
The Origin-of-Life Phosphate Problem

In A Scandal in Bohemia by A. Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes said, “It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.” A related remark penned by Agatha Christie in  The Mysterious Affair at Styles has Hercule Poirot saying, "Everything must be taken into account. If the fact will not fit the theory—let the theory go". Darwin's acolytes should have heeded these ideas long ago, even though they appeared in mystery novels. Indeed, the greatest mystery to them is the origin of life. Credit: Unsplash / Elevate Evolutionists have a bad habit of theorizing without facts and with erroneous assumptions. They also have a strange "science of the gaps" idea, believing despite lack of evidence or in the face of contrary data that maybe somehow someday the data they seek will appear. This is unscientific and irrational, yet they do not throw out the origin and evolution of

Shrews Chowing on Hot Peppers?

Shrews are like rodents in many ways, but they are unrelated. Both can look for food and shelter in your house, and shrews smell worse than mice. But at least they eat insects and the like that you may not want around. It might be fun to feed them hot chili peppers and see what happens. It's been done. Credit: FreeDigitalPhotos /  jeswin Actually, they were not fed  the peppers so much as found and ate them all by their lonesome. Researchers did what researchers do and checked out the critters. It turns out that there is a slight change in their DNA that makes them less sensitive to the hot spice. But those peppers are not in their usual environments. Their habitat has a different kind of pepper that has a similar chemical, so the mutation has been called "beneficial" by universal common ancestor propagandists and hailed as evidence for evolution. Hail Darwin, blessed be! There's a big problem, however. Genetically, this is the loss  of information, which is

Spectacular Remnants to Make Evolutionists Cry

Soft tissues of dinosaurs and other critters are becoming more and more common, and so are remnants that are termed spectacularly preserved. These are existential threats to universal common ancestor beliefs, as we will see in the three posts below. Faint not, brethren, most are not lengthy. Plesiosaur skeleton credit: Flickr / Kim Alaniz ( CC by 2.0 ) The first article is about the discovery of well-preserved brains and nerves in the Cambrian period. These things ought not to be because of the alleged long ages! Or is it because of global warming? Instead, fossils are showing great detail. It was thought by archaeologists — yes, I know, should be paleontologists, but the writers made the easy mistake — that soft tissues could not fossilize. Surprise! They could do that during the catastrophic processes of the Genesis Flood, and that is the best explanation. Exquisitely preserved fossils of Cambrian arthropods show minute details of brain and central nervous syste

Too Many Assumptions Taint Gene Study

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Here is another change from our usual fare. A reader of The Question Evolution Project posted a link to an article on about genetics and asked me to comment, so I thought this might be a good opportunity to point out some of the assumptions and neglected considerations in the research. I will only be responding to the article. Credit: Image from RGBStock / Tomislav Alajbeg modified through PhotoFunia Actually, I had indirectly posted a creationist's response to this some time ago, but I wanted to give additional comments. The article under discussion is " Sweeping gene survey reveals new facets of evolution ", from May 2018, which inadvertently supported recent creation and the Genesis Flood. But if they dare mentioned that the evidence supports those things, they risk having their careers thrown into the Gorge of Eternal Peril. As is often the case, the elements of the research seem straightforward. A system of DNA

Submarine Canyons and the Genesis Flood

Biblical creation geologists like to talk about rocks and geological formations, and we benefit by learning from their studies and conclusions. Think back to the debate between Ken Ham and Bill Nye the Leftist Propaganda Guy and you may recall his false assertion that there should be more canyons like the Grand Canyon. There are, and he should have known that. Mayhaps he did  know. Hudson Canyon map image credit: NOAA There is a network of canyons under Greenland  (among others), but what interests us today is the abundance of submarine canyons in the oceans. The Hudson Canyon is within riding distance of me — "Do you ride your horse to it, Cowboy Bob?" Sure, I ride through Manhattan like Sam McCloud , then head into Long Island. But seriously, you can't see submarine canyons very well without special equipment. A submarine would be mighty helpful. What's really interesting is that many of these canyons are bigger than the Grand Canyon, and they look like t

Creation Science Research and Fossil Forests

Creation science is nowhere nearly as well-funded as the secular science industry, but creationists have still managed to do serious work. However, some areas need development, such as stellar astronomy models. Another area of challenge is that of fossil forests, including botany and geology. Fossil forest on Speciman Ridge, Yellowstone National Park Credit: NPS  / Neal Herbert (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Using a Genesis Flood model, it needs to be determined if fossil trees were buried in situ (where they are found) or were transported before burial by the Flood. There are some expensive words in this somewhat technical article, but the two most common are defined for us: " One must keep in mind that the term “autochthonous” refers exclusively to trees that are buried in position of growth and “allochthonous” is applied exclusively to transported, especially Flood-transported, trees. "  To tell the difference in those kinds of trees, severa

Genesis Timeline Re-Confirmed by Chromosome Study

Despite the assertions of Darwin's Flying Monkeys™, there is a great deal of evidence for the Genesis Flood and the young earth. Interestingly, it is not only found in geology, but also in biology. With the known rate of mutations,  genetic entropy  shows that humans could not have been around as evolutionists claim. Research supports the biblical timeline, and a recent study re-confirms it. Credit: Unsplash / Matthew Kwong The Y-chromosome is more genetically stable than the X-chromosome. It was studied more extensively than before, and the results provide strong confirmation for the 4,500-year biblical chronology going back to the bottleneck of the Flood. Based on biblical chronologies, we can determine that the global Flood recorded in Genesis occurred about 4,500 years ago. After the Flood, the earth was repopulated by Noah’s three sons and their wives. So we should find genetic signatures of this timeline in human DNA. While a number of previous studies by both secular