
Monstrously Good Fun

‘If there are prehistoric animals alive today it would imply that there’s something very wrong with our understanding of the fossil record.’ In 1977, a Japanese fishing trawler netted a — thing — off the coast of New Zealand. After taking photographs and measurements, the smelly carcass was dumped back into the sea. The Japanese scientific community was all fired up because they thought they had found the remains of a plesiosaur. It appears that the controversy that ensued was settled by declaring that the evidence added up to the critter being a species of shark. Bummer. Still, don't you wonder, "What if...?" From krakens to gigantic sea serpents, terrifying monsters of the deep have haunted the imaginations of generations of  mariners. Now experts in marine life claim sea monsters might actually exist. Because scientists are still finding new species of underwater life, the discovery of ‘marine monsters’ is not impossible, a meeting heard ye

Falsifying Evolution?

The headline says it all: “Environs Prompt Advantageous Gene Mutations as Plants Grow; Changes Passed to Progeny.” It could also have read: “Lamarck Was Correct, Evolution is False.” Of course this is not new news. For the umpteenth time we hear about the inheritance of acquired characteristics—the catch phrase most often associated with the pre Darwin naturalist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck—which evolutionists desperately opposed for so many years until it could no longer be suppressed so now they say it was their idea all along. Yes there is indeed a battle against science, it’s just not the one evolutionists want you to believe. Read the rest of "Flax: More Falsifications of Evolution and the Real Warfare Thesis" here .

Videos at Piltdown Superman 2

I have some videos up on static pages about dating methods. It is actually one lecture split into four parts, and will take you just over an hour. Click here for the videos .

Indications of a YOUNG Earth

Can science prove the age of the earth? Venus (NASA) No scientific method can prove the age of the earth and the universe, and that includes the ones we have listed here. Although age indicators are called “clocks” they aren’t, because all ages result from calculations that necessarily involve making assumptions about the past. Always the starting time of the “clock” has to be assumed as well as the way in which the speed of the clock has varied over time. Further, it has to be assumed that the clock was never disturbed. There is no independent natural clock against which those assumptions can be tested. For example, the amount of cratering on the moon, based on currently observed cratering rates, would suggest that the moon is quite old. However, to draw this conclusion we have to assume that the rate of cratering has been the same in the past as it is now. And there are now good reasons for thinking that it might have been quite inte

Another Bone to Pick

For the past two decades, paleontologist Mary Schweitzer has been at the cutting edge of research demonstrating that certain dinosaur remains contain original soft tissue. Of course, since this material should have completely decomposed after only thousands of years, none should be left after the millions of years assigned to these remains. And this is why scientists who have chosen to investigate soft tissue remain divided over the issue. Schweitzer’s latest technical report attempts to justify that in-bone collagen recovered from dinosaur remains is original to the dinosaur—and not a bacterial or lab-bench contaminant—on the basis of the peculiarities of the collagen protein’s three-dimensional structure. Collagen is a tough structural protein that bacteria do not manufacture. It forms long strands and acts like molecular strings that tie or connect other tissues such as skin and bones. Read the rest of "Latest Soft Tissue Study Skirts the Issues" here .

Cyberstalking and Intimidating ID Proponents

Going Nuclear: Cyberstalking design advocates and their families – re: “Say hi to XXXXXXXXXX and the kids for me, you demented child abuser” This attempt as headlined to implicitly “out” and threaten my wife and our children – not to mention (per the outrageous rhetoric of Mr Dawkins and fellow New Atheists) to try to falsely smear me as a child abuser for trying to raise my children in a Christian home – moves matters at and around UD beyond the context of debate to something far more poisonously menacing and destructive. Read more about anti-Christian, anti-ID bigotry and sociopathic behavior here .

The Problem with Chirality

Although some of Darwin's Cheerleaders support the debunked Miller-Urey experiment, real science shows that it did not perform what is claimed. In fact, people who know about chemistry should laugh at the concept of chemical evolution. When the newspaper headline, "Life in a Test-tube," appeared in 1953, the evolutionary community became very excited because they viewed the work of Stanley Miller and Harold Urey as scientific proof that life could have been formed from chemicals by random chance natural processes. In that classic experiment, Miller and Urey combined a mixture of methane, ammonia, hydrogen, and water vapor and passed the mixture through an electric discharge to simulate lightning. At the end of the experiment, the products were found to contain a few amino acids. Since amino acids are the individual links of long chain polymers called proteins, and proteins are important in our bodies, newspapers quickly reported there was laboratory evidence that now p