
Showing posts with the label Noah's Ark

Successful Straw Man Attack on Noah!

A sign of intellectual dishonesty (and possibly laziness) is when people are unwilling to go to the source for information. They "learn" through gossip, disingenuous news sources , Web sites known for dishonesty and bias, make up their own "facts" from a little information and a lot of prejudice, and more. Too many people get their information about creationists from anti-creationist sites and the uninformed opinions of others. (Someone commented to me, "I have never actually spoken to a creationist. I don't know what you believe or why you believe it. Finally, I want to know. So I'm asking you." Although I am not the spokesman for all creationists , that is a step in the right direction. I gave him links to some biblical creation science organizations so he could get some first-hand information.) Similarly, people will go to sites along the lines of "I-Hate-God-Even-Though-I-Pretent-He-Does-Not-Exist-Except-When-I-Want-To-Hate-Him-And-H

Can Anything Good Come out of this "Noah" Movie?

If someone is going to make a movie about a Bible topic, it would make sense to actually use the original account. Sure, some embellishments to fill out the characters is reasonable and expected to make a story interesting and entertaining, and it has been done without doing violence to the source material 1 , 2 . Several biblical movies have been reasonably close to the original narratives, such as The Bible, King of Kings, Passion of the Christ, The Ten Commandments, Jesus of Nazareth and so on. (What if someone did The Diary of Anne Frank: Times Square Hooker Years ?) Darren Aronofsky's Noah is proudly anti-biblical. It's better if movie makers actually have some respect for the subject! Russell Crowe in Noah - photo by Niko Tavernise, Paramount Pictures-AP The Noah  movie has been panned by Christians and non-Christians alike from reading scripts and actual viewing 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 12 , though naturally some people liked it 13 , 14 but their

"Don't Miss the Boat" by Paul Taylor — Book Review

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen In the debate between Ken Ham and Bill Nye the Evolutionary Dogma Guy, Nye decided it would be a good idea to ridicule Noah's ark and the Genesis Flood. In his prepackaged-sounding objections to creation science and the Flood, he engaged in numerous logical fallacies. One was asserting uninformed opinions that would have a negative influence on listeners (prejudicial conjecture). One of these was that some shipbuilders designed a ship that sank, therefore, Noah's ark could not have worked. Like so many others of his nature, he did not do his homework, embarrassing himself and other evolution propagandists. Both Bill Nye and Ken Ham managed to get people thinking and asking questions. Don't Miss the Boat — Facts to Keep Your Faith Afloat by Paul Taylor answers some questions and will prompt further investigation. The Genesis Flood is a biblical event, and Paul gives us a clear biblical viewpoint as well as the science of the Flood, draw

Audio-Video Podcast 15 — Why Question Evolution Day Matters

Creation science is a very hot topic these days!  The debate between Ken Ham and Bill "I Play a Scientist on TV" Nye will happen very soon,   Creation Sunday   is coming, movies about Noah and the Ark are going to be released (including   a creationist version with the real account ), the   Genesis 3-D  movie   is in the works, a recent survey shows that   people are not accepting evolution nearly as much as atheists would like , a site lamented that   2013 was "a terrible year for evolution" . And there's   Question Evolution Day . Question Evolution Day   is, on the surface, about basic human rights: We can say that we question (or reject!) evolution, and should be able to do so without loss of intellectual, academic, professional, speech and other freedoms. But it is important on deeper levels, including why it is important theologically and that evolution is a foundation to the religion of atheism — both of which are fundamentally

"The Rain" by Chris Skates and Dan Tankersley — Book Review

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen How I came across this book, I am uncertain. I think it was mentioned in a comment someone made. The Kindle price was right, so I gave it a try (sorry, could not find an EPUB for the Nook). One evening, I was looking for a diversion from the science and theology material and decided to give this a try. Glad I did. Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. The LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. The LORD said, “I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the sky; for I am sorry that I have made them.” But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD.  (Genesis 6.5-8, NASB) I suppose it could be considered "historical fiction". The Bible does not tell us the names of Noah's wife or of his sons' wives, nor do we kn

A Creationist's Viewpoint of Madagascar

Image credit: morgueFile / SQUAIO (modified) Madagascar is both fascinating and puzzling. Creatures live (and had lived) there that are unique on Earth. The article linked below p resents some ideas on how animal life came to Madagascar after the Noachian Flood, using a creationist model. The English sailor Robert Drury is famous for his shipwreck on the island of Madagascar in the 1700s. We know nothing about him except the scant words in his journal. His mysterious tale perfectly fits the mysterious land he crashed into. Sometimes called “the eighth continent,” this island—about the size of France—enthralls us with its unique wildlife, its vivid colors and diverse landscapes, and its hints of past geologic upheaval and radical species diversification. As tantalizing as these marvels are, however, much about Madagascar’s history eludes us, as if the details melt away when we look closely. The amazing animals that live there—or once did—hold secrets that may he

Book Review: The Coming Wrath

A world lost in time and history. The earth as it was before the world wide flood destroyed the face of the planet almost five thousand years ago. In The Coming Wrath , you will confront the problem of evil, and the core of evil that is rooted in your own heart. You will experience the tsunami nightmare of the beautiful Madrazi, the hammering sounds of ark construction, the slaying of a dinosaur, one-on-one combat, men dying in battle, action on the high seas. Be with Madrazi as she meets the Creator in the depths of her soul. And now for something completely different. I am going to review a book that I did not read. But I did listen to it , narrated by Marko Malyj. No, I am not going to give you a detailed account of the action in The Coming Wrath by geologist Dr. John K. Reed, first book of the "Lost Worlds Trilogy". You can get chapter summaries here, however , and a longer overview here . The Coming Wrath could be considered a form of historical fi

Noah's Ark Discovery Controversy

Many evolutionists do not do their homework when it comes to creationism and Intelligent Design. I have had several people presuming to tell me what I believe, as well as proclaiming what creation science and Intelligent Design advocates teach. However, they embarrass themselves with their uninformed presuppositions. One of the presuppositions is that "believers" are extremely credulous and unscientific in our views. Here is an example to demonstrate that the opposite is true. It seems that every few years, someone claims to have discovered Noah's Ark on Mt. Ararat. The location is obscure and very difficult to find, and verification has been pretty well nonexistent. Another expedition excitedly claimed that they had found Noah's Ark, and wanted creationist support. On April 25, 2010, a press conference was held in Hong Kong to announce to the world the potential discovery of the remains of Noah’s Ark on Mt. Ararat in Turkey by a joint Chinese–Turkish team