
Possible Marking for the Global Flood — Part 1

From " Ark Encounter " The K-T boundary is a thin layer in the geologic column marking the transition from the Cretaceous system of rocks to the Paleogene system. The Cretaceous was the last  period of the Mesozoic era, and is traditionally abbreviated as "K". The Paleogene is the first period of the Cenozoic era, and the deprecated term tertiary ("T") refers to the the combination of the Paleogene and Neogene periods. The popular view is that this boundary was caused by the impact of a large asteroid 65.5 ± 0.3 million years ago, which also led to the extinction of the dinosaurs, although a number of mainstream geologists have questioned both points. [ 1 ] Biblical creation scientists do what other scientists do: Propose ideas and models, then see if the evidence supports them. One proposal is to determine if the "K/T boundary" could have been deposited during the Global Flood of Noah's time. Like many other forensic uncertain

The Darwinian Basis for Communism

“This is the book which contains the basis in natural history for our view.” — Karl Marx, in a letter to Friedrich Engels about Darwin's book Although evolutionists attempt to deny history, evolutionary views ("survival of the fittest", " nature red in tooth and claw ", "natural selection") have been essential for all sorts of evils when applied to people. After all, using "science" seen in nature, it is natural to apply it to humans, yes? Darwinism has been at the root of " Social Darwinism ", the Nazi legal system , eugenics, abortion and other horrors . Since evolution gives a pseudo-intellectual rationale for a materialistic disbelief in the Creator, atheist communist power-lovers applied Darwinism to communism. Summary: A review of the writings of the founders of communism shows that the theory of evolution, especially as taught by Darwin, was critically important in the development of modern communi

Eugenie Scott, Liar for Darwin

Documentation has been presented here on  bad science , misconduct , silly mistakes that should not happen if care had been exercised, untruthful textbooks , fraud — and outright lies. It appears that "science" (that is, the evolutionary belief system about the past being equivocated with empirical science) needs to be protected. In that case, evolutionism does  need to be defended , because it is not true science. You can listen to her humiliate herself here . Are they afraid that the truth will come out? (Just earlier this evening, I had an atheist evolutionist lie to me, ridicule both me and creation science, adhere to his fundamentalist orthodox evolutionary religion and use horrible logic to protect evolutionism.) Dr. Eugenie Scott has been on a relentless crusade to keep Intelligent Design and creation science out of education. It appears that her ethics are severely lacking. In listening to this podcast, it really struck me how proponents of evolution  must lie

More Monkey Business in Science

Somehow, the public has an image of scientists that are clever, dispassionate about facts, realistic about evidence and are above reproach. In last week's articles, we saw that they are indeed human, being prone to having ulterior motives and making mistakes [ 1 ,  2 ]. Here is some more information on scientific misconduct. Several recent articles by the British Medical Journal (BMJ) focused on the problem of unpublished clinical research trial data. University of Oxford's Richard Lehman and journal editor Elizabeth Loder wrote of "a current culture of haphazard publication and incomplete data disclosure [that] make the proper analysis of the harms and benefits of common interventions almost impossible for systematic reviewers."  Here's a sampling of recent issues that illustrate the problem: You can see the sampling and read "Is Scientific Misconduct on the Rise?" in its context, here .

Evolutionist Propaganda Increases

Once again, I feel compelled to say this: If creation science and/or Intelligent Design did not have viable interpretations of the facts, then evolutionary theories would be able to put the competition away forever. But instead, "science" must be protected (such as banning the teaching of creation in British schools ). Perhaps evolutionists know that their system is intellectually and morally bankrupt, and have to keep the competition away? And then Dawkins gloats about educational censorship. Richard Dawkins and the British Humanist Association (BHA) are celebrating this week. Following the launch of their ‘Teach Evolution, not Creationism‘ campaign in September last year, the UK’s Department of Education has revised the regulations relating to teaching about origins in government funded schools. Those ‘free schools’ that teach creation or intelligent design (ID) in science lessons will, from now on, have their financial support withdrawn. Despite the media furore

Retractions in Science

To continue with our bad science education focus, today's article will discuss how the number of retractions has escalated dramatically. As I said before , people want the grants and prestige with being the one to discover or make up a new theory, so they rush their work to market. This results in some retractions. But even so, bad "science" is still in the textbooks. The number of retracted scientific papers has skyrocketed in the last decade. In 2010, two science editors started Retraction Watch, a blog dedicated to tracking science paper retractions. So far, the site has tracked about 200 papers. Retractions can occur for different reasons. About 73 percent of retracted papers in 2010 had errors, either in the research methods used or in the writing, and about 27 percent contained fraud, according to a recent presentation on the blog. But just because a retraction occurs doesn't mean that the flawed report goes away. Nature reported that 235

And I Trust Evolutionists Because...?

It seems that from the beginning of popular evolutionary theory, there has been a great desire to be the "next big thing". Darwin hurried to get his book published after he learned that Alfred Russell Wallace had a very similar idea. "Science" has subjected the public to Nebraska Man (built from the tooth of an extinct pig), Piltdown Man (a fake that fooled the scientific establishment for decades ) and many other spurious, suspicious, fraudulent "finds" in a relentless quest for self-promotion to be the next "discoverer" of nonexistent evolutionary proof. Since evolution is not observational science, but rather, a theory about past events using scientific methods ("historical science"); it is not testable, repeatable, observable, falsifiable, verifiable and so on. But evolution is well funded, and people want that government grant money. (What happened to the alleged separation of church and state? Evolution is based on faith more