
Continental Margins and the Genesis Flood

Uninformed and willingly ignorant anti-creationists often claim that there is no evidence for the Genesis Flood, then seek rescuing devices that they believe confirm their biases. Creationists have done a passel of research and pointed out flaws in uniformitarian beliefs. One of these is the formation of continental margins. Credit: NASA / Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio et al . Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents. Click for larger. For the most part, continental margins are the continental shelf and slope. Proponents of long-age geology are unable to formulate a plausible model for the huge amounts of sediment on the continental margins; the could not have been formed by oceanic activity seen today. Indeed, using a computer visualization that "drains the oceans", one of the first things you see is this conspicuous boundary. Biblical creation science Flood models give a plausible explanation. During the last half of Noah’s Fl

Speciation and Polyploidy in Animals

This is another post that links to an article that is intended for people with a good working knowledge of biology. Most cells are diploid, meaning the cells have two sets of chromosomes. When an organism or cell has more than two sets of chromosomes, you have polypolidy. An earlier post discussed plant polyploidy . Now we are going to take a look at it in animals. African banded barb image credit: Wikimedia Commons / Citron Polyploidy has not received as much study as other areas, but it is known to be more common in plants than animals. What is known so far is that polyploidy in animals is rare, and often fatal. Get some biologists discussing whether or not the changes are harmful, beneficial, or neutral, and you may have an entertaining dustup. The mysteries of polyploidy are not helped when researchers are intellectually dishonest and make assumptions, but some research on various critters has been interesting. When polyploidy leads to speciation, it happens very quickly, b

Darwinism and Chinese Communism

Some people wonder why the fuss about origins. After all, Darwin proposed a naturalistic view of origins, so let the scientists slap leather on that and we can just go on about our business. Unfortunately, evolutionary views have been applied to many areas, and even prompted tyrants and wars. Mao Zedong ca. 1950 via Wikimedia Commons If you search this site, you will find links to articles on many outgrowths of Darwin's death cult, including eugenics, abortion, "scientific" racism, and more. It is worth noting that Darwin's sidewinders saw fit to get into wars. Darwinism played a prominent role in World War One , the Nazi race holocaust , communism , and more. Remember, the religion of atheism has evolution as a cornerstone, and millions of people were murdered by atheist evolutionists. What people may have forgotten (or neglected, since evolution is adored by "wise" people and many scientists) is that the atrocities in Communist China under Chairman

Double Standards Hobble Atheists and Evolutionists

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen An aspect of discussions, debates, or even everyday life that can get almost anyone on the prod is when someone says or acts like something is all right for them but not for someone else. This can be referred to as special pleading, but a broader term is double standards. I reckon that we all have double standards to some extent, but Christians and biblical creationists need to be careful to minimize them, especially in apologetics encounters. Political Double Standards We see examples of "fine for me but not for you" in political situations, especially from those on the left. When Judge Brett Kavanaugh was being confirmed as a US Supreme Court justice, some women accused him of sexual misconduct from a previous decade. Although their stories had no substantiation, Americans were told to "believe the women". Why? Because they were women? Genetic fallacy. The blatant hypocrisy in this is that a Moslem, Keith Ellison, was accused of

The Perplexing Wombat and Evolution

There are all sorts of critters that baffled early Europeans, probably prompting perplexed exclamations of wonder. Some of them were quite a bit different from what they had seen elsewhere such as the kangaroo and the platypus . Others were a mite confusing because they resembled animals that they knew. One of these is the wombat. Credit: Pixabay / Vic M People thought it was a kind of badger because of its appearance and burrowing habits. Their burrows are far from simple. It also had mannerisms similar to that of a bear. To add to their confusion, the wombat is a marsupial while the badger is a mammal. While they seem cute and people try to make them into pets, the wild side comes out and they get dumped to fend for themselves — which is very cruel. To protect Darwin, disciples invoke the non-explanation of convergence  because they have no plausible model of its evolution. In reality, the wombat is an example of the Master Designer's work. Well equipped with powerful c

Evolutionists Overlooking the Obvious

Because we are human, we naturally see things from a human-centered perspective. Culture, learning, and even personal preferences can have a part in this. You may have seen movies where someone is leaning against an object, saying, "We'll never find it", but he was touching the object the posse comitatus was seeking. He had the wrong perspective while looking for the thing. Credit: National Library of Medicine / Open-i ( CC by 2.0 ) Reading the article featured below brought Basement Cat to mind. Some people dislike cats because they are bad people. No, actually, it's often because they operate from a human perspective, expecting cats to act similar to miniature people with fur and four legs. If you have problems with it, you can't treat it like you would a wayward child; Jackson Galaxy will tell you this . The same with other animals. If y'all want to get along with a beast, you have to take it on its terms, not on your own, you savvy? Our presu

Shining Cold Light on Bioluminescence

Quite a few people have seen living things that give off their own light. It can be a mite disconcerting sometimes, but a wide variety of organisms do this, including fish, algae, fungi, insects, and others. It is called bioluminescence, and is extremely challenging for adherents of microbes-to-miner evolution to explain. The mechanism is extremely efficient, and evolutionists claim that it happened over forty times. They have no idea how ,   but " stuff happens " is somehow a valid evolutionary explanation. Scientists are studying fireflies for biomimetics applications (as usual, refusing to give credit to the Creator). The diversity of bioluminescent critters is baffling to evolutionists, as is the specified complexity of the mechanism: everything has to be in place and working at the same time, else nothing works or makes sense. Another puzzler for them is that some self-glowing has no apparent purpose; perhaps the Master Engineer put some in place for our appreciati