
Evosplaining Neanderthal Art, Spears, and Brains

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen A word that has gained popularity in recent months is "—splaining". As you can see, it is based on explaining, but current lingo often means that someone is pretending have greater knowledge than he or she actually possesses. Also, it is done in a condescending manner. Advocates of muck-to-man evolution are fond of evosplaining  to biblical creationists and the unwashed masses. Replica painting from the Chauvet cave / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain Some owlhoots refuse to admit that Neanderthals were fully human. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, they will seek out evoporn that makes them feel good about their preconceptions. One claim to keep the myth in the saddle is that Neanderthals did not make recognizable art. That story was based on evolutionary presuppositions that the art was done by more modern humans instead of Neanderthals. This idea was given a serious slap down a few years ago , and the fact of Neanderthal-made art ha

Evolutionists Predicting the Demise of the Y Chromosome

There has been talk around the campfire and other places lately that the Y chromosome is fading away. Although it has many functions, it is the thing that is unique to men. Earlier, we saw that genetic entropy is affecting the health of men , but secular scientists are saying that maleness may become a thing of the past. Credit: Freeimages / WiseWander If humans were as old as evolutionists want to believe humanity would have already died out. Genetic degradation rates are an evidence for a young earth, because everything was created recently. Our chromosomes are distinct markers of the two sexes, but the speculation is that because some critters may change over, a new sex may arise in humankind. via GIPHY Because of poor research by scientists who make a whole passel of assumptions and use circular reasoning, the secular science media peddle Darwinporn for the thrill-seeking public. (It is also fitting with today's social trends, which is probably not a coincidence.)

Humans are also Designed to Throw

Lassoing a runaway steer takes muscle control and nervous system precision, but not a great deal of force over a long period of time. Compare that to a baseball pitcher that is firing that ball into a precise area at high speed, repeatedly, for several hours. Of the many engineered traits we have, humans are also designed to throw. Credit: Freeimages / Justin Taylor Then there's the batter who has to hit the pellet. Well, it looks like one at that speed, it may take a half a second for the ball to be released until it hits the catcher's mitt or the batter gives it a smack. Don't be telling me that you could do better, either. via GIPHY A study was done on the mechanics of pitching. If it was just up to muscle doing the work, there would not be anywhere near as much velocity. That whole wind-up and pitching motion involves the shifting of balance, extension of the arms and wrists, hip rotation, and much more.  The study also paid homage to Darwin, spoiling a g

Darwin and the Pigeons

Seems like when studying Darwinism, we hear quite a bit about "Darwin's finches". He did not know what kind of birds they were, by the way, and they were identified by ornithologist John Gould somewhere around 1837. Did you know that Charles Darwin took a fancy to pigeons for a spell? This is in the first chapter of his tedious, infamous book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. I wonder if he ate any ? Photo by Hybrid on Unsplash He took to studying pigeons to get some firsthand observations for evolution through artificial selection. Some owlhoots consider this research to be strong evidence for his speculations, but what did he get? Pigeons. If he had paid attention to work of Gregor Mendel (peas be upon him), he would have learned a thing or two about genetics and variations. via GIPHY At any rate, like Lenski's research on bacteria yielded bacteria , Darwin's

Going Nuts over Squirrels

Seems like most people are familiar with squirrels in one form or another, since there is a huge variety of the furry varmints. Many people consider them pests, especially since they get relentless when trying to get food. Credit: US Fish and Wildlife Service / Debra Turner (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Even when I'm chasing them off the patio, they keep on a-coming. Some turn on the charm and get up on their hind legs and give me the "I'm so cute, don't you want to feed me?" look. Then others come up and they commence to fighting over the food. These bushy-tailed rodents are smart, too. They learn how to solve problems, and then use that knowledge to apply in other situations. We've found that "squirrel-proof bird feeders" are seldom effective, and they find various ways to get up to there (as can be seen in a video in the linked article, below). They get onto our second-floor patio and go after the bird feeders or th

Creation Science Research on the Sauk Megasequence

Both creationary and secular geologists have proposed ideas about how much of the continents were covered by water. Of course, biblical creationists want to answer questions about what went on during the Genesis Flood, and their counterparts have worked up the sea level curve model. Creationists generally believe that the Sauk Megasequence shows early stages of Flood coverage. Credit: Pixabay / James Alexander Some owlhoots claim that creationists do not conduct research. That is false, but why let the facts stand in the way of prejudicial conjecture? Anyway, in this case, the folks at the Institute for Creation Research wanted to map the extent of the sedimentary rocks and test the sea level curve model. They learned that North America had minimal coverage during the Flood. Anti-creationists detest evidence for the Flood because it refutes their deep time mythology. Numerous authors have speculated on the extent of the early floodwaters and on when the Flood peaked. Many quest

An Interstellar Asteroid?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This article is going to take a somewhat different approach, but I think you will find the information interesting. It is about that asteroid that could have originated outside of our solar system homestead. That chuck of rock is called ‘Oumuamua (specifically, 1I/2017 U1, which is rather boring). ‘Oumuamua is Hawaiian for “a messenger from afar arriving first”. Really? Kind of presumptuous, don't you think? The word sounds like high society air kisses: "Oh, it's so good to see you, oh, mua, mua [makes smacking noises]! Here, have a cigar." Or maybe not. Artist’s concept of asteroid `Oumuamua Credit: European Southern Observatory ( CC BY 4.0 ) (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) ‘Oumuamua is not well understood by astronomers as creationary astronomer Dr. Danny Faulkner points out . One rancorous owlhoot is so passionate about evolutionism that he made the gelastic claim that this one chunk of rock negates all of b