
Problems in the Cosmological Principle

There is a concept in cosmology that all matter is evenly dispersed throughout the universe. This idea is used to support the Big Bang, a concept that has been reworked and cobbled for decades because it is the best of the failed secular theories . However, the cosmological principle  is having difficulties. Seven-Year Microwave Sky image credit:  NASA / WMAP Science Team (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) It appears that matter is distributed throughout the universe, and the universe is expanding. A recent study of galaxy clusters, which could not be done before orbiting telescopes, detected that these galaxies emitted large amounts of X-rays. This study indicates that the universe is not isotropic  (uniform in all directions), which is a serious problem for cosmology and cosmogony if this study pans out. Since secularists are committed to atheistic materialism, cosmologists will probably not let evidence interfere with the cosmic evolution narrative, and certa

Idols and Evolutionary Beliefs

The first two of the Ten Commandments are the forbidding of false gods and idols. These concepts tend to overlap, so someone can give preeminence to a false god without setting up an actual image. Many people have false gods they serve, including themselves. There is also idolatry in evolutionism. Credit: Wikimedia Commons /  Gausanchennai  ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) Christians, don't be getting smug. We tend to have our own idols, whether it's adhering to doctrines (and congratulating each other on believing certain things), church itself can be an idol, a religious leader, and so on. Your favorite politician did not die on a cross for your sins and rise from the dead three days later. Examine yourselves. Regular readers have seen that believers in minerals-to-mycologist evolution have resorted to their form of idolatry when they make evolution and natural selection into entities with the abilities to make decisions and choices. Although they profess atheistic naturalism, the d

The Bizarre Beliefs of Cosmic Biology

We have seen some mighty peculiar things passed of as science, including the non-science of astrobiology  and even the — time to face it — pseudoscience of minerals-to-machinist evolution . Many believers in evolution (the knowledgeable ones, not the trolls on social media) admit that life could not have originated on Earth. The late astronomer Fred Hoyle had some views that seemed to incorporate Hinduism as well as evolution, and indirectly supported creation science . Instead of life evolving from minerals here, it came from way out yonder. Perhaps it was brought by comets, meteorites, and such.  Artist’s depiction of Comet C/2012 K1 credits:  NASA / SOFIA / Lynette Cook What really  takes the rag off the bush  is  panspermia,  which defies scientific realities. (Or even brought by aliens, which is called  directed panspermia .) Then, life was given a boost now and then by other life materials from space. Such ideas are controversial even among those committed to naturalism, to

Lack of Evidence for Turtle Evolution

After my recent visit to the town for supplies, I headed up yonder toward the Darwin Ranch. You have to go past Stinking Lake (which is not as bad as it sounds) near Deception Pass. There was a ruckus so loud that it distracted the Winkie Guards, and I could hear them (the ranch hands, not the guards) arguing about turtle evolution again. Original image credit: Pexels / Richard Segal Listening in on them cleared up something I had not bothered to check before: tortoises are turtles, but not all turtles are tortoises . The main difference is that tortoises spend more of their time on land and turtles prefer water. The main row was the long-running contention about the evolution of turtles. There isn't any. Nuffin at all, and the fossil record is a hostile witness. Turtles were created to be what they are, although there are variations. Turtles (Chelonia) are found in oceans, freshwater ponds, and on land. The Galapagos tortoise is the largest living species of tortoise and,

The Joy of Jumping Genes

For a long time, it was thought that DNA was the lord of genetic molecules to rule them all. When research indicated that genes can effectively jump and reattach, scientists circled the wagons and responded not only with ignoring the material, but also with hostility. Since then, it has been bad news for Darwin's followers. Credit: / Stuart Miles As an aside, the strong reaction against research and the efforts to protect the paradigm of unchanging DNA reinforces the point that scientists are not "follow where the evidence leads" dispassionate automatons. They are people. Since evolutionary dogma is based on purposelessness, one may expect that if genes detach themselves and wander off, it would make matters worse for the organism. Unfortunately for naturalists, research shows that this detaching and reattaching in other areas is an important function. Not only does this further exemplify the work of the Master Engineer, it also shows the foo

Angry Atheists Exterminate Reason

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Edited 19 October 2022  When I began doing creation science on weblogs and social media several years ago, I was startled and even intimidated by the vituperation of professing atheists and other anti-creationists. Christians and creationists can be prepared and see that their suits of armor are rusty and full of holes. After learning more about what creationists teach and  learning about logical fallacies , it became much easier to see how those who hate us actually do not use the science, logic and reason that they espouse. Indeed, many that we encounter in various places on the internet (especially social media) seem to actively turn away from using reason. Many times, they set up camp on various internet forums and on Facebook Pages, celebrating how they abuse Christians and biblical creationists. (Indeed, I have seen "reviews" of books, videos, music, and so on where the material is voted down because it is contrary to atheistic preferen

Hot Jupiters Should not Exist

Our own Jupiter is a massive gas giant that orbits the sun in just under twelve Earth years, and its rotation gives it a day of about ten hours. There are exoplanets  (planets outside our own solar system) that are called "hot Jupiters" because they are massive and close to the stars they orbit. There are problems for secularists. Cropped from an artist's conception, credit:  NASA / Ames / JPL-Caltech After all, nobody knows what they really look like (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Since they have hog-tied themselves to materialism, secularists are committed to the Big Bang and deep time. Luck must have been a lady because they feel lucky that they found these hot Jupiters. Although star and planet formation models consistently fail to explain scientific facts and observed evidence, they fallaciously select the best of the worst  and assume  that the star and planet must be ten billion years old. Because cosmic evolution. Like the folks who