
Science and Bible Interpretation

As Christians who believe the Bible and also use science, creationists are often challenged by mockers to explain biblical passages that appear to deny established scientific facts. Scripture does not contain anything that actually  defies scientific facts, and it certainly does not call on us to deny observable science. Dishonest atheists often use the logical fallacy of conflation, saying that since we deny evolution, we deny science. Evolution is historical in nature, and has numerous flaws; it is not a scientific fact. Still, the question remains: how do we deal with apparent conflicts between science and the Bible?  Planetary Orbits , Andreas Cellanius, 1660 The same owlhoots that call creationists "science deniers" for rejecting evolution also go to the stables and saddle up the old swayback of a falsehood that Christians persecuted Galileo because he taught true science (the heliocentric view, Earth moves around the sun), which supposedly conflicted with what t

The Controversial Angkor Wat Stegosaurus Carving

This is a difficult article for me to present. Not because I have a problem with it, but I got all het up about the article and want to talk about it too much and spoil the main thing for you. So, a bit of restraint on my part is in order. Way over yonder down Cambodia way is a cluster of ancient Buddhist temples and monasteries. Some of them are huge. One of the most famous is the Angkor Wat, and it warrants our attention because of some carvings that look like a stegosaurus. It is understandable for people to say some thing like, "What is that  doing there?" According to deep time presuppositions, it cannot  be a stegosaurus because evolution.  That is, those critters supposedly died off about 65 million Darwin years ago, long before humans roamed the earth. Because of their assumptions, the carving is dismissed out of hand; the secularistically biased Wikipedia wrote them off , "...however the carving does not represent a living stegosaur but instead either a r

Argonauts on the Fast Shell

There are two very similar mollusks, the chambered nautilus and the argonaut (which is often called the "paper nautilus" because of the female's paper-thin eggcase). In ancient Greek legends, Jason took fifty men to find the golden fleece on a ship called the Argo , so they were argonauts. This relative of the octopus was thought to sail in its own way. See how that works? People thought they stole the shells, the wicked little pirates, but no, they own the shells. Argonauta argo , Comingio Merculiano, 1896 People have been baffled by the argonaut for a long time, but gradually, many of its secrets have been revealed. It uses a form of jet propulsion, and actively scoops air to control buoyancy. I should have said she , because only the females have the shells. Males were unknown until the 19th century, and being exceptionally small is a contributing factor to their lack of discovery. Reproduction is something that is quite unique. The argonaut is yet another exampl

Beetle Baffles Evolutionists

According to proponents of vertical (universal common ancestor) evolution, the simplest life forms are in the oldest rock layers, and then things became more advanced. This story is built on assumptions, and paleontologists are constantly finding fossils in the wrong order, and critters that "astonish" them. Happens a lot, really. Credit: Clker clip art Papa Darwin called things that appeared to be extinct but are doing right well in the here and now " living fossils ". Seems like we have something that may qualify. A beetle that is 300 million Darwin years old shows all sorts of features that its fully modern counterparts exhibit. So, evolutionists are amazed. They wouldn't be having these problems if they realized that God's Word is true, evolution is false, and the world was created recently. Fossils like this happened quickly in the Genesis Flood, not gradually over zillions of years. Then all the evidence would line up nicely for them. Unfortuna

Getting Behind in a Facial Recognition Study

Looks like the hands at the Darwin Ranch have been overworked, moonlighting at the new propaganda mill over near Fort Defiance. I say that because they seem to have been gnawing on a mess of peyote buttons again. And I say that  because of the outlandish "research" being conducted using the ever-present circular reasoning: to prove evolution, you assume it's true. Then they mix in some more strange assumptions and bad logic. Ain't working, Pilgrim. Credit: Pixabay / 1447441 Just a moment for a side note. Proponents of molecules-to-monkey evolution get on the prod when someone says that they believe we evolved from apes. To get into semantics, they believe we evolved from a common ancestor, the lineages for apes and humans having diverged way back when. Then they prop up the idol of failed transitional form Lucy , an  Australopithecus afarensis (Latin for "Southern ape from Afar", because scientists like dead languages out of tradition). Proposed missi

Silicon Plays Well with Others

As carbon is to living things, silicon is to rocks. Silicate minerals comprise most of the rocks on Earth, and silicon is extremely compliant. Carbon wanted to have a party and invited other elements. The noble gasses remained aloof, what with being noble and all. The fun started when silicon showed up, since it mixes well with a passel of other minerals. The garnet gemstone has silica in its composition. Credit: Morguefile / arien Silicon is plentiful, and its ability to combine with other elements gives us a tremendous variety of shapes and colors in rocks. More than that, our Creator engineered silicon so we could use it in many applications and improve our earthly lives. Not just function, but our viewing pleasure. So why do minerals have so many different shapes and colors? The answer tells us a lot about God’s love and care for us. He created a small set of basic building blocks, out of which the earth could provide the amazing variety of minerals we need to build places

How Biblical Creationists Are Refuted

Or, "How Do I Refute Thee? Let Me Count the Ways..."  by Cowboy Bob Sorensen As we have seen numerous time on this site alone, anti-creationists want to debunk what we have to say. These self-appointed social justice warriors go on search-and-destroy missions, attacking creationary sites in their efforts to protect "science". In reality, they are attempting to protect evolutionism from rational scrutiny. We get a boatload of them at The Question Evolution Project . What follows involves my own observations as well as material that I recommend for your edification. Credit: Freeimages / gestoerte Darwin's Crusaders Science thrives on information and discussion, but anti-creationists not only oppose free speech, but free thought. Darwinism must  be guarded, lest people see it for what it really is. Many of these folks fancy themselves as crusaders for science, falsely  calling those who disagree with evolution "liars" , egos telling them t