
Dinosaur Ex-stink-tion

BREAKING NEWS! Since evolutionists have no agreement about what went on to cause the extinction of the dinosaurs allegedly 65 million years ago, and none of the theories are satisfactory, they keep coming up with new ones. Some of these stories are pretty wild , but do not cause such a problem for creationists. Here is a theory that is a real blast. Dinosaurs may have farted themselves to extinction, according to a new study from British scientists. The researchers calculated that the prehistoric beasts pumped out more than 520 million tons (472 million tonnes) of methane a year -- enough to warm the planet and hasten their own eventual demise. Until now, an asteroid strike and volcanic activity around 65 million years ago had seemed the most likely cause of their extinction. Edit: Some clever person commented, "When did scientists get wind of this?" HA! Anyway, read the rest here:

Making Substantial Deposits

The deposition of rock strata is most commonly understood as gradual layers in isolated areas. What some people do not know is that the layers are not so isolated; some are spread out over huge areas — even entire continents. These strata contain evidence that they were   " deposited by large volumes of fast flowing water that covered a very large area".   At Echo Point west of Sydney, Australia, visitors have a panoramic view of The Three Sisters — spectacular remains of a huge sandstone outcrop, broken and teetering on the edge of a wide valley. In the distance you can see the same sedimentary strata in vertical cliffs that stretch as far as the eye can see. These sedimentary layers also travel out of sight under the earth—much further than many suspect, 100 km (60 miles) east to the Pacific Ocean, 200 km north and 200 km south. They form part of the Sydney basin, a geological structure where layers of sediments accumulated to a depth of 3 km. You can see the sa

Early Earth and Dinosaur Mobility

Kabacchi, It should be no secret that dinosaur fossils are found all over the world, including the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Yon beasties sure did get around! This can be a problem for evolutionists, as they attempt to explain the apparent mobility of the dinosaurs. Not much of a problem for creationists who believe in a worldwide flood, however. A spinosaur fossil found in the southeastern state of Victoria in Australia suggests dinosaurs were much more mobile than previously thought. The single fossil vertebra, unearthed in the 1990s, is identical to that of a spinosaurid called  Baryonyx walkeri  which was previously thought to only live in the northern European climes. Thus the original paper called it “the first Australian spinosaurid theropod dinosaur.” Most of this sounds like it is good, solid, scientific research. That is until the evolutionary explanation begins. To hear the tale of evolutionary explanation, read the rest of " Croc-nosed dinosa

Biogeography is Not Explained by Evolution

stock.xchng/mrpac-man The varieties of plants and animals around the world are not explained by evolution. To have surprisingly similar plants and animals on different continents prompts evolutionary scientists to create ad hoc "just so stories". The Biblical explanations are far better, despite ignorant proclamations to the contrary. In March 2010, internationally renowned atheist Richard Dawkins addressed the Global Atheist Convention in Melbourne, Australia. He said, “The pattern of geographical distribution [of plants and animals] is just what you would expect if evolution had happened.”  He then went on to say that the distribution is “not what you would expect on certain alternative ideas … like if they had all dispersed from Noah’s Ark.” However, a closer look at the science of biogeography (the study of the distributions of plants and animals) reveals a very different picture to the one Professor Dawkins painted. Read the rest of " Plants and animals

Another Excuse for the Faint Young Sun Paradox

NASA Evolutionary cosmologists insist that the universe is ancient. Unfortunately, there is evidence that does not support their presuppositions. They have to come up with further theories that attempt to explain problems with facts. One of these is the "Faint Young Sun Paradox", where (in their scheme of things) the sun was too cool to adequately heat the Earth when life was supposed to have evolved. The notion that the earth and cosmos are billions of years old continues to present serious problems for evolutionary scientists. For instance, billions of years ago, the sun would only have glowed faintly, leaving nearby earth totally frozen. But with no liquid water on earth's surface, how could life have evolved and become fossilized so long ago? This conundrum has been called the "faint young sun paradox," and after 25 years of research, it remains just as problematic as ever. Scientists have tinkered with models of what they thought were atmospheres

Light Travel: Another Problem for the Big Bang

COBE MBR (NASA) Some evolutionists think that distant starlight is the "smoking gun" that destroys creationism and the Genesis account. (Some make a desperate, illogical leap of faith that this also disproves the existence of God. That is patently absurd.) However much we have learned, we have not learned everything. Theoretical astrophysics and cosmogony are in a constant state of flux as new information comes to light, and theories need to be (or should be) modified or completely abandoned. The cosmic microwave background radiation was praised as strong evidence for the Big Bang. However, the uniformity of the MBR ("horizon") actually creates more problems than it solves. The ‘distant starlight problem’ is sometimes used as an argument against biblical creation. People who believe in billions of years often claim that light from the most distant galaxies could not possibly reach earth in only 6,000 years. However, the light-travel–time argument cannot be used

The Universe is Younger than We're Told

Jupiter, with Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. NASA. Evolutionary cosmologists postulate an old universe based on their presuppositions. When facts are learned that contradict their belief system, they need to tap dance around them or modify their theories. (Of course, modifying theories to the point that they must discard an ancient universe viewpoint in favor of a young, created universe is unthinkable to them.) Sun Dancer Puss/podzad, stock.xchng Their modified viewpoints often create more questions and problems than they solve, such as the imaginary Oort cloud , abode of comets in waiting; there is no evidence that such a thing exists, but it conveniently explains away the fact that short-term comets should have been exhausted long ago. Other bafflers for cosmologists include methane in the thick atmosphere of Titan, the hypothetical temperature of the sun 3.8 billion years ago and the heat of Jupiter's moon Io. Biblical creationists do not need tap dan