
Darwin Distorted Engineered Adaptability

The engineered adaptability series and the development of the continuous environmental tracking (CET) model from the Institute for Creation Research is getting stronger, and I have been looking forward to new installments in their series. Indeed, we have seen several examples from other creationist organizations that also fit the model. Now we are going to see some of the background of Charles anti-design approach. Unlike many of Darwin's disciples, Chuck made an effort to understand the opposition. He was extremely familiar with the work Natural Theology by creationist William Paley , who used design as a teleological argument for the existence of God. Darwin commenced to distorting design arguments. He taught that organisms changed because of outside "pressures", and used a kind of mysticism to his version of evolution. The opposite is true. Engineered adaptability shows that organisms have built-in abilities to detect and respond to environmental changes accor

Places Named in Genesis

In " Finding Eden ", we examined how some people are attempting to locate Eden from clues in the Bible. Now we will broaden the subject to other place names in the early chapters of Genesis. It is not all that surprising that people will attempt to map out some locations despite the huge amount of years that has elapsed because some of the directions are very specific, such as the rivers in Eden.  Credit: Pixabay / Jeff Jacobs The authors clearly intended readers to know that they were writing history, but considerable debate exists about this point. There have been attempts to understand what the writers were thinking, and also to make Genesis locations into a kind of hybrid of allegory and history, of both past and present. Some scholars seem to forget, or ignore, the fact of the Genesis Flood and how it would drastically alter the land. I should pull in the reigns for a moment and let you know a view that I accept, but is not dealt with in the article linked below

Genetic Tinkering to Break Biological Shackles

Scientists are pushing the limits of ethics and morality, with the help of CRISPR to do genetic engineering. We have seen that some scientists are working on making horrible hybrids from animals, and even with human embryos. They talk about ethics, but their worldview is based on materialism and evolution, so we cannot expect high standards. News from communist China is fascinating from a scientific perspective, but is also alarming because of the potential for dehumanization. A mouse with a peanut by Albert Anker The news is that scientists messed with mice, and had a brood from female "same sex parents". Now, some critters commence to doing parthenogenesis (reproduction without a male), but they were designed by the Master Engineer for that activity. Also, the communists are not quite constrained by the remnants of Christian values like we have in the West. What happens next? Since the secular science industry is interested in anti-biblical political causes nowaday

Do-or-Die Lobster Situation

Set aside your bib and butter so y'all can appreciate the design of the lobster before you appreciate it with your fork. Crustaceans have a habit of molting their shells so they can grow into new ones, but there is a process that involves many steps. For the lobster, it really is a do-or-die, all-or-nothing situation. It is even more impressive because some of them get comparatively long and heavy. Most do not have great lifespans, but others are can be impressive. California spiny lobster image credit: US National Park Service (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Time is not a luxury when it's time to do the new shell thing. Lobsters grow the new shell under the existing one, breaking out of the old one (partly through bulking up by taking on water), letting the new shell harden, and more. The specified complexity of the process defies evolution and shows the skill of the Master Engineer. By the way, if you ponder on it, it seems that our Creator likes v

Silly Dinosaur DNA Research

In the secular science industry, things are seldom as they appear — especially regarding origins. Now secularists are riding at a full gallop to the propaganda mill up yonder at Deception Pass. Do they really have dinosaur DNA? Somebody tell those owlhoots to bring those ponies back to the corral and step inside so we can talk a spell. First of all, to get real dinosaur DNA, you need to get it from a real dinosaur. I don't see any hereabouts, do you? Nor has anyone found some intact that hasn't degraded over the years. Evolutionary science and creation science are forensic in nature , so the researchers made numerous assumptions about the ancestry of dinosaurs. That's mighty difficult, since dinosaurs had no evolutionary past . In addition, they made the assumption that dinosaurs evolved into (or are closely related to birds), but such an idea is ridiculous . When unfounded, unscientific assumptions are made, the research can easily fall down like a house of cards. Thi

Tapestry Art and Noah

Tapestries are an ancient art form, and were extremely popular in Europe during the Middle Ages. Perhaps the larger versions were used to cover the cold castle walls as well as appeal to the eye. Since this art was made by hand on a loom, it had an advantage of being somewhat portable. The Wawel arrasses can be found in Warwel Castle in Poland. Credit: Wikimedia Commons / KHRoN ( CC BY-SA 2.5 ) The king, Sigismund II Augustus, he liked him some tapestries, and had a passel of 'em. Celebrated 16th century artist Michiel Coxie (the "Flemish Raphael") was involved. His scenes involving Noah and the Ark included dragons, the word in use before dinosaur was coined. Coxie wanted to be faithful to the biblical text, and after all, dragons were mentioned in books at the time; dragons must have been on the Ark. Dinosaurs have appeared in old art, such as the Angkor Wat carving , those at Bishop Bell's tomb , possibly the Ica stones , and others. Darwin's discip

The Joy of Rewriting Textbooks?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen A while back, someone sent me a link to a short article in Forbes , " Why Do Scientists Get Excited About 'Rewriting The Textbooks?' ", which I last accessed on October 13, 2018. It was written by contributor Carmen Drahl, an evolutionist. She had some enthusiastic things to say about the idea, but they were a mix of both realistic and idealistic concepts. Credit: Freeimages /  Jean Scheijen First of all, the title tells us that scientists write textbooks. Mayhaps that's why they keep getting their atoms-to-author evolutionary research fouled up, as they spend so much time writing textbooks? Do a search and you'll find that many different kinds of people can write and publish textbooks, then committees review them. Some scientists write them, many do not. I’m one of the lucky folks who was trained to see science as a process, as a way of looking at the world. And when you see science that way, you realize that while the concepts and