
Guest Post — Literalgenesisphobia

A newly discovered psychological disorder classified under anxiety disorders-phobias is called literalgenesisphobia . This phobia is the intense fear that literal creationists are right and there is a God after all. This psychological disorder is rare phobia, but it is commonly seen in militant atheists and ardent adherents to the evolution paradigm. Brain scans have shown the lack of development in the critical thinking areas of the brain which, when compared to creationists brain scans, is seen to be underdeveloped and smaller than creationists. That is, the brain tissue that is used in the function of critical thinking which can be measure physically is smaller (therefore underused) in atheists, atheopaths and ardent evolutionists compared to the brains of creationists. Current research into this psychological disorder shows lack of social skills. They also exhibit inability to debate and present data empirically and coherently, resulting in maladaptive behaviours towards tho

Geology Historian Neglecting His Research

Something many creationists emphasize is that scientists argue from their worldviews, but people who indulge in Scientism and put scientists on pedestals seem to view them as fact-finding automatons, unclouded by avarice and emotion. Not hardly! They are just as prone to vices and ambitions as the rest of us mere mortals. Geology historian Dr. Martin Rudwick wrote an evolutionary book, Earth's Deep History.  He wrote an appendix to the book that ridicules creationists, and uses numerous logical fallacies that are unworthy of a historian of his stature. He argues from his worldview (scientists do that), but engages in ad hominem  attacks, prejudicial conjecture , loaded language (such as "fundamentalists" without actually defining what those are), the fallacy of exclusion (suppressing or ignoring evidence), straw man  ( comparing creationists to Flat Earthers — seriously?), rewriting history (including the Scopes trial ), and more. In addition, he ignores the fact

Outer-Planet Moons Give Further Signs of a Young Solar System

Darwinian evolution is a belief system about the distant past that cannot be observed or duplicated. It is philosophical and religious in nature, an effort to account for life, the universe, and everything without God the Creator. For Darwinism to work, huge amounts of time are needed. To keep this view, secularists ignore or excuse away evidence for a young earth — and a young solar system. Enceladus image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI/PSI There have been several indications of youth from the solar system, especially the moons. But scientists keep seeing potential for life to evolve out there, and are repeatedly surprised by geologic activity on moons. Enceladus, a moon of Saturn, was erupting jets into space, which should not be possible in an ancient solar system. Now it looks like the hot water eruptions are more like curtains rather than jets, which would cause even more problems for deep time proponents. Also, Jupiter's moon Europa was considered a hopeful place to f

DNA in 3-D

Proponents of Darwinian evolution are known to claim that amazingly complex DNA is friendly to their belief system. That's the opposite of the truth. We had the "junk DNA" fiasco, where evolutionist studied some of the genome, didn't understand a lot of it, had that relegated to "junk" status, and were embarrassed when proper research refuted the "junk" claims. The fact is, a great deal of DNA is not yet understood. Scientists have attempted to determine how transcription factors bind to the genome so they can switch genes on and off. This has had poor results. However, it looks like they've saddled up the right horse this time, with new research and a three-dimensional model. And this  time, scientists were more interested in doing science instead of being Darwin's Cheerleaders — no silly claims about evolution. Maybe because the research itself was very complex, and gave them a bit of proper perspective about the design skills of the

Origin of Life Science Fiction Without the Science

Some owlhoots claim that the origin of life has nothing to do with evolution. If they had knowledge to go with their enthusiasm, they would know that the origin of life is foundational  to evolution. Attempting to distance themselves from the insurmountable problems of abiogenesis (including the law of biogenesis that indicates life only comes from life, and irreducible complexity ) is disingenuous at best. Adapted from " swampyWater3 " by mconnors / morgueFile The failed Miller-Urey experiment is being zombified with some fanciful fact-free new ideas, and I reckon that nearly anyone can see that the new presentations are chock full of assumptions. Some of these involve the conditions of their fantasy primordial Earth, the world being ancient in the first place (Papa Darwin's scum-to-sculptor ideas require a lot of time), disagreement within the ranks of other Darwinians, nothing can be plausibly demonstrated, and more. You'd think they'd think about evi

Radiometric Dating, The Genesis Flood, and the Age of the Earth

Secular geologists (and some Bible compromisers) accept fundamentally flawed radiometric dating methods to determine the age of the earth. These are based on uniformitarian presuppositions, which are in turn based on several assumptions, including a constant decay rate. In addition, they not only give wildly varying results, but outrageously bad old-earth ages for young  rocks of known  ages! This is science? Not hardly. But they cling to this because they are locked into naturalism, and cannot allow a divine foot in the door, even though their methods are unreliable. Evolution requires a great deal of time, and uniformitarianism is essential to that. Creationist scientists have demonstrated that the rate of decay is not constant, which ruins one of the primary assumptions of uniformitarian dating methods. The biggest causes of change was the Genesis Flood. In addition, there are many other indicators of a young earth that are conveniently ignored by old earth geologists and evolu

Why Do Evolutionists Suppress Critical Thinking?

It is easy to see that evolutionary education is misnamed. It is not education, it is indoctrination , and if evidence for Intelligent Design or creation science was presented, it might "confuse" students , and they would dare to doubt Darwin. The vigilant Evo Sith are on patrol to silence opposition and protect "science" by disingenuously equivocating "evolution" with "science". These sidewinders must be an embarrassment to evolutionists who actually think, and who want to examine the evidence instead of rejecting creation science simply because they believe what they're told about what creationists say . Some of us reckon that if people were allowed to see evolutionary thinking with it's flaws and with evidence that supports creation, there would be far fewer Darwinists. Creationists want people to learn critical thinking, and some of us emphasize learning logical fallacies so people are not deceived by profound pronouncements