
Keep Pressure on Anti-Creationists

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Many biblical creationists have encountered misotheists who act like they have amazing super powers that should make us shake in our cowboy boots. We need to stop allowing them to put us on the defensive, and use truth and reason to put the pressure on them. Credit: Flickr / zimpenfish ( CC BY 2.0 ) One of the first things that we can do is to remember that truth and logic are on our side. Indeed, logic and math are impossible without God , and the  same principle applies to science itself . We cannot argue on " neutral ground ", which is essentially admitting that what God says about the unbeliever is wrong, and let them decide in their corrupted human wisdom whether or not God is worthy of worship and honor. Are you catching on to the importance of why we must not be obsequious before scoffers? As a side note, I seldom refer to skepticism . In one sense of the word, people who are skeptical about something are willing to evaluate reasons for a clai

The Return of Dagon the Fish God

We saw how  Dagon of the Philistines  is the fish god of evolution. Read in 1 Sam. 5:1-8 that the Philistines brought the Ark of the Covenant to Dagon. It did not go well . Evolutionists get truly bizarre in their efforts to connect humans with fish. The hands at the Darwin Ranch keep carping that not everyone believes we evolved from fish (with innumerable transitional forms that are taken by faith, not by sight). Evolutionists want us to apprehend the knowledge of our inner lungfish. Original Dagon image of Dagon fish god, Internet Archive Book Images by Joseph F. Berg , 1838, then modified Of course, no evidence is presented, just arbitrary assertions and something resembling praise to Papa Darwin. After all, evolutionism is an ancient pagan religion, so bringing Dagon to mind seems quite fitting. On a scale of one to ten, their resentment of the fact that we were created in the image of God must go to eleven. We've been teaching people about avoiding their lures with healthy s

Plate Subduction in China Supports Genesis Flood

Believers in uniformitarian processes and deep time assume that the rate of plate movement in the earth's crust has always been at centimeters per years. However, such ideas cause them many problems with scientific data, and they are unable to explain anomalies in plate subduction. Himalayas image credit: Flickr / lensnmatter  ( CC0 1.0 public domain) "Is plate subduction like when you get out the fine China plates, someone steals one, so you subduct it from the total number?" Uh, no. Plates of the earth's crust collide, albeit slowly these days, and one is pushed under the other. It is consumed , nom nom nom! This is part of the process of pushing up mountain ranges, such as the Himalayas. Secular scientists are unable to figure out how plate tectonics began in the first place, but biblical creationists have an excellent model for that . Flood geologists propose catastrophic  plate tectonics and runaway  subduction that was much faster during the Genesis Flood. Usin

Fake News of Multicellularity Evolution

Believers in universal common ancestor evolution believe that life developed over millions of years, and shloop it to us . There should be innumerable transitional forms. Also, evidence that single-celled evolved into multi-celled organisms. Well, there was that experiment... Credits: CSIRO /  Willem van Aken ( CC BY 3.0 ), modified at Big Huge Labs Evolutionists make promises in science abstracts, press releases, and more. The obedient lapdog media for the secular science industry put the spurs to the stories to make them really sensational. On it goes. Unfortunately, they present "discoveries" that leave out important details that may prompt thinking people to question their integrity or education. Perhaps both. A lab experiment involved single-celled algae (is there any other kind?) and another single-celled organism that would eat algae. (Yes, predation exists even at that level.) The fake news? It is claimed that the experiment showed how single-celled organisms could e

Origin-of-Life False Positives in Minerals

Despite the frequent falsehood that the origin of life has nothing to do with evolution, Darwin's acolytes continue to seek it. This reveals a strong caution about letting the narrative and presuppositions control what is actually observed. For example, claims of life in Martian meteorites. Credit: D. McKay ( NASA  / JSC ), K. Thomas-Keprta ( Lockheed-Martin ), R. Zare ( Stanford ),  NASA (Image modified, usage of any form of this is not an endorsement of site contents) The pseudoscience of astrobiology is a blatant attempt to use materialistic philosophies in denying credit for life to our Creator. In addition, there's big money in giving secularists what they want, so rushed announcements accompany incomplete research. We know that pareidolia is where the mind seeks to make sense of patterns, so we "see" things that are not actually there (like a ghostly face in a mirror). What is it called when votaries of the secular science industry observe things that are nonexi

Nanobots and Biomimetics

Robots have fascinated people for decades. Science fiction stories have frequently made them as humanity's enemies. Similar stories have been written about nanobots , but that technology is only in its early stages. Scientists are hoping they can be used in space exploration and medical technology. Made at PhotoFunia We can guess about the "bot" part of the word, but what is a nano? It's not someone hired to care for the children. A nanometer is very, very small , and nanobots (or nanomachines) are robots that may work on the molecular level, but that is still under development. Sometimes games can be used to stimulate creativity, and there were nanosoccer competitions several years ago — microscopic games, what a concept! There was a movie in 1966 called Fantastic Voyage  that involved a submarine and crew miniaturized, injected into a patient, destroying a blood clot, then escaping. Imaginative stuff, but if nanobots are successfully developed, they may be useful f

Evolutionists Stealing Science Principles from God

The other day, the hands at the Darwin Ranch went a-riding into town, shot holes in the saloon ceiling, scared the showgirls, overindulged in firewater, and so on. They think they won the bid from the secular science industry for a model to improve science using evolution. Credit: Pixabay /  Fernando Latorre They have great faith in Darwinian thinking, but insert a passel of presuppositions about what they consider good morals and principles. Great, "improving" science by selecting the best of time, chance, random processes, survival of the fittest, mutations, natural selection, and so on. Would you  want that kind of thinking in your  program? Not me. More than that, these tinhorns steal principles from the biblical worldview. Why? Because theirs is incoherent. Instead of giving credit to the Creator, they simply take and pretend those things were their ideas all along. Need better science? Let the Darwin Party take over. They’ll give the next reformers an even bigger mess t