
Humans Causing Extinction

The observation that humans cause animals to go extinct is not exactly startling news. For believers in atoms-to-atomic engineer evolution, I will ask again: why should anyone care that some animals are endangered , and will even become extinct? Biblical creationists have an answer, but evolutionists are inconsistent because we are the dominant life form and can do what we want.  But we do care and try to keep various animals alive despite the naturalistic worldview. (By the way, ever notice that people don't care so much about the survival of ugly critters? Someone shared that, and it stuck with me.) Y'all might be surprised that despite my provocative and seemingly callous questions above, I'm actually angry while writing this. Elk photo credit: Unsplash / Abben S I'm not against hunting per se, (if people eat what they kill), but I get mighty riled when tinhorns want to kill critically endangered animals for photos and bragging rights. Also, "tradition

DNA Emergency Services

Gregor Mendel (peas be upon him) started the science of genetics, researchers have been lassoing a lot of fascinating information. Especially in recent years. Advances in science and technology, research in creation science, and other factors have contributed to amazing information regarding DNA. Proponents of universal common descent have been embarrassed by their previous weak research in the human genome and their labeling of things they do not understand as "junk" DNA. Now we learn that some of that so-called junk is a part of a kind of EMS — emergency medical service. Credit: RGBStock / Robert Linder Seems that there are some good Samaritans in each cell that deal with the extreme amount of damage incurred by DNA. "You don't look so good, old son. Let me get you to a place that will fix you up." This is going on in each cell, and we have trillions of cells. And evolutionists called it junk, but they should be realizing that the Master Engineer puts t

Do Animals Really Act Like Humans?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Basement Cat gives me a strange look when I am moving around, getting ready for work in the morning. My wife and I give it a meaning, such as, "I know what you did". There are times when we know she is happy, annoyed, affectionate, or whatever, because many animals do show emotions. Giving verbal captions and putting words in our mouth is just us assigning traits on the cat for our own convenience.  Original image credit before modification: Pixabay / cojessmom There was a news report about a killer whale that gave birth to a calf, but sadly, it died a few minutes later. The mother was clearly showing signs of grief, and even going beyond that of other orcas.  Some people tend to "see" human traits in animals. When a dog is coached to make a sound like, "I love you", sorry, pilgrim, it is not a true expression of love. Other critters can display reactions that have the appearance of advanced emotions, and can appear to act

Manta Rays and Biomimetics

You probably know that there are some mighty strange things living in the oceans, and we have not even explored all of them yet. An odd flat fish thing that is somewhat familiar is the manta ray. Rays are related to sharks, but without the bad attitude. Sharks, dolphins, and so on move from side to side, but mantas have that interesting motion that (to me) looks a bit like it's flying underwater. One endangered species has the unfortunate moniker of " devil fish " or "giant devil ray" because some folks thought it looked creepy. Scientists wanted to study the motion of mantas for biomimetics uses. The sting ray was not mentioned in the report that I saw. Credit: flikr / jon hanson ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) If you recollect that biomimetics is the way scientists study organisms in nature so they can imitate them for our use, then you recollect rightly. Someone got the notion that mantas have a way of moving that, if successfully imitated (although without credit to

Disappearing Atmosphere on Mars

Seems like a nice place, but it could do with a little atmosphere... Actually, Mars is not such a nice place, what with being so cold, huge dust storms, static electricity, mostly desert, a possible "lake" which would have poison water , and all. The atmosphere is 100 times thinner than ours, so heat does not have much incentive to linger. Scientists have known for a long time that its atmosphere was thin. Now they've learned that what little it has is going away. Mars having a dust storm, and its two moons are also in the picture Credit: NASA , ESA, and STScI (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) The atmosphere depletion is a cause for concern among deep time proponents. Using their lower limits, scientists have a passel of problems keeping Mars old. Rescuing devices for cosmic evolution cause more problems than they solve. Simply put, Mars and the rest of the solar system are young — all were created recently, as we keep seeing from the evidence time

Volcanoes, Hawaii, and the Genesis Flood

Biblical creationists freely admit that the Genesis Flood was a miraculous event, but we still want to know not only the theology, but the science involved. Like their secular counterparts, creationary scientists have disagreements and put forward various models of the events. (An early idea that creationists promoted was the Canopy Theory . I taught this in the early 1990s. It has been largely abandoned by most creationists today.) Even so, the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii had itself an eruption in 2018, and the result fits creationary ideas. Volcanic plume at the summit of Kilauea on May 13, 2018 Image Credit: NASA astronaut Drew Feustel from the space station (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Creationists have examined the effects of volcanic activity on the air and water, since there was a tremendous amount of volcanic activity during the Flood. Water heats up, steam rises, and rain is produced. Extrapolate this to the global catastrophic event of the Flood.

Engineered Adaptability and Biblical Clarity

While biblical creationists may disagree on models on origins, models of the Genesis Flood, and so on, we agree on the truth and clarity of the Bible. We are not going to all this work to be contentious and put burrs under the saddles of evolutionists. Instead, we strive to point people to the gospel message. Creationists use scientific evidence in a biblical framework. Credit: Unsplash / Aaron Burden Darwinists tend to presuppose materialism, and biblical creationists presuppose the foundational truth of Scripture. We have been examining articles by the Institute for Creation Research and others about engineered adaptability. The short definition is that Darwin and his followers believe in intangible external forces or "pressures" that cause organisms to adapt and change, but scientific evidence shows that the better explanation is that they were engineered and equipped to adapt. The Bible is clear that people know that God exists, and his attributes are seen in nat