
The Million Monkeys Typing Shakespeare Gambit

A hoary old canard used by Darwin's disciples to make the origin of life, and also evolution itself, seem feasible involves monkeys. There are several versions of the concept and the actual origin seems uncertain, but Thomas Henry Huxley made use of it way back when. The idea is that given an infinite amount of time and a million immortal monkeys, they could eventually type out out the works of William Shakespeare. The concept is actually plausible the way it is written but is not realistic. Researchers tell us what we already know. Bronx Zoo Postcard — Chimpanzee at Work, 1907, Flickr / Jim Griffin (PD) The monkey theorem is a way to get Darwin doubters to admit that something absurd is actually possible, never mind the logic. From there, all sorts of lucky breaks result in evolution bringing all the wonders of life. The Creator is then displaced. However, dealing with the real universe, even secularists see there ain't no way nohow. The “infinite monkey theorem” began in som...

Design and Flood Geology at Gunnison National Forest

Out Colorado way,  Gunnison National Forest takes up parts of five counties. It is bordered by other national forests. Quaking aspens (the leaves tremble in the breeze) are widely distributed across North America, and may be mistaken for birch trees due to their white bark and size. Aspens have several features that indicate the design work of the Master Engineer. The bark is thin, so some critters munch on it. However, the bark performs photosynthesis, a job normally done by leaves. These trees also have interesting growth techniques. Gunnison, CO scene with rainbow, Unsplash / Abby Santurbane In another part of the forest is Taylor Park Reservoir. When the rock was blasted to make the dam and reservoir, bent rock strata were revealed. Biblical creationists point out that rocks cannot be folded or bent over the millions of years in the uniformitarian stories; rock will break. This sedimentary rock was deposited in the Genesis Flood and was pliable, so it was compatible to folding...

When the Magi went to Bethlehem

Many people grew up knowing about (and possibly playing with) crèche scenes of the Nativity of Jesus, which are useful to communicate the birth of Jesus. There are many traditions in Christianity that have little to do with the Bible. Do not disunderstand me, there is nothing wrong with such images. But they are not quite right. One wrong detail is that Jesus was born in a stable because there was "no room in the inn," and another has the three wise men or magi with the family, shepherds, and animals all together. Magi yard decoration, Pixabay / Michelle Raponi Don't be using this knowledge to show off and annoy people, pilgrim. The "wise men" probably did not reach Bethlehem for a couple of years after all the excitement of the birth of Jesus. The Bible tells us of three gifts , but there was probably a sizeable group of people that made the trek. The magi were important people, which is one reason Herod got all agitated by them. It is interesting to note that...

Atheism, Fake Living, and Presuppositions

When dealing with professing atheists — I have to pull on the reins right away and stop this pony before it even gets going. My use of  professing  here indicates that I believe the Bible. Romans 1:18-23 says that everyone knows God exists, but they suppress the truth so they can continue claiming that there is no God. (More foolish is that they "lack belief.") There are been many professing atheists I have encountered who ridicule theists for denying "reality" or some such. However, atheism cannot be lived on a consistent basis. Darwin dollars image made with PhotoFunia Atheists (adding professing  in every instance gets tedious) are materialists. That is, they only believe in matter; atoms, molecules, and all that good stuff. To be consistent, they cannot believe in immaterial things such as love, beauty, consciousness, morality, and other things that cannot be measured. But they do believe in most of those things, so they are standing on the biblical worldview. F...

Pagan Myths and Bible Cosmology

In some ways, professing Christians give aid and comfort to enemies of the gospel message. Many liberal theologians do not believe that the Bible is the Word of God and try to find flaws with it. After their scoffing is published, atheists and others use their words as ammunition against God. Scoffing can be seen with studies of Ancient Near East (ANE) cultures and mythologies that are used against the Bible. Since biblical creation and the Genesis Flood are primary targets of skeptics, its cosmology comes under fire. Pond off Sawkill Road, Kingston, NY, Unsplash /  Cowboy Bob Sorensen , modified with  FotoSketcher Numerous assumptions are made. One is that the Hebrews were just like their ANE neighbors, so why not incorporate their mythologies into sacred texts? Not only does that show profound ignorance of what they taught and believed, but rejects how the Hebrews knew that they belonged to Yahweh the Creator. Also, the greater context is ignored, including passage throughou...

