
Too Many Assumptions Taint Gene Study

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Here is another change from our usual fare. A reader of The Question Evolution Project posted a link to an article on about genetics and asked me to comment, so I thought this might be a good opportunity to point out some of the assumptions and neglected considerations in the research. I will only be responding to the article. Credit: Image from RGBStock / Tomislav Alajbeg modified through PhotoFunia Actually, I had indirectly posted a creationist's response to this some time ago, but I wanted to give additional comments. The article under discussion is " Sweeping gene survey reveals new facets of evolution ", from May 2018, which inadvertently supported recent creation and the Genesis Flood. But if they dare mentioned that the evidence supports those things, they risk having their careers thrown into the Gorge of Eternal Peril. As is often the case, the elements of the research seem straightforward. A system of DNA

Submarine Canyons and the Genesis Flood

Biblical creation geologists like to talk about rocks and geological formations, and we benefit by learning from their studies and conclusions. Think back to the debate between Ken Ham and Bill Nye the Leftist Propaganda Guy and you may recall his false assertion that there should be more canyons like the Grand Canyon. There are, and he should have known that. Mayhaps he did  know. Hudson Canyon map image credit: NOAA There is a network of canyons under Greenland  (among others), but what interests us today is the abundance of submarine canyons in the oceans. The Hudson Canyon is within riding distance of me — "Do you ride your horse to it, Cowboy Bob?" Sure, I ride through Manhattan like Sam McCloud , then head into Long Island. But seriously, you can't see submarine canyons very well without special equipment. A submarine would be mighty helpful. What's really interesting is that many of these canyons are bigger than the Grand Canyon, and they look like t

Creation Science Research and Fossil Forests

Creation science is nowhere nearly as well-funded as the secular science industry, but creationists have still managed to do serious work. However, some areas need development, such as stellar astronomy models. Another area of challenge is that of fossil forests, including botany and geology. Fossil forest on Speciman Ridge, Yellowstone National Park Credit: NPS  / Neal Herbert (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Using a Genesis Flood model, it needs to be determined if fossil trees were buried in situ (where they are found) or were transported before burial by the Flood. There are some expensive words in this somewhat technical article, but the two most common are defined for us: " One must keep in mind that the term “autochthonous” refers exclusively to trees that are buried in position of growth and “allochthonous” is applied exclusively to transported, especially Flood-transported, trees. "  To tell the difference in those kinds of trees, severa

Genesis Timeline Re-Confirmed by Chromosome Study

Despite the assertions of Darwin's Flying Monkeys™, there is a great deal of evidence for the Genesis Flood and the young earth. Interestingly, it is not only found in geology, but also in biology. With the known rate of mutations,  genetic entropy  shows that humans could not have been around as evolutionists claim. Research supports the biblical timeline, and a recent study re-confirms it. Credit: Unsplash / Matthew Kwong The Y-chromosome is more genetically stable than the X-chromosome. It was studied more extensively than before, and the results provide strong confirmation for the 4,500-year biblical chronology going back to the bottleneck of the Flood. Based on biblical chronologies, we can determine that the global Flood recorded in Genesis occurred about 4,500 years ago. After the Flood, the earth was repopulated by Noah’s three sons and their wives. So we should find genetic signatures of this timeline in human DNA. While a number of previous studies by both secular

New Words on the Origin of Speech

Believers in universal common ancestry long believed that since humans and apes diverged ages ago, apes should be able to talk as well as humans. Well, they have had enough time, but it did not happen. What about environment? Putting young chimps with humans was expected to give chimps speechifying ability. Modified from a photo at Freeimages, original from  Jeramey Jannene Since that failed, hands at the Darwin Ranch fired up the rescuing devices, and it was decided that a passel of storytelling was in order. It was figured that the larynx was lower in humans than in apes, so the Descended Larynx  "theory" was conjured up (without any evidence supporting it). That supposedly made it possible for humans to make the necessary sounds that are heard in the world's languages. "Does that mean apes didn't have vowel movements, Cowboy Bob?" So anyway... We have seen that there are many factors involved in communication, and critters are just not des

