists comes from such wishful thinking. In this case, wishing for valid explanations. Fossil graveyards have been found at the tops of mountains, and marine creatures were found there as well. The "explanation"? They call it "uplift", where the mountains rise over millions of years. And yet, it cannot be replicated, repeated or even documented. Just inferred into preconceptions. If they bothered to examine a worldwide flood and the implications, scientists would realize that this is a far better explanation. Go ahead, do the research. Follow where the evidence leads.

Here is an article about one such mysterious fossil bed:
Researchers from the USA and Chile reported, in November 2011, a remarkable bone bed on the west coast of northern Chile near the port city of Caldera, about 700 kilometres (440 miles) north of the capital, Santiago. Excavations uncovered the remains of some 80 baleen whales of which more than 20 specimens were complete. They also found other kinds of marine mammals including an extinct dolphin with tusks and a sperm whale.

The previous year, construction workers upgrading the Pan-American Highway discovered the fossil site in a road cut just north of Caldera. Since then, teams of scientists led by palaeontologist Nick Pyenson from the Smithsonian Institute and Mario Suarez from the nearby Museo Paleontologico de Caldera have been working to excavate the fossils while the road works were temporarily suspended.
Read the rest of "80 whales buried mysteriously in Chilean desert", here.