
The ATP Shows Design, Not Chance

Life depends on an incredible enzyme called ATP synthase, the world’s tiniest rotary motor.   This tiny protein complex makes an energy-rich compound, ATP ( a denosine t ri p hosphate). Each of the human body’s 14 trillion cells performs this reaction about a million times per minute. Over half a body weight of ATP is made and consumed every day!  All living things need to make ATP, often called the “energy currency of life”. ATP is a small molecule with a big job: to provide immediately usable energy for cellular machines. ATP-driven protein machines power almost everything that goes on inside living cells, including manufacturing DNA, RNA, and proteins, clean-up of debris, and transporting chemicals into, out of, and within cells. Other fuel sources will not power these cellular protein machines for the same reasons that oil, wind, or sunlight will not power a gasoline engine. Read the rest of "ATP synthase: majestic

Being Skeptical Part 2 — Conditions, Evidence and Excuses

Here is the second of two articles that originally appeared elsewhere ( Part 1 is here ). I have edited this one a bit as well. The sceptic-tank-ical approach. That is, the constant denial of evidence. Absolutes If you insist on irrefutable, absolute proof before you will accept or believe something, you will have pitifully little to believe  at all.  What would happen in the court systems if they took that approach? Witnesses are  expected  to differ on details because of their knowledge, observations, personalities and whatever else; everyone has their own perspective. They use  reasonable  evidence, and not just iron-clad positive proof. Otherwise, there would be few convictions indeed. Edit: Demanding physical proof of a transcendent God is a category mistake , a logical fallacy. It's funny in a way that "everyone knew" that Casey Anthony was guilty, and were outraged that she was found not guilty. But "everyone" was not in the courtroo

Being Skeptical Part 1

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Here is a revision of an article that I did as a guest post back in April of 2011. It may come as a shock to some people, but the propaganda is untrue: Christians are not gullible by default. We can be as gullible as the next person — including you. Oh, don't give me that! You've been "had" before, we all know it. I've been tricked by certain e-mails, especially when they say something that I want to hear, or if it's presented very well. Most of the time (I want to believe), I'm careful. Healthy skepticism is a good thing. Occasionally, I have been sent the " atheist professor and the chalk that wouldn't break " gag. I would look it up on urban legends sites and reply to the sender, "Hey, Horatio, you've been had". Or how about the bit where young Einstein told off an atheist teacher when he was a child? (There's even a video dramatization of this hoax . It contains some good discus

Evolution is Not Science

Some evolutionists have argued that science isn’t possible without evolution. They teach that science and technology actually require the principles of molecules-to-man evolution in order to work. They claim that those who hold to a biblical creation worldview are in danger of not being able to understand science!  Critical thinkers will realize that these kinds of arguments are quite ironic because evolution is actually contrary to the principles of science. That is, if evolution were true, the concept of science would not make sense. Science actually requires a biblical creation framework in order to be possible. Here’s why : To find out why, read the rest of   "Evolution: The Anti-Science" here .

Students Should Question Evolutionary Dogma

Students have a right to question “evolutionary pseudo-science” and “evolutionary dogma,” according to the “Question Evolution” campaign and should be encouraged to do so, says Louis Sheldon of the Traditional Values Coalition. The coalition is offering  brochures, caps and t-shirts announcing kids’ opposition to Charles Darwin and the theories of evolution. Read the rest of "Students encouraged to challenge 'evolutionary dogma'" here . Also , see the related video here . 

Listening to Excuses

Evolutionist : " Blah, blah, excuse, same old, same old, ad hominem, blah, blah, Straw Man, same old, same old, blah, blah, excuse, Fallacy of Declaration, blah, blah, fraud as proof, blah, blah, blah... " Me : Video source here .

Follow Where the Evidence Leads: Human/Ape "Ancestry"

Human/ape common ancestry has been a subject much discussed recently. A friend wrote me asking for links dealing with human/ape common ancestry. While there are numerous good articles that have talked about this issue from an intelligent design (ID) friendly perspective, I tried to provide him with some helpful links and information. As a preliminary point, it's important to note that human/ape common ancestry is compatible with ID. Nonetheless, ID proponents are interested in taking a scientific approach to these questions, and the evidence suggests that even modest changes requiring two or more mutations before conferring any adaptive benefit could not arise via Darwinian evolution under any reasonable timescale involving human/ape common ancestry. As a result, questions about human/ape common ancestry should be on the table for people who really want to follow the evidence where it leads. If you really believe in scientific inquiry and not your presupposit