
Evolution and Dumbing Down

The feeling that everyone else on the road is not smart enough to drive is most likely a product of your imagination. And admit it, you've had times where you've done less than spectacular things when tired, distracted or whatever. There are studies indicating that IQ is indeed dropping ( as we've seen before ). While taking care of ourselves physically and mentally can help us to some degree, there is no way of staving off the overall genetic decline. This is another indication of the truth of the Bible, that everything is going downhill. Are we dumber than our grandparents? Social psychologists are tracking IQ scores and noticed a decline in the last decade after a steady rise since the 1950s. Some wonder if the recent downturn reflects genes that have been eroding all along. Are we evolving stupidity? The concept of eroding genes—steadily but slowly marred by new slightly harmful mutations that occur every generation—has its proponents and detractors. New S

"Bad Design" Claim about the Vas Deferens Refuted

Some evolutionists like to justify their beliefs in evolution and natural selection by claiming that a feature ( such as the human eye ) is the product of "bad design", so EvolutionDidIt. The "carrying away vessel", the vas deferens, of many males is one such feature that people like Richard Dawkins will regard as poorly designed. He made mistakes that someone with his training should not have made, and also went beyond his expertise to say that he could have done better. (Unfortunately, his disciples accept his words and spread them around in their efforts to negate creation science and Intelligent Design.) Dawkins' alternative designs do not withstand examination. DO NOT go to the URL in the picture   Not only is the vas deferens expertly designed for embryological development, but is efficient from biological, engineering and fluid mechanics viewpoints. The vas deferens is an important part of the male reproductive system. However, some anti-creationi

Lithium and Other Problems Require Major Cosmology Reconstruction — Again

Secular cosmology keeps needing repairs. Once they think they have something figured out, actual scientific data ruins their ideas. Observations (such as lithium content) are interfering with the Big Bang again, so new stories will need to be made up. If they did not have faulty presuppositions in the beginning, they would not have so many problems, would they? After all, the logical conclusion is that the universe was designed, not a product of an inexplicable explosion . You can read more about some of the new problems by clicking on " Big Bang’s Lithium Problem Gets More Problematic ". Also, you can read " Big Bang Fizzles under Lithium Test ".  

"Walking" Bichir and Evolutionary Fantasy

Once again, proponents of evolution are conflating "change" and "adaptation" with "evolution", and then extrapolating changes as evidence of microbes-to-microbiologist evolution. Experiments done on bichirs, a fish that can move across land for short distances, produced modifications (you can have them in your aquarium, but watch out that they don't eat your other fish). Great, we have true experimental science in action.  The assertions about evolution are entirely unwarranted, however. And no evidence of the multitude of changes that evolution would require. Backward assumptions are not evidence, they are fantasy. Unfortunately, proponents of evolution believe such unfounded conjectures to be the evidence that they desire. Another explanation that is conveniently omitted is that this is an example of the ability to adapt that was programmed into the bichir by the Creator. Could a popular African air-breathing aquarium fish—the bichir—hold the

Why So Few Human Fossils?

The question arises, "Why do we see very few human fossils in the rock strata?" There are many reasons for this, and one key is what is fossilized. The overwhelming majority are marine organisms including an abundance of clams. Land-based creatures are far fewer, and there is an extreme scarcity of human fossils — most of which are very incomplete. Oso, Washington after March 22, 2014 mudslide Photo by Petty Officer 1st Class Ryan Olson (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Despite uniformitarian assertions, fossils are the product of catastrophic processes and burial. The Great Biblical Flood of Noah's time was an extremely violent, global event. The tragedy in Oso, Washington helps illustrate why human fossils would be scarce. The human population in Noah’s day was extensive, likely numbering in the multimillions. With the exception of the few people on the Ark, this entire population was annihilated by the Flood. Since the Flood also deposited

Mormonism and Biblical Creation

Various religious groups that identify themselves as Christian do not have a high view of Scripture, reinterpret for their own purposes and even reject it altogether. Most cults reject biblical creation , and I had sounded an alarm that a Sacred Name cult on Facebook was hiding under the guise of a creationist Page! Indeed, theistic evolution requires disdain for the written Word of God, taking the Pelagian heresy beyond what Pelagius would have envisioned . Often, evolutionists act like cultists in their pursuit of eradicating God. Cults twist the Scriptures (if they give them credence at all), and "liberal Christianity" is heading down the same road as these cults. Some are ambiguous about their belief in evolution. Pixabay / Mormon Temple / SteeveMeyner Mormonism gives mixed signals that confuse adherents. Their entire philosophy is ultimately materialistic, and their concept of becoming gods themselves is a form of evolutionary thinking. On one hand, they are on

Vestigial Organs and Whale Sex

One of the tired canards of evolution is that the whale has vestigial hind legs and a pelvic girdle. This means they are leftovers from its alleged (and preposterous) evolutionary past where it something flopped from the sea onto land, evolved, then turned around and evolved further into a whale . Yeah, that's science. People believe this, and promote it as if it could kill off belief in the Creator: Part of this guy's elephant hurling session. Click for larger. So-called vestigial organs have been an embarrassment to evolutionists. They declared various organs and such to be useless leftovers from an evolutionary past, and then (like "junk" DNA) uses have been found. So some are actually redefining the word "vestigial" to sidestep the issue. As usual, evolutionary thinking has hindered actual science. Things were declared useless, they were not studied. Creationists have always maintained, in the correct scientific attitude, that things have a