
Hubble Constant Contradiction and the Big Bang

It is pretty much a given that the universe is expanding, but cosmologists are puzzled by conflicting calculations on the Hubble constant. This is used to support the Big Bang. The numbers from the direct and indirect methods should agree, but calculations provide two different results. Credit:  NASA / JPL-Caltech  /STScI (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) The Hubble constant is important because secularists hang their hats on it for determining the age of the universe. Although the contradiction has been known for a long time and many cosmogonists don't pay it no nevermind, new calculations are more difficult to ignore; the narrative drives the evidence again. One scientist followed the lead of other evolutionists, both cosmic and biological, by saying the problem is "exciting". They should be delirious with joy, then, because we have seen that the Big Bang is saturated with difficulties, but secularists offer jejune explanations. These scientist

Pit Stop at La Brea

When people say La Brea  tar pits, they are in effect saying the tar tar pits because la brea  is simply Spanish for "the tar". Also, it is not exactly tar, but rather natural asphalt. It still managed to seriously inconvenience the passers-by and their cries attracted predators who got stuck as well. How was your  day? Credit: Wikimedia Commons /  Jerrye & Roy Klotz, MD  ( CC by-SA 3.0 ) May as well use the name people know, you know? The La Brea Tar Pits are famous for providing fossils of a variety of critters from long ago — including human artifacts, and a human. The asphalt did some amazing preservation of bones, much to the delight of paleontologists and museums. This site is the result of the Ice Age, which was in turn caused by the Genesis Flood . While radiometric dating methods rely on circular reasoning and have been shown to be unreliable , relative ages can be useful. Using the biblical timeline, creation science, and basic geology, the origin of the

Blood Circulation Changes from Unborn to Newborn

Your unborn child is busy doing his or her own thing, what with listening to the heartbeat, doing gymnastics, kicking, reading the stock market reports, and so on. The child is dependent on the masterfully-designed placenta , but recreation time and the needs from mother are about to change. Of particular note is the circulation. Credit: US Department of Health and Human Services (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Most of the child's inner workings are performed by the placenta, but at birth, its services are no longer required. Now everything needs to be switched over so that the baby's system does the purpose for which the Master Engineer designed it. When the umbilical cord is clamped and severed, amazing changes in the circulatory system occur. As humans, we like to build things. But as any architect or engineer can tell you, just because you can imagine it in your mind or even sketch it on paper doesn’t mean you can actually build something that w

Engineered Adaptability and Blockchain Technology

We have been observing the continuous environmental tracking (CET) model that is becoming a serious challenge to Darwinism. Instead of "pressures" on organisms causing them to change, CET is using an engineering approach. That is, how would the Master Engineer have designed living things to adapt to changes in the environment? Credit: Freeimages / Katia Grimmer-Laversanne The process of blockchain technology was developed for Bitcoin digital currency, but has grown into something that can be used in other areas of technology (and I reckon it will probably still be around even if Bitcoin falls out of fashion). Computers are linked and regularly update transactions. In a similar manner, DNA can be compared to computer programming that can account for both stasis and variation. Using blockchain technology, we can see how organisms and populations can rapidly adapt. Evolutionary selectionism believes that outside forces called selective pressures produce DNA modificat

The Riddle of Reproduction

Materialists like Bill "I'm Not A Scientist But I Play One On TV" Nye, Clinton Richard Dawkins, and other will tell you that organisms live to pass along their genes to subsequent generations. Rather bleak, really. Believers on universal common descent evolution are baffled about the origin of reproduction. Credit: Pixabay / Erdenebayar Bayansan There are several forms of asexual reproduction that include cloning in asexual organisms, fission, sending off spores as seeds, and parthenogenesis. Sexual reproduction is done in fewer methods including viviparity (that is what humans use). Evolutionists have suggested several possible origins of sexual reproduction, but cannot offer anything plausible. Our Creator designed living things to reproduce after their own kinds but to allow for variety and adaptation. Sex is a gift from God and is intended to be joyful when used according to his purpose. Reproduction is broadly delineated into two major groupings: sexual and a

Exploding the "Population Bomb"

Many years ago, I saw a poster version of the 1973 painting Overpopulation by John Pitre. It showed all the land filled with naked people , some even in the sea. This was quite possibly influenced by the 1973 book The Population Bomb by Paul Ehrlich, who was in turn presenting a Malthusian view. Unsplash / San Fermin Pamplona - Navarra Thomas Malthus was an economist who had some very pessimistic views of population and the struggle for existence, and was also an influence on Charles Darwin. Ehrlich is an anti-creationist who was influenced by Malthus and Darwin, and The Population Bomb frightened many people. However, his vision was seriously flawed. Interestingly, he is still highly respected by leftists. Is that why people still think drastic measures are in order? Hey, Grandpa! What's for supper? Maggot sausage and insect ice cream to save the planet and offset global warming, of course! These people are mentally ill. The work was obviously based on numbers, did no

Chinese Fossils Give Double Cambrian Impact

We recently examined the disparity of fossils in the Cambrian explosion , where many creatures are found at the phylum level that are fully formed. Many people use the word diverse, but disparate is more accurate because it emphasizes the dramatic differences. Cambrian fossils found in China give mute testimony to not only creation, but the Genesis Flood as well. Credit: Wikimedia Commons / Dwergenpaartje ( CC by-SA 3.0 ) Although paleontologists must be wary of "feathered dinosaur" frauds in China , there is a great deal of information in this area. Evolutionists use the euphemism "knowledge gap" to indicate that they have no idea why there are no transitional forms, only complex organisms. In addition, many living fossils have been found, contrary to the dogma of evolutionary "pressures" based on external influences. Also, many critters with soft tissues have been discovered. The evolutionist story is that fossils form over huge amounts of tim