
Illogical Extinctions in Secular Geology

The Evo Sith want us to believe in atoms-to-atheist evolution, so they try very hard to present stories that they think the public will accept. They round up a corral full of conjectures and isolated facts, then saddle them with assertions, opinions, and what not so they seem presentable. Using the public's fondness for believing what scientists say (appealing to authority), secularists are largely successful. Except that some people do bother to stop and think, and even  question evolution . Credit: Pixabay /  Andrew Martin Sometimes, very basic questions are asked that undermine hypotheses. For example, we hear about "mass extinctions", such as the alleged asteroid impact that caused such distress for the world that the dinosaurs died out. Why did other, more fragile critters, survive? Why don't we hear about the findings that birds and pterosaurs lived together? Why are pertinent facts omitted in the storylines? Evolutionists don't get along with each ot

A Christmas Greeting

I hope you are having an excellent Christmas. At the moment, I'm sitting at the dining room table, using a weak laptop and listening to Christmas music instead of holing up at my usual work station. This thing will get my by if the main computer crashes. Surprisingly, I do not have a great deal to say for this particular weblog, partly because I felt that I would be repeating things I have said before. But I do have three links to some other things. This excellent image of what I take to be a cross and the Christmas star is by Gerd Altmann at Pixabay For those of you who want to read some Christmas material I posted: Earning Gifts from Santa (because this idea promotes a kind of salvation by works) Poinsettia, the Christmas Plant Christmas and Creationists (God the Son, our Creator, took on human form and was humbly born, an article that I think is one of my better efforts) That's about it, aside from the music video below. Regular posts are scheduled for tom

Further Devastation of a Deep Time Icon

Every once in a while, I need to share material that is a bit more specialized. Some folks do not cotton to information involving mathematics, but the two articles linked below (actually, Part 1 and Part 2 of the same subject) further thwart the astronomical (Milankovitch) Ice Age theory that is used to justify deep time assertions. Even if you're not interested in the mathematics part, there is some excellent information for your consideration. Feels like an Ice Age is beginning as I write this on December 17, 2017, but that's just me. Credit: Freeimages / miguel ugalde I'll allow that algebra is not my strong suit. If it's not something you care for but have a basic understanding of it, the articles show how us reg'lar folk can use a calculator (or even the one that ships with Windows as well as free calculators online like this one ) to see how the Milankovitch theory is kaput. Even though this theory has been refuted before , secularists protect it becaus

A Catapulted Fungus?

On a journey through wooded areas, or even a woodpile out back, you can find some interesting things. Mushrooms can be interesting, but fungi are not exactly jumping around for our entertainment. They just sit there. One of these is called the fluted bird's nest, Cyathus striatus . Cyathus striatus credit: Wikimedia Commons / John Roper (fair use for educational purposes, accreditation) This fungus is interesting because it does indeed resemble a bird's nest, eggs and all. Those ain't eggs, pilgrim, they contain the spores that spread them around. The action commences when a raindrop smacks into the "nests", and those egg-like things (peridioles) shoot out of their containers; they are shaped to use some of the impact force of the raindrop. With the help of sticky threads, they attack to whatever is nearby. If they get swallowed by some critter, no big deal: it all comes out in the end, if you catch my meaning. Of course, adherents of molecules-to-mycolog

Materialists Use Theological Arguments

Once again, astronomers find a celestial object that should not exist, but it does anyway. This happens quite frequently, whether baffling planets and moons in our own solar system, or exoplanets such as the oversized NGTS-1b. Why are they so befuddled? Because they work from irrational materialistic presuppositions. Credit: Rgbstok / kimolos This planet is almost the size of Jupiter, orbits a small star, and (according to cosmic evolutionary mythology), there is not enough material for the planet to have formed in the first place. (Then there's the alleged super-huge black hole that shouldn't exist .) It's not just in astronomy where secular scientists keep getting amazed, it happens in paleontology as well . Ironically, secularists use theological arguments based on their naturalistic opinions in other ways. The embrangled theology is first based on the assumption that God the Creator does not exist. F'rinstance, owlhoots who hold to a naturalistic paradigm co

Plants, the Sun, and the Days of Creation

A straighforward reading of the account of creation in Genesis is pretty simple, what with actual days and all. Unfortunately, there are some folks who want to grease up the concept of millions (or billions) of years and force it into the text. The only way to get long ages out of the Bible is to put them in there first, old son. Even so, strange readings of the text, including trying to accommodate the Big Bang, create a passel of problems for both professing Christians and for deep time beliefs. There is just no room for long ages or evolution. Credits: NASA / STEREO / Helioviewer (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) In this case, we see that the heavens and the earth created first (Gen. 1:1). Then we learn that God put light on the subject (Gen 1:2). Okay, that's nice. But soft, what light through yonder universe breaks? The sun was created on the fourth day of creation week. But we already had light! What was that? Plants were created on the third day.

Ancient Trees were Advanced

Trees known as cladoxlopsids are not available for us to spread a blanket under the branches and have a picnic. They are extinct, but there are some detailed fossils available. Like so many other discoveries of late, these trees were "advanced" according to Darwinian thinking, and were surprising to secular scientists. Bristlecone pine image credit: Pixabay / riosam_87  Like other recent fossil discoveries that surprised evolutionists , secularists are arguing from deep time evolutionary presuppositions. Simply put, they assume that life began in simple forms and then diversified, each climbing the ladder to becoming more and more advanced. Reality does not support evolution. In this case, the tree has tree stuff that you would expect today, and it did even more features than modern trees. That's because there was no Darwinian evolution, life was created. You savvy? In addition, detailed fossils around the world indicate rapid burial — and that is a strong indicati