
Scientists Give Homage to Evolution for Killifish Adaptation

There's a family (not species) swimming around mainly in the Americas called killifish — "Why do you want to kill the fish, Cowboy Bob? That's cruel!" No, look closer. One word, three syllables. "Kill" is an old Dutch word for river; I live near the Cats kill s. So, the meaning of killifish is " fish of the brook ". Of course, some killifish can be good eatin', but that's not the subject today. So anyway, when industrialists were using Darwinian-based laissez-faire capitalism and dumping sewage into the water, they commenced to not only pollute, but killed off many critters as well as a passel of fish. Waccamaw killifish image credit: Fritz Rhode / North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources / public domain (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) There was a song by the group 38 Special that had the line, "You see it all around you, good lovin' gone bad". Here's another ins

Science Needs Serious Repair

When I'm discussing a repair with my favorite mechanic, I gleefully display my ignorance by asking questions that must seem ridiculous to him. Fortunately, we both know that I'm uninformed, and he likes to teach. I may ask if it's possible to make a repair in a certain way, and he'll tell me why it won't work. The science industry itself is in serious need of repair. Papers get published that are plagiarized, computer generated , the results cannot be reproduced, data is omitted, unethical activity, a blatantly leftist bias  that belies claims of objectivity, faulty peer review, and more. They want the spotlight for sensational results, but failures are useful information as well;  scientists need to know what will not work as well as what succeeds, see? Image cropped from Pixabay / Skitterphoto In addition, incomplete information is presented (a frequent occurrence among evolutionary scientists and their sensationalistic press pals), but there is a lack of f

Incompetent Objections to Flood Geology

Some owlhoots who profess to be Christians in the BioLogos gang (implied motto: "Jesus lied") have been riding with the hands at the Darwin Ranch in their continuing mission to slap leather with biblical creationists. For some reason, old Earth proponents (especially theistic evolutionists) elevate atheistic interpretations of science to the magisterial position over the Bible, which they claim to believe. Then atheists trumpet, "See? Even these religious people believe in evolution!", and then continue their perfervid denunciations of Christians, including their TE useful idiots. François de La Rouchefoucauld (Frankie the Rock) had several maxims, this is one of my favorites. If you study on it a spell, most people will consider someone insightful when they are in agreement. Some will respect intelligent opponents who disagree with them, but those are in the minority. Here, BioLogos uses secular sources in their attempts to refute biblical creationists, but t

Flawed Cave Samples for Climate Research

One of the methods used to determine an old Earth as well as climate change is called paleoclimate research  ("paleo", meaning, "way back when"). The procedure seems quite simple, get samples from caves, cart them back to the lab, and see what happens. In their efforts to prove the conclusions the scientists had already made, serious flaws were discovered in the techniques. Image credit: Freeimages /  Frank Müller When the samples are moved away, changes begin to happen quickly, and the results are suspect. In addition, the samples vary between caves. This makes it mighty difficult to make projections about Earth's past climate, and to make projections about the future. Perhaps if they didn't presume consensus science, uniformitarianism and Earth being ancient, and also took more care in their testing? Earth was created far more recently than secularists want to admit. Widely used to infer past climates, isotope measurements from stalactites and stal

Irreducible Complexity Objection Refuted

An argument from the Intelligent Design people that creationists like to use is irreducible complexity.  That is, components of an organism must be in place at the same time, or nothing would make sense, and even be harmful to the organism if they evolved piecemeal. There are many examples, including the hummingbird , bombardier beetle , and on the unseen level, the ATP synthase enzyme and the flagellum. Irreducible complexity is a strong argument for the skill of our Creator as well as a serious impediment for evolution. Image credit:  Zina Deretsky, National Science Foundation (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Darwin's defenders don't cotton to evidence for creation, so they attempt to "refute" things they dislike (such as dinosaur soft tissue and irreducible complexity) with such first water arguments as, "It's been refuted", or, "That's not true". Saying  something has been refuted does not demonstrate actual r

Cute and Curious Tree Dweller

There are some mighty interesting critters living in the jungles of Indonesia, 'Straya, and elsewhere. (Mind you, keep your distance and don't touch unless you have someone with you that says it's okay.) There are interesting things up in the trees, and I understand that some spent so much time way up yonder, people didn't know they existed. Same kind of thing happens with nocturnal animals as well. Reminds me of the colugo . But I'm wandering again. Spotted Cuscus image credit: Matt Francey / Flickr One of these jungle tree dwellers is the cuscus. (Before someone commences to typo-pouncing, yes, it's spelled correctly.) This cute thing looks sort of like a monkey. In fact, it's a marsupial, similar to the opossum, which is the only marsupial in North America , and some folks eat possums . I don't. The cuscus is not fierce, so it has other continuance features that our Creator gave it. Cuscuses are good-natured marsupials that roam the lush jun

Creationist Shoots Down Old Earth Icon

Creationary scientists have to keep secular scientists honest. Or at least, to point out their errors. It seems that one of the guidelines for both common-ancestor evolution and old Earth concepts is, "If it supports our view, valid". One of the icons of uniformitarian geology used to support deep time is the Milankovitch (astronomical) theory. The basic idea is that secular views of multiple ice ages in Earth's past were caused by changes in it's orbit and rotation over long periods. However, these owlhoots are assuming long ages to prove long ages, and making a passel of assumptions in the process. That's neither logical nor scientific, old son. Assembled with graphics from Clker clipart Secularists ignore a wagon-load of evidences for a young Earth (they don't fit the paradigm), preferring dubious radiometric dating methods instead. Milankovitch's work has been used in support of not only their credenda for deep time, but also to support climat