Meteorite Patterns and Storytelling

The way most people understand science is often called operational  science, dealing with things in the present. This is contrasted with historical  (forensic) science, which uses things found in the present in an attempt to reconstruct the past. Which do you think applies to patterns in meteorites? Widmanstätten pattern in Gibeon meteorite credit: Flickr / James St. John  ( CC by 2.0 ) By the way, the distinction between these two types of science was not  "made up by YECs" as some anti-creationists asseverate. The distinction has been around for quite a few years . There is something called a  Widmanstätten pattern that is found in iron-nickel meteorites. Let's engage our think bones for a few moments. What do you have? A meteorite with a pattern. When does it exist? In the present, like us. How do those patterns with the long name form? That can be determined by other metals that have been heated and then cooled. Do these pattern in meteorites take millions o

Deluded Guardians of the Planet

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen It seems that the more people deny their Creator, the stranger things get. As we have seen, evolutionism is rooted in pantheism, and both of them saddle up and ride friendly-like with the New Age brand . (Nothing "new" there, it is just repackaged paganism.) Darwin's death cult is a big part of it. A hero of the anti-natalist movement is suing his parents because he regrets having been born. Interesting that he claims to be close to them, and the amount of money is "symbolic", because he wants to send a message. Apparently people do not ask to be born. This telegram just came in over the singing wire, pilgrim: they never do ask. (Tell me how anyone is supposed to do that. Tarot cards and other hocus pocus, I reckon.) It is a part of the global warming movement to reduce the population, and rejects the biblical teaching that children are a gift from God.  This movement should be flushed.   While that anti-natalist stuff is just p

Whale of a Miracle or Miracles of Whales?

Naturalists reject the biblical account of Jonah and the great fish out of hand. After all, that is a miracle and there are no miracles because naturalism.  Such a view is arbitrary, not logical, and only justifies rebellion against the Creator instead of digging deeper. Humpback whale image credit: NOAA (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) If you stop and think about it, there are many "miracles" that apply to whales. (Of course, miracle  is used loosely in this context, except for the many miracles involved in the creation itself.) Whales are not the product of evolution, but instead show the intricate work of the Master Engineer. A skeptic once opined about the so-called problem of miracles, saying that “enlightened” thinkers doubt the Bible’s supernatural events such as “the whale miracle.” But which whale miracle did he reject? Was he thinking of Jonah being swallowed at sea yet living to tell the tale of the “great fish”?1 Some assumptions need

Using Evolution to Excuse Promiscuity

While this post and the article linked below have nothing explicit or prurient, they contain adult concepts . Sensitive and younger readers may want to skip this one. Since Darwinism has given us many wicked social views and rejects the Creator, it is no surprise that evolution can be used to justify sexual promiscuity. Lovers , Konstantin Somov, 1920 Atheists may feel free to indulge in sexual abuse because they suppress the truth that God exists and is the final Judge of everyone, but they still must deal with laws and societies. Many claim that morality comes from evolution , which is foolish even on the surface. We have seen in previous posts how evolutionists struggle with ethics and morality. While atheists and evolutionists scoff at biblical Christianity and creationists, the ultimate truth is found in the unchanging Word of God. Humans may be classified by scientists as animals, but we are created in God's image. He has not only given us the Book to guide us, he li

The Problem of Defining Information

People talk about information  a great deal, but if you study on it, that word is a bit context-based. We can gain information from websites, cyberstalking, watching television, from Number Six , and many other areas. When it comes to genetics, information is tricky to conclusively define. Credit: Pixabay /  Pete Linforth Creationists point out that many changes in the genome result in a loss of or change in information, then arguments ensue. Some even use viperine tactics to claim that, since we cannot define information to their satisfaction, it does not even exist. Oh, please! Evolutionists may use rescuing devices that information is added through gene duplication or other ways, but it is not useful information. It's there, and they have a huge mountain to climb in explaining where it came from in the first place. After all, they reject the Creator who made it all happen. As biblical creationists, we often like to point out that ‘information’ is a notoriously hard-to-d