Astrobiology and Fantasy Moons

While having breakfast with Hammond Suisse at the eatery in town, Russell Watchtower sauntered in. He is in charge of the Ministry of Truth at the Darwin Ranch and seemed unusually full of himself that day. He spotted us and we invited him to pull up a chair. Russell, like misotheists and other evolutionists, is fond of assertions. But those are neither evidence nor facts. With people like this, I tend to ask questions that make them uncomfortable. (Some get irate, others end the conversation. I hope they study on things later.) Watchtower gloated about life on other worlds. Space fantasy, Pixabay / gene1970 After warming up to his subject, he pushed back his chair and began slowly walking with a hand grasping his lapel. He gestured with the other hand, saying how moons of Uranus may support life. I asked him how he knows that, and he said that there may be water under the surface of some moons. That means life could evolve out yonder. Then I proceeded to ask if there is any actual evi...

Sticking to it with Tokay Geckos

Geckos are a special class of reptile, and they are found on every continent except Antarctica. There are many species in a wide variety of habitats, so it is not surprising that they come in a range of sizes. The smaller geckos are considered good pets. They are also of interest to scientists pursuing the field of biomimetics. That is, taking ideas from what is found in nature, developing them for human use, then crediting the puny god of evolution instead of the Creator. In the case of geckos: The way their feet stick to smooth surfaces. Tokay gecko, Wikimedia Commons / Richard Ling ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) The tokay gecko would be a challenging pet. They can bit rather hard, are fast — and have a loud, obnoxious call that someone imagined sounded like "tokay," hence the name. Let the scientists deal with those things as they remove the latest escapee from the ceiling. Gecko feet and the way they can adhere to a surface, then release at will, is fascinating. Tokays provide bigger...

Mysteries on Language Origin, Usage

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  There are many ways in which living things communicate, none of which can be explained by Darwin's acolytes. For example, facial expressions can indicate how someone is feeling and may even be a signal to other people. Chimpanzees have vocal patterns that resemble those of humans, but they are not language . Our Creator gave animals the means to communicate with each other on basic levels and occasionally with us. Impressive as they may be on occasion, animal communications do not compare with human language, which testifies of the Creator . The Card Players ,  Paul Cezanne, 1892 Remember how I said that the Intelligent Design community has serious limitations ? They have a "big tent" approach, and I believe that many are theistic evolution Deists. Most ID folks seem to believe in deep time and even guided  evolution. There are other things as well, so it becomes difficult to tell where some of them are coming from. When perusing Evolution News a...

Why Central Greenland Lacked Ice

Scientists recently discovered assorted bits and pieces of plants and insects in central Greenland via an ice core. They were bothered because it showed that this part of Greenland did not have ice a spell back. The radiometric dating method used can be viewed with suspicion. They think that the microfossil is younger than the ice sheet by a substantial amount of time. The secular science industry is politically leftist at heart , they played the Global Warming and a Rise in Ocean Levels card — showing their lack of understanding of climate change . Greenland glacier, Flickr / Stuart Williams ( CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 ) Further, secularists are opposed to any possible explanations for observed items that are not from their uniformitarian camp. That means creation science evidence of the Genesis Flood as well as models for that, how it caused the Ice Age and climate change, and more are rejected out of hand. That is indeed unfortunate, as science is supposed to be a search for knowledge and ev...

Number of Animals on the Ark, and How it Survived the Flood

As stated before, when comparing worldviews it is necessary to see if they are consistent within their own frameworks. Christians claim to believe that the Bible is the written Word of God. Biblical creationists go further by declaring that Genesis is a record of recent creation, so written details are accurate. Many people know that the people at Answers in Genesis have the Ark Encounter , which is a theme park featuring a full-sized replica of Noah's Ark built according to biblical specifications. This raises questions about the Bible and the Ark itself. AI-generated Noah's Ark image, Pixabay / dlsdkcgl For the Ark Encounter, Answers in Genesis has conducted a great deal of research. In this first of two articles, the feasibility of the number of animals on the Ark is considered. They did not use the easiest or safest numbers. Mockers will say something like, "The Ark couldn't have held all those animals. Because atheism," or words to that effect. They don't...