
Biomimetics and Praise to Evolution

Amazing. Scientists study nature and attempt to replicate things in it for human technology . One name for this is "biomimetics". The obvious designs in nature are only distantly replicated, as the original Designer was far above human intelligence. And yet, evolutionists show their religious devotion to evolutionism by attributing a kind of wisdom and intelligence to it. This is ridiculous, even on the surface. The researchers employed a genetic algorithm , a search process that mimics the process of natural evolution , explained Wei Chen, Wilson-Cook Professor in Engineering Design and professor of mechanical engineering at McCormick and co-investigator of the research. “ Due to the highly nonlinear and irregular behavior of the system, you must use an intelligent approach to find the optimal solution ,” Chen said. “ Our approach is based on the biologically evolutionary process of survival of the fittest.” Only the most convoluted logic could link an “intelli

Mutations, Nucleotides and Preconceptions

In the ongoing presentation of evolutionary pseudoscience, circular reasoning and arbitrary assumptions run rampant. The first assumption comes from the core of the worldview of evolutionary scientists, simply that evolution is true. From there, they examine their evidence. Unfortunately, they examine the evidence incorrectly or incompletely. In the case of how genes allegedly evolved, scientists are finally learning that their presuppositions are getting in the way of true knowledge. T hey should have put aside their biases and examined the dat a more c ompletely. One of the most common tests evolutionists use, when studying how genes are supposed to have evolved, is to compare the non-synonymous and synonymous genetic differences. That is, if a gene that codes for a particular protein is found in several species, then evolutionists interpret differences in the gene, across those species, as the result of mutations in the evolutionary process. And while most mutations cause

Biomimetics and the Firefly

Sometimes, knowing the truth takes some of the romance out of life. I don't care if it's a beetle and there's no fire, I'm calling the thing a firefly anyway. There's a kind of romance to the molecules-to-man evolution story, with it's struggle for survival, mutations, natural selection and just-so stories, too. And people believe it despite the science, not because of it. The chemistry behind the glow of fireflies and similar creatures is efficient. (It is also beyond credibility that everything to make it happen occurred by chance, since so many things have to be "in place" at the same time for anything to occur.) Biomimetics , the study of nature so it can be copied and used in technology, is an ancient practice that seems to be getting more serious lately. In this case, scientists are studying the efficient mechanism by which the firefly transfers light and are using the structure for LED lenses. We have often reported on human designers co

Did Mathematics Evolve?

Numbers. Mathematics and their laws. We use them, and most of us take them for granted. But where do they come from? Like the laws of logic, numbers are not things, they are not material. They represent material things, but the laws of math and the laws of logic transcend material things; they are concepts . Yet, they exist independently, and are not subject to time, distance and culture. Again, where did the laws of mathematics come from? Most people have heard of “evolutionary biology.” But the term “evolution” is often applied in a broader sense (gradual, naturalistic changes over long ages) to other fields of study. Some people study geology or astronomy from an evolutionary perspective. But has anyone ever studied “evolutionary mathematics”? What would an evolutionist mathematician study? Can the existence of numbers and mathematical laws be explained by a time-and-chance naturalistic origin? To answer these questions, let us first consider some background

Abortion and the Evolutionary Worldview

The "Meme" Police want these things to be funny. Too bad. This one is intended to make a point. Today is the 40th anniversary of America's legalization of the holocaust against the unborn. We hear about "a woman's right to choose" and other emotion-based "arguments" that are quickly refuted . Ironically, "Jane Roe" (Norma McCorvey) of "Roe v. Wade" fame, is now a Christian and pro-life campaigner. Abortion has roots in the devaluing of human life. The evolutionary worldview does this very thing, and has been the basis of many kinds of evil in the world . Molecules-to-man evolutionary thinking easily supports abortion . There are biblical and logical reasons to regard human life commencing at conception. Even many rabid abortionists today concede that the unborn does not suddenly become human when it starts to get its oxygen from air, rather than its previous source. Philosopher and ethicist and animal rights activist,

Book Review: The Coming Wrath

A world lost in time and history. The earth as it was before the world wide flood destroyed the face of the planet almost five thousand years ago. In The Coming Wrath , you will confront the problem of evil, and the core of evil that is rooted in your own heart. You will experience the tsunami nightmare of the beautiful Madrazi, the hammering sounds of ark construction, the slaying of a dinosaur, one-on-one combat, men dying in battle, action on the high seas. Be with Madrazi as she meets the Creator in the depths of her soul. And now for something completely different. I am going to review a book that I did not read. But I did listen to it , narrated by Marko Malyj. No, I am not going to give you a detailed account of the action in The Coming Wrath by geologist Dr. John K. Reed, first book of the "Lost Worlds Trilogy". You can get chapter summaries here, however , and a longer overview here . The Coming Wrath could be considered a form of historical fi

Audio Saturday: Question Evolution Day

Edited 2-28-2016, removed non-functioning audio link and references to it. When the interview on "Bob Enyart Live" was being set up, I wrote in my notes that I am a nobody. If he had wanted to pursue this, I would have liked to tell him: I'm just a regular guy, not an organization (but we do have several Admins on the Facebook Page), and do not make money on any of this, so I have a full-time job Nobody is paying for things for me to use Videos are made with Windows Video Maker, I don't own high-end software or have a studio of any kind Audio is recorded and mixed on Audacity Open Source software Graphics are done through Paint.Net free software The microphone/headset was purchased at the Big Huge Corporate Retail Store down the road It's the same place I bought my eMachine computer a few years ago (which has been a reliable workhorse) All I am, and all I have, are gifts of God This whole "Question Evolution Day" is a grassroots movement