
Video: Evolution DOES Attempt to Explain the Origin of Life


Look Up Your Family Tree

A term given to evolutionary wishful thinking is "missing links". These things are supposed to be linking modern humans to our alleged simian ancestry. Since there are no actual links, they are presumed "missing" because of the faith-based claims that they do exist after all. (Sort of like my "Evolution Breakfast", where I have pancakes and bacon, but the sausage links  are missing. ) So, gleeful evolutionists find the occasional  bone fragments and construct these simian ancestors. The process goes something like this: The term "suspension of disbelief" is applied to literary and cinematic offerings that stretch credulity. However, to appreciate the story, people are expected to ignore common sense and rational thought for the sake of appreciating the story. This also happens when listening to "explanations" offered by evolutionists. Apemen have long been the stuff of science fiction. For example, in 1912, Arthur

Everything from Nothing

Fundamentalist evolutionists get angry when we point out that they have faith that everything came from nothing. "Nobody believes that!", they falsely claim . There is more evidence that the religious nature of evolution holds to that belief. Evolution professor Lawrence Krauss is now saying that the universe, and everything in it, came from nothing. Not only that, but there are probably billions and billions of universes that have spontaneously arisen. Occasionally a universe happens to have all the right properties for life to arise spontaneously within it, and that would be us. Krauss, a theoretical physicist and head of The Origins Project at Arizona State University, is not the first evolutionist to defy the age-old wisdom that something does not come from nothing. World-famous physicist Stephen Hawking popularized the idea in a recent book he co-authored entitled The Grand Design . Krauss and Hawking use gravitational theory and quantum mechanics to

Presuppositional Atheism and Evolutionism, Plus the Human Genome

Today you are getting a 2-in-1. First, I am going to discuss the fact atheists and evolutionists (I am making a distinction because not all evolutionists are atheists) have their own presuppositions and biases. These are rooted in logical fallacies that attempt to distort honest evaluation of the evidence. Essentially, atheists are right and theists are wrong because the atheists said so. Similarly, evolutionists are right — well, same thing. In addition, they are full of statements of faith, such as, "Evolution is a proven fact", and, "Religious people are full of biases, but scientists simply examine the facts and make conclusions." Sorry to break this to you, but nobody is unbiased. Further false presuppositions include: Creationists are not scientists Creationism is simple: "Goddidit" Atheists are automatically more intelligent than theists by virtue of being atheists Anyone who denies the proven fact of evolution is a liar Fossils pr

Evolution and Willing Deception

Laypeople who are devout evolutionists are a gullible lot. That's right, I said it! Especially the ones who troll the Internet, looking to harass non-believers . Their sources of information include outdated textbooks (where the alleged "ancestors" of man that have been discredited, reclassified, revealed as outright fakes and so forth), popular evolutionary propaganda sites and publications that only reveal the acceptable side, as well as their own willingness to be deceived. I have received comments about this site being "wrong". Why is it wrong? Because some wandering evolutionist fundamentalist said so.  (Even more interesting is when a fellow told me that the article that I linked was completely wrong. It turns out the link was broken; he had never read it! On Twitter, this is an example of #Liar4Darwin.) Most of the time, these pop evolution propaganda readers only bolster their emotional reactions and enthusiasm, but not actual science learning. They ce

Radiometric Dating and the Age of the Earth

  People have their presuppositions and do not like to have their faith threatened. One of those presuppositions is that radiometric dating proves the age of the Earth. As a matter of fact, radiometric dating contains presuppositions of its own. Take a look at the following article — all of it — and see what I am talking about. T he presupposition of long ages is an icon and foundational to the evolutionary model. Nearly every textbook and media journal teaches that the earth is billions of years old. Using radioactive dating, scientists have determined that the Earth is about 4.5 billion years old, ancient enough for all species to have been formed through evolution. The earth is now regarded as between 4.5 and 4.6 billion years old. The primary dating method scientists use for determining the age of the earth is radioisotope dating. Proponents of evolution publicize radioisotope dating as a reliable and consistent method for obtaining absolute ages of rocks and the age

It's Evolving Too Fast!

The selective citing of data for the "proof" of evolution is readily evident with the  Galapagos finches. As Ken Ham point out so succinctly, Darwin found big finches, little finches, big beaks, little beaks. What do we find today? Big finches, little finches, big beaks, little beaks. But they are all still finches. Nothing is changing into something else. In fact, quite the opposite is true .   Unless you subscribe to the "Hopeful Monster" (a.k.a. "Punctuated Equilibrium") "theory" of evolution, orthodox Darwinism requires long periods of time. Birds change rapidly, but do not cooperate with evolutionary precepts. Biologists recently found that feather colors and songs vary among some species within the South American genus Sporophila , also known as seedeater birds. But strangely, they did not find any genetic differences in the form of species-specific DNA markers. Do these variations fit any evolutionary pattern?  The research