
Oceans Testify to the Young Earth

Mayhaps other biblical creationists will disagree, but this child believes that evidence refuting dust-to-Darwin evolution and the young Earth are actively suppressed by the secular science industry. When creationists publish lists of evidence for recent creation, they trim them down to only the top five or ten because there are so many. The oceans of the world give strong testimony to recent creation. Even using their own slow and gradual rates of accumulation and so forth, it is not possible to honestly obtain data that fit a planet of 4.5 billion years. RGBStock / Roger Where is all the water from the Flood? It's already here! There was a great deal of tectonic activity during that time (continental plates moving rapidly, and volcanism going on as well), and sediments on the sea floors indicate those processes. If the earth was as old as uniformitarian scientists claim, they have a problem explaining the lack of sediments. Other attestations of the Flood include salinity and th

A Genesis Flood Geology Perspective of Tasmania and Australia

While it is useful to see the geology of the Grand Canyon and such in North America, head over to Australia for some fascinating things. If you go way south to Melbourne, you are on your way to the southernmost state of 'Straya, which is Tasmania. Head east, and you can find New Zealand. But not today. Tassie has a thousand islands, the main one is comparable in size to Switzerland or West Virginia, but far less populous. Most of the others are tiny and unpopulated, or have special uses. Tasmania and southeast coast of Australia / Visible Earth, Jacques Descloitres / NASA / GSFC (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Secular geologists draw from their deep-time worldview to explain geological features, but many of those are tendentious and have serious weaknesses. They also tend to ignore interpretations of data that are not according to their uniformitarian beliefs. Creation scientists also operate from their worldview and interpret data based on the biblical narrati

"Junk" DNA Myth Dying, Creationists Vindicated

Naturalistic presuppositions and scientific laziness — we must call them what they are — have been major factors in ugsome research. These contributed to cheating, such as the Miller-Urey experiment  and the fake human-chimpanzee similarities . Such practices and dubious ethics have hindered medical science for decades . A good deal of the problem is arrogance on the part of scientists who let their assumptions hinder medical science. This happened with "vestigial" organs , and is part of the reason for the harmful assumption of "junk" DNA. Mostly made at Yukki tombstone maker Like with "vestigial" organs/structures, large sections of DNA were considered useless leftovers of our evolutionary. These presumptions were past based on ignorance  as well as hubris. Scientists didn't understand them, so they made pronouncements about DNA: It wasn't worth investigating. Fortunately, some scientists still believe in doing science despite the narrative of th

Io Still Shows Signs of Youth

We have seen many instances of where the solar system is not acting its purported age of 4.6 billion years (e.g., " Our Solar System is Young " and " Saturn and Pluto Still Trouble Secularists "), and recent Venusian volcanism does not fit secular beliefs. Io is a moon of Jupiter, the fourth largest in the solar system (Ganymede is the winner), and is slightly bigger than our moon. It has volcanic activity, first observed by Voyager 1  in 1979 and given further examination with further space probes. Volcanic eruption on Io, NASA / JPL / DLR (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) When hotspots are mentioned, scientists are probably not referring to the nightlife (although I haven't been there recently). Some moons have volcanoes of various ices and gasses, but this is the real hot stuff. Since Io probably does not have tectonic activity like we do on Earth, much of the volcanism comes from tidal forces due to gravity and orbits. Planetologists trie

Speleothems and the Young Earth

Have you ever been in a big, deep cave? I have vague memories of being in Mammoth Cave in Kentucky, which was given its name because it is mammothly huge, not because of the extinct elephant-like thing. Another famous system is Carlsbad Caverns down New Mexico way. It gets mighty dark in deep caves, but light dispels darkness (John 1:5, 8:12). Good thing they provide lighting for tour groups, making it possible to see  speleothems . That expensive word includes the common stalactites and stalagmites. Doll's Theater at Carlsbad, National Park Service / Peter Jones (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Rain falls, goes through the soil, picks up carbon dioxide, then it becomes weak carbonic acid. This goes through the limestone, dissolving some calcium along the way. Upon reaching the cave, the carbon dioxide is free at last, and the calcium is deposited. This process is what causes stalactites (sticking tight and hanging down), stalagmites (the other ones), and some a

Thanksgiving and Proper Motivation

This is Thanksgiving Day in the formerly United States, and other places around the world have something similar. This kind of thing is mostly done mostly in areas with Christian populations. But have you ever noticed that thankfulness does not seem to be a part of human nature? Gratitude has to be learned. I reckon most of us can relate to giving a child a gift and a parent has to prompt, "Say thank you!" Eventually we learn to express gratitude — especially if it betters our chances of getting more stuff. More importantly, learn  why  we should be thankful. Unsplash / Guillaume de Germain Secularists recognize gifts of our Creator but try to make them into naturalistic responses or will rewrite history (such as the disgusting modification of the Pilgrims gave thanks to the natives , omitting God). Some fools thank the universe, an obvious appeal to pantheism. Others use reification and hate, such as this reaction to a Thanksgiving post (Rom. 1:21): Today is the anniversary

False Claims of God of the Gaps

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen There is so much misrepresentation of biblical creation science nowadays, one might be justified in suspecting that prizes were awarded. Misotheists and evolutionists build a straw man, add a heapin' helpin' of ridicule, then commence to laughing about refuting creation science. Not hardly! A popular false accusation is that creationists rely on a God of the gaps  position. This means that when we lack scientific knowledge about a subject, we refer to God to cover those gaps in our understanding. Geierlay Suspension Bridge, Pexels / Sven Huls   There is a substantial amount of hypocrisy in accusing us of using a God of the gaps approach because they have an evolution  or science of the gaps  tenet of faith . This child has pointed out for a long time that people have believed in evolution despite  extreme gaps in knowledge that even Papa Darwin existed (such as the dearth of transitional forms in the fossil record that he hoped would be discovered later )