
Ice on Greenland Deposited Rapidly

Believers in an old earth refer to slow and gradual processes (uniformitarianism), and a big part of that involves ice depositions. This idea not only relies on several assumptions, but also relies on circular reasoning involving the Milankovitch theory . New research supports creation science models on ice depositions, the Genesis Flood, and the Ice Age . Nuuk city in Greenland Credit: Good Free Images / Oliver Schauf Evidence has existed for a long time that ice accumulates rapidly, and one dramatic example involved airplanes that crash-landed there in World War II . There are times when secular scientists conduct research instead of following the herd mentality of "consensus science" . Creation science Flood models involve extreme volcanic activity. Not only does this contribute to planetary cooling, but produces tephra (debris) and ash. These materials were detected in ice core samples, and the secular consensus was upended. The millions of years is built upon assuming th

Examining False Charges of Deluge Story Copying

Hopefully, I can move to a replacement for this awful Google-owned Blogger platform by the end of the year. Like Facebook, they force changes on its users that are dreadful. Atheists and tinhorn "Christian scholars" level charges at the narrative of the Genesis Flood for being a copy of similar pagan stories. If so-called scholars actually did complete research instead of arguing from superficialities and anti-Bible presuppositions, they would not be making such foolish assertions. Library of Ashurbanipal / The Flood Tablet / The Gilgamesh Tablet / Wikimedia Commons / Fæ   ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) As we know, there are global deluge story all over the world. Creationists believe that after the dispersal at Babel, the people took the historical account with them, but they deteriorated. One of the main problems with the idea of the Hebrews copying from pagan sources is that such a thing would be unthinkable to those Hebrews. The cultures of the ancient peoples in question were extremel

Brain Complexity is Problematic for Evolution

Rusty Swingset, the foreman at the Darwin Ranch, tends to spill the beans about their weekly chapel meetings. While bowing to Hanuman the Monkey God, the ranch hands chant about simple life forms becoming more complex. A recent study of mammal brains short circuited that idea. Credit: FreeDigitalPhotos / Renjith Krishnan Biblical creationists affirm that God made life fully functional from the beginning, so we are not exactly surprised that big brains and little brains in mammals have the same complex connectivity. (For that matter, this is right in keeping with the knowledge that brain size has nothing to do with intelligence or evolution .) Many critters were never scanned before, which seems a mite surprising to me. The results of this study fly in the face of evolutionary dogma. The evolutionary model of brain development predicted that the complexity of neural connectivity should have increased as brains became larger and the creatures more complex. However, a groundbreaking study

Siberian Cave Bear on Ice

Siberia is famous for extreme cold and political prisoners, yet some people call it home. Imagine if you will some reindeer herders going about their routine and finding the frozen remains of a cave bear. They saw fit to make the finding known. We have a couple of articles on this subject for your consideration. Assembled with items from Clker clipart This critter was dated at many thousands of Darwin years ago, but was in surprisingly good condition. Such a huge amount of time assigned to it is based on the naturalism narrative, not science or even good sense. Ever put a slab of meat in your freezer and then find it again some time later, only to find it has deteriorated and not worth putting in a stew? That's in a well-controlled environment. We're supposed to suspend reason and believe what scientists say, follow the consensus , and believe that seasonal changes, earth movements, predators, and whatever else didn't bother it. They say this bear, with soft tissue, organs

The Geocentrism Resurgence

Most people accept, and even take for granted, the geokinetic (also called heliocentric) model but may not know it by name. In the briefest sense, the sun is the center of the solar system with Earth and other planets in orbit around it. For a long time, the geocentric view dominated astronomy and astrology. Planetary Orbits , Andreas Cellanius, 1660 The idea that Earth is the center of the solar system was reinforced by the pagan astronomer and astrologer Claudius Ptolemy, who built on Aristotelian ideas. His system was accepted by scientists for many years, and the heliocentric view took a long time to develop and gain acceptance. Although heliocentrism/geokineticism has been established, there is a baffling resurgence in geocentrism. (In addition, many flat-earthers are geocentrists.) Not only do many deny that Earth orbits the sun, but some geocentrists refuse to believe that it rotates on its axis! One area that atheists ridicule Christians is by accusing us of being flat

