
Raiding Influences for the Ark of the Covenant?

This time, we will ride a different trail than usual. This is about the Ark of the Covenant, which has raised many questions throughout history. Its location is unknown, though there are many legends as to its whereabouts. No wonder archaeologists are frustrated. Try crate 9906753. In the Old Testament, there are many details about the construction of the temple, making of and the Ark, and so on. God commanded many aspects for building it, but not every detail of its design. Some people wonder if the Israelites raided Egyptian influences when they made it. Credit: Free Christian Illustrations Let's ride up yonder hill so we can look down and get a bigger picture. First of all, we do not have any images of the Ark of the Covenant for reference, so saying it had Egyptian influences is speculation. Even so, such influences may not be out of the question. Since God didn't provide a blueprint, builders were able to use some creativity. Indeed, people frequently draw from other sourc

Evolutionary Infighting and Creation Science

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Time and again, reports are brought to me by my prospector friend Stormie Waters about the occasional ruckus at the Darwin Ranch. She was over at Sour Wells a spell back. Along came Jacqueline Hyde (who was not quite herself again), the lady friend of Rusty Swingset (the foreman) and they commenced to jawing about the latest dustups. Then they came over to visit and give me the lowdown. Evolutionists tend to portray their worldview as mostly unified with just a few details to be ironed out. Not true. As we have seen on this site alone, there is considerable dissent among them . Apparently, some want to give evolution a complete overhaul instead of continuing to put lipstick on a pig and chanting the natural selection  mantra. Biblical creationists need to make our move and use this divide for the gospel message. Credits: Pixabay /  Gareth Weeks (for the pig) and  Irum Shahid (for the lipstick) For several examples of how evolutionary dogma does not square wit

Language Attainment Speaks of our Creator

While a few of us have the ability to learn several languages without much difficulty later in life, most have to work very hard to get a working knowledge of a new one. When in a different country, someone is saturated with the language, and people draw upon their existing associations to learn it. With young children, it is different. Learning a language, and even multiple languages, is easier for young people. Their brains are still developing, and they are making connections to words with their senses. Credit: Freeimages /  dog madic When I was holding our son who had been born just a few hours before, his mother spoke and he turned his head (already!) to look in her direction. Children know voices before they are born, and begin associating sounds with their visual input. Those sounds they make are their way of learning how everything works. Another memory is that our very young daughter was vocalizing, but old enough to do some imitation. I said, "Baby babble." She mana

Modern Deserts and Ice Age Lakes

A few of the hands at the Darwin Ranch decided to head over to a lake for some swimming, but all they found was a desert. It turns out that  geologists named lakes that existed in the past, and they read them too quickly.  It is baffling to uniformitarian scientists, who believe deep time and gradual processes are the key to the present, can produce so many lakes and such. Using forensic (historical) science, geologists can see evidence for rivers and lakes in areas that are arid and semi-arid. Some of these lakes were huge. They were scattered all over the world, including Death Valley . Dante's Ridge, Death Valley image credit: Hoerner / NPS (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Secular models for the Ice Age (they believe in many ice ages, without evidence, because they are necessary to their naturalistic narrative) are troubled when it comes to explaining formerly wet deserts like the Sahara and these others. The Genesis Flood models are consistent with the obse

Bad Design Claims and Human Reproduction

Over at The Question Evolution Project on Fakebook, we have been posting one of the favorite giggling points of misotheists. Namely, the alleged bad design of the human eye. Such dysteleology is easily refuted with: This  series of articles by Dr. Jason Lisle  (I linked to the first, the rest are linked at the end of each subsequent article) A  video by the late Tommy Mitchell, MD The article " Backwardly wired retina 'an optimal structure': New eye discovery further demolishes Dawkins " Others However, atheists have a bumper sticker mentality: "Dawkins said it, I believe it, that settles it". (It is indeed unfortunate that people who claim to believe in science and reason reject those very things.) Then they use a faulty appeal to authority to people who have no idea what they're talking about, then use all of those things to confirm their biases. In the same way, faulty presuppositions and bad logic are used to deny God because women have miscarriages

Two Creation Facts Observed in the Everglades

The Florida Everglades is a huge part of southern Florida. In fact, the ecosystem there is unique and it is a national park , what with the state being a peninsula and all. It is not the kind of place for a greenhorn to go stomping around without an expert guide. Of course, people expect to see alligators and such, but there are other critters to prompt everyone to stay alert. We have a couple of, "See? The Bible told us so!" moments that involve cats and snakes. Credit: USFWS / Lavonda Walton ( via Wikimedia Commons ) They got them some cougars! Pumas or panthers (pick a title you prefer) are the biggest cats in North America. While seen in many movies and shows set out West, subspecies are spread out. Sadly, the Florida cougars were on the road to extinction. They also go themselves some pythons! When hurricanes messed up pet stores and some got loose — well, with cougars and pythons, we see a Bible truth in action. Another truth seen in the Everglades is the intrusion of d

The Perplexing Volvox

Algae are found in many varieties, usually contributing to the ecosystem. (There are occasional bad boys that cause harmful algal blooms , however.) A green variety known as Volvox  has several interesting features. Floating on the water and making food through photosynthesis is probably boring, even for single-celled organisms. Someone who knows the details may object by saying Volvox  is multicellular. Well, that can be both yes and no.  I'll allow that they're less impressive to the naked eye, but things get interesting under the microscope.   Credit: Wikimedia Commons /  Frank Fox , ( CC BY-SA 3.0 DE ) Disregarding mandates for socialist distancing, they group together into colonies. Then they use their tiny propellers to motor around with a single-minded purpose — quite a trick to do that without a brain. Believers in particle-to-protoplasm claim evolution did it (without evidence), but it is far more rational to believe that the facts support the work of