
Prehistoric Plant Users?

Creationists are grinning about dental calculus. Of course, we wouldn't be grinning so much about having to have our own removed. Rather, archaeologists made some cavities and are studying the remains of supposedly prehistoric people. Studying dental build-up has put evolutionists down in the mouth before, and it is happening again. Evolutionary assumptions are that humans were stupid brutes early in their development, and they were too stupid to figure out how to use plants effectively. It seems that the people of this study knew about plants, and how to use them effectively — possibly for medicinal purposes. The results fit with biblical post-Flood dispersal models and put a cap on evolutionary guesses. Al Khiday, near the Nile River in Central Sudan, contains five archaeological sites with burial grounds representing three cultures: one without evidence of agriculture, another with evidence of some agricultural development, and a more recent one suggesting a well-devel

Evolution is not in the Cards for Sharks

A creature with one of the worst reputations is the shark. It's often a victim of "guilt by association" where people think that just because it's a shark, it will seek you out and kill you. For that matter, the word "shark" covers a lot of ground, because there are various species of shark. This gets more complicated because the hammerhead, for example, comprises more of a family of several species. Most shark attacks on humans are from three kinds , and some of the reports are sketchy. Some of them are huge and alarming to behold, but (like the majority) have no interest in humans. But there's no need to be careless, either. Basking shark, harmless to humans / Pixabay / tpsdave Sharks are amazingly efficient at doing shark stuff. Evolutionists have no idea how they evolved ( especially the teeth !) and have no plausible models, but they're certain it happened because they presume that evolution is a fact. Realistically, they are examples o

Evolutionists Carping About Shark Genes

Darwin's Cheerleaders have been making up their "Just So" stories with imagination that would make Kipling envious. If someone chooses to suspend their disbelief and ability to think, some of the stories of evolution can almost make sense. Beginning with evolutionary preconceptions, Darwinists construct tales of life coming from non-life, then progressing through many stages, branching out and culminating in the huge variety of life forms that are seen today. Scientific observations have refuted these stories time and time again, but the faithful cling to their evolutionary views despite  the evidence, not because of it. The idea of one kind of fish evolving into another kind of fish that flopped onto land and evolved into air breathers is a long-believed story. Sharks are supposedly related to one of those early fishes. However, genetic studies (a constant enemy of evolutionary conjectures) of sharks have shown serious contradictions to what these scientists exp

Natural Selection and Vertebrae

The expression "built for speed" applies to more than just machinery. A study of the vertebrae in mammals' skeletons had some interesting results. Creatures that are built for speed tend to have little variation in different kinds, but the slower animals that do not rely on speed for survival have more variation. The study was an example of natural selection. Natural selection does not mean molecules-to-man evolution. Instead, it weeds out the unfit and preserves organisms within genetic limitations; it does not add new genetic information to enable an organism to turn into something else. Interestingly, this study had a result that the scientists did not plan: It supports the work of the Designer, not evolution. Why is the number of vertebrae in the trunk of mammals, despite diverse lifestyles, “surprisingly constant”? Evolutionary biologists investigating biodiversity want to know. To solve this riddle, Frietson Galis of Leiden’s Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Noah's Flood and Creation Science Applications of Geology in Australia

The idea that scientists are totally impartial and will follow where the evidence leads is simply not true. Instead, scientists have their starting points, biases, opinions, want to see if an idea has merit and so forth. Biblical creationists have the starting point that the Bible is not only reliable in matters of faith, but also correct when it addresses matters of science, history and other things. Secular scientists (and Bible compromisers) begin with atheistic naturalism, long ages, evolution and a rejection of the Bible as a reliable record of historical events. Kangaroo Point Cliffs / Wikimedia Commons / Figaro Regarding geology, nobody is observing the past. People attempt to deduce what happened in the past using observations and deduction. Dr. Tas Walker uses a biblical Noachian Flood model in his approach to geological data, and the result is that the biblical model is superior to the secular uniformitarian model in explaining what is seen. His article discusses pa

Secularists Robbing the Scientific Method

Secularists have been stealing the scientific method. Although it had several contributors, it had its best development under the hands of Christians. Naturalistic interpretations of science became popular, and Christians stood by and let them redefine science in naturalistic terms. Now people have the impression that when a scientist makes an utterance, it is a scientific fact. The word "theory" is grossly misused, and speculations are being pawned off as facts, especially in reference to molecules-to-man evolution. Worse, atheistic scientism is being used as the means to interpret scientific evidence. This is ridiculous, as a naturalistic time-chance-mutations universe would make doing science impossible! Some biblical Christians are making efforts to show the extreme limitations of naturalistic science interpretations. We want the scientific method back so we can save it from further abuse and use it properly again. Are modern schools teaching the scientific method

Dinosaur Bone Jumbles Unexplained by Conventional Geology

For a long time, the conventional explanation of fossilization was that something died and then was gradually buried. After millions of years, it became a fossil. Some people realize that such a scenario does not work in reality, and that fossilization requires rapid burial; conditions are more essential than time. Fossil graveyards, such as Dinosaur National Monument, have jumbled fossils. Many are intact, and some are bits and pieces. Secular geologists will invoke a form of catastrophe to explain what has been observed, but they will not defer to the best explanation, which is the Noachian Flood models of biblical creationists. At Dinosaur National Monument in Utah, a confused tangle of bones juts from a ridge of sandstone, chock-full of dinosaur fossils. The sandstone is part of the Morrison Formation, a body of sedimentary rock extending from New Mexico to Saskatchewan in the north and covering more than 1 million square kilometres (400,000 square miles) of the western US