The ATLAS Comet and the Kuiper Belt

As it is with any science, knowledge increases over time and with better equipment. This is especially true with astronomy. Classifications of celestial objects seemed to be under control, despite the occasional anomaly. Those pesky creationists with their science facts required a lot of Making Things Up™ to protect the deep time narrative. Gran cometa de 1882 by Jose Maria Velasco Don't be disunderstanding me here. It's a common practice to add new terminology to describe new discoveries or to give legitimate reclassifications. (Want an example? Pluto is now considered a dwarf planet, much to my sorrow, because of it size, the abundance of similar objects, and other factors.) However, there was some serious redefining of an object with the poetic name of P/2019 LD2 (ATLAS). It was a centaur, but because of a computer simulation that fits the deep time agenda, P/2019 LD2 (ATLAS) is now considered to be a comet. It is also a rescuing device from the Kuiper belt, there to save co

Continuous Environmental Tracking in Plants

The Institute for Creation Research is developing CET, the continuous environmental tracking  model. This is based on studying living things from an engineering perspective, how our Creator has designed organisms to adapt to changes and even enable the survival of future generations. Credit: Unsplash /  Lukasz Szmigiel It may seem at first glance that plants are extremely limited, what with being rooted in place and all. However, they can adapt (some changes are falsely attributed to neo-Darwinism ) and have amazing abilities to communicate amongst themselves and even with other organisms — all the way down to the roots . There are many aspects of plant life that show the work of the Master Engineer. All plants and animals were divinely engineered with innate systems of adaptation that track various aspects of their environment and respond accordingly—an internal ability known as continuous environmental tracking . While animals, including humans, display intricate adaptive systems, pl

Striking News about the World Ceres

For several years, those bright spots on that world have been thought to be caused by salt . After commencing to cognate and get those mental wheels turning, secular scientists are realizing that Ceres is being recalcitrant to deep-time beliefs — like other objects in our solar system.  Occator Crater on Ceres in false colors  Credits:  NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) This is not a hit with cosmic evolution concepts. Trying to steal huge amounts of time, they are caught off base. Assigning dates and causes to the salt, secularists still drop the ball because those dates are nowhere near the billions of Darwin years they want to see. Worse, they are not catching on that the activity is indicative of recent creation. The bright spots on Ceres formed recently, say scientists, and activity could be going on today. It’s been two years since the Dawn spacecraft ended its orbital reconnaissance of Ceres, the largest body in the

New Research in Waterfall Formation

We admire waterfalls, sometimes captivated by the sound and motion. How many of us wonder how they form in the first place? Secular scientists, presupposing the deep time that Darwin requires and they provide, have said that the biblical timeframe is not possible. Recent research throws mud in their eyes. Credit: StockSnap / Joe deSousa Streams or rivers have one or more knickpoints and knickzones . They supposedly formed by gradual plate tectonics, climate change, earthquakes, and other external forces. However, the processes that form waterfalls is unknown. Research with a new model shows that waterfalls can indeed be formed quickly, and this fits with Genesis Flood models. Secular scientists make many assumptions about nature that lead to conclusions that contradict the Bible’s history. For example, they once assumed that clay particles settle very slowly according to Stokes Law, which means that the claystone and mudrock in the sedimentary rock record, which make up over 5

Look but do not Touch the Poison Dart Frogs

Bright colors in nature are often a signal to leave a critter well alone. If you saddle up and ride into the rain forests of Central and South America, you might find the famous poison dart frogs. They are not going to attack, but some are exceptionally deadly. Dendrobates tinctorius  credit: Wikimedia Commons /  Olaf Leillinger  ( CC BY-SA 2.5 ) You may have heard of contact poison, where toxins are absorbed through the skin. Some of these frogs, especially the golden one, are so dangerous that other critters have been poisoned by touching a place where it was earlier! Others are still deadly, and some leave a bad taste in a predator's mouth. The frogs with the strongest poisons are used by hunters who smear the darts of their blowguns on them. Interestingly, the neurotoxin is being studied to benefit humans. They are also an example of the Creator's work where they convert what they eat into a strong defense mechanism. The family of poison dart frogs (Dendrobatidae)