
Diamonds from the Basement

Most of us have ideas about diamonds, how they're valuable, look mighty fine, the hardest substance on Earth, made of highly-organized carbon, have industrial uses, and are even useful in superconductors. (Maybe the lethal satellite in Diamonds Are Forever isn't so far-fetched?) The ones you see in jewellery stores or up for auction are specially cut and polished, rough (or "raw) diamonds look quite a bit different , and don't fetch quite a high price. Secular geologists assign dates of somewhere around a billion years old, but since radiocarbon exists in them, they are actually thousands of years old. They're also a bit of a mystery. So where do they come from? Image credit: Pixabay / Aenigmatis-3D Diamond deposits (and, naturally, diamond mines) are not everywhere on the planet. Also, they're unstable. They had to form way down yonder with Earth's basement rocks, and made the journey to the surface without breaking down into graphite. Creationar

The Origin of Inspiration

Where does inspiration come from? Secular scientists have tried to deal with metaphysical questions based on their materialistic philosophies (such as free will, ethics, and so on) as if such things were a physical part of the brain. Not much success. Searching for naturalistic origins of imagination, inspiration, and so on are not exactly in their areas of expertise. Image credit: Freeimages / Keith Syvinski There are different kinds of inspiration that people get, such as music, poetry, prose, the desire to get something accomplished, communicating a message, architecture, and so on. People have different motives, too, whether it's to impress others, problem solving, to give glory to God, and other possibilities. But getting an inspiration and using imagination involves knowledge as well. The design of life, the universe, and everything testifies to the brilliance of our Creator. So, how do we come into this? Ain't no way such things could have evolved, they are gifts

Science is a Beastly Business

It's one thing to learn about someone else by walking a mile in his moccasins, it's quite another to work at becoming an animal. A couple of scientists decided to get tax dollar grant money, live and eat like animals, and then writing books based on their "research". (Seems a bit nuts to me.) But they, or anyone else, cannot deny what they are created to be with mere assertion. Nebuchadnezzar by William Blake, 1795 Nebuchadnezzar, a king of the Babylonian Empire , lived the beast life in a much more impressive way — but not by choice, and not in a pretentious attempt at doing scientific research. Ultimately, he gave glory to God . These book-writing owlhoots had no intent at glorifying God. Such "research" is just plain silly, but fitting because secularists believe that humans are just another animal in common-ancestor evolutionism. The AAAS endorses two books where researchers act like animals. Thomas Nagel famously pondered what it would be l

Modern Genetics Supporting Bible History

As we know, or should know by now, scientists do not go around collecting data and then seek to organize it. Instead, they have ideas and presuppositions; a "let's see what this does" approach can be helpful. Would a particles-to-pathologist evolutionist see if information supports the Bible? Not too often these days, old son. Schematic representation of the human mitochondrial genome Image credit: CC BY-NC 3.0 (use does not imply endorsement of site contents A creation scientist saddled up and rode the Genetic Trail and had some very interesting findings. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) data were downloaded from all major people groups, ran software, did other calculations — and demonstrated that ancestry can be traced back to the wives of Noah's sons! This supports the young Earth view of biblical creationists, and causes some consternation for evolutionists. When research biologist Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson plotted hundreds of human mitchondrial

Conflicting Views and the Brain

Secularists are contradicting themselves by saying that there's a brain-based conflict"between "science" and "religion", and then try to find the source of free will in the brain , and also claim to know about ethics . Free will and ethics are spiritual concepts, and indeed, these naturalistic owlhoots conveniently ignore the fact that atheism itself is a religion, both legally and philosophically . Credits: Image*After Scientists are mighty arrogant these days, making assertions about things that they really are only beginning to understand. There are naturalistic underpinnings in studies, contradictions, and problems with definitions (such as the key words here, science and religion , since science is a philosophy of interpreting evidence). Science gets presented in churches, that should cause a naturalist some cognitive dissonance. Further, Christians are commanded to love God with our minds as well as h eart , soul , and strength. Worse, bigo

Did Solar Flares from the Faint Young Sun Bring Life to Earth?

The hands at the Darwin Ranch down Deception Pass way have been hitting the firewater again and telling tall tales — and getting paid. Wild speculation has been recorded and presented as "science", but there's a bit of disagreement with someone spoiling the celebration by bringing up a few facts. Then some yahoo brings up a completely different idea. We have a pair of related articles on these matters for your perusal. M6.4 class solar flare erupting, image credit: NASA / SDO (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) One of the oldest problems for evolutionists is the "faint young sun paradox". Basically, since everything is supposedly the result of the Big Bang, our sun was too cool to support life on Earth. Life couldn't evolve. But they insist on an ancient universe, so there's the "paradox". One Darwinista in the pseudoscience of astrobiology proposed a solution to the problem, but naturally, it involves a whole whack of

Neanderthals Bring New Meaning to "Man Cave"

Who were cave men? Men who lived in caves. Next question. Oh, too short? Okay. In the parlance of proponents of evolution from a common ancestor, our predecessors were stupid brutes that gradually evolved human characteristics, intelligence, culture, and so on. The Neanderthals were popular cave man icons because some lived in caves, but they were not only intelligent, but fully human — much to the consternation of some anti-creationists. It's kind of fun to learn about our distant fully-human cousins, and new discoveries keep on refuting evolutionary ideas. One reason is that we have a whole passel of information about Neanderthals to work with than the usual fragments of teeth and bones of our other alleged evolutionary ancestors. By the way, people in modern times have lived in caves, especially in hot climates. Morguefile / richard_b If you're not too bright and just trying to survive, or just passing through, you're not likely to gussy up a place too much. Neand