
Showing posts with the label Education

Educating Village Atheists and Evolutionists

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Sometimes people do not understand concepts no matter how well things are explained to them. Add to that when sidewinders that are so consumed with hate, they are unable to think rationally. When the two conditions are combined, it only makes for angry chin music. Here are some examples. Made at Kapwing Let's start with lies. On the November 22, 2019 episode of the Chris Plante Show, a leftist tinhorn lied. The documentation proving that he was lying was present, and the facts were also explained to him. He lied about the same thing again anyway. In a similar manner, a vindictive anti-creationist calls everyone he disagrees with "liars" , and he "proves" it by calling them liars again. It has been explained that he has not ever proven that his targets were dishonest, but only that he disagreed with them; disagreement or differences on the interpretations of facts are not lying. Also, he was using the fallacy of repeated assertion...

Lucy and her kin are Still Extinct Apes

This post contains links to several articles that should prove useful to students, teachers, parents, and other people interested in the human origins debate. It deals with the australopithecines, emphasizing devastating material regarding Lucy. Well, devastating for Darwinists, not for biblical creationists. Background image furnished by Why?Outreach The hands at the Darwin Ranch ( head out Folly Road past Stinking Lake, then head northwest to Deception Pass, avoid the Winkie Guards) are excited about a newly Australopithecus anamensis discovered skull. Like Lucy (some scientists want it called Lucifer because they contend it was male), parts were found scattered in different areas. There is no actual skeleton. Scientists disagree about whether or not it was just another extinct ape, albeit a different variety. Arguing from naturalistic presuppositions, some think it evolved into Australopithecus afarensis (Lucy), others invoke the magic of parallel evolution. The evidence act...

Evolutionists Stoking the Fires of Censorship Again

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  We have seen reports where free speech is on the decline in Britain, such as when preachers get locked up for a "hate crime" ( here is just one example ), but atheists and evolutionists are galloping toward full educational censorship against anything even resembling creation or design. I reckon they not only oppose freedom of speech, but freedom of thought as well.  "Humanists" increased thought control and bushwhacked science education already , but it appears that they want to close any loopholes. Evolution must reign supreme in Welsh education, and there can be no reasonable doubt that the rest of Britain will follow suit. Hail Darwin, blessed be! Evolutionists are not content to misrepresent and even lie about what creationists actually uphold, but they disingenuously redefine "science" in materialistic terms. Also, they will claim that Christian parents, teachers, and ministries are "indoctrinating" when in f...

Christian Textbooks — Not Entirely

This post is courtesy of the "Through the Side Door" department. That is, I wanted to post this on Fazebook (which is linked to Twitter) "as is", but they were unable to validate the link. I already did that. No, I am not going to claim censorship or anything because that is not warranted. School Teacher by Jan Steen, 1668 Many Christian parents do not want their children attending the state-run indoctrination centers (often called "schools"), so they opt for alternatives. Those of us who reject evolution and millions of years because of both theology and science do not want to deprogram children and teach them the truth. After all, the government has control of them for several hours a day most of the year. Anti-creationists get furious when we undermine their indoctrination that is, in many cases, falsely called education. Christian schools? Possibly, if they are affordable. Unfortunately, having Christian in the name does not guarantee Bible-...

British Evolution Indoctrination as Education

There was a time when educational institutions were places of learning, and for preparing young people to deal with the challenges of the world. Students were taught critical thinking and logic, and even how to present a strong debate. Not any longer. If a cowboy was to look at only the horses in one corral and claim that he has found the best horse in the whole wide world, that would be silly. Suppose he checked out the occupants of three corrals and made the same claim. Also silly. He might have a valid claim if he said, "I have examined the horses in three corrals, and the best one is that one over there." That's quite a bit more reasonable because he limited his claim and increased the amount of information that he had to work with. Biblical creationists (and a few others) lament how modern education does not do well in teaching critical thinking; creationists still try to teach people how to think, while secularists tell people what to think. We have seen b...

Tales from the Darwin Zone

Everywhere we go, fish-to-philatelist evolution is assumed to be a proven fact. It is in advertising, children's entertainment, documentaries, fiction, general conversation, theology, and numerous other places. Especially in secular indoctrination centers (schools). Purveyors of evolution use it as a starting point for research, and even slap evolution like a bumper sticker on explanations to make them more sciency so they seem credible. The totalitarian two-bit tinhorns controlling secular science go to great lengths to exclude any concept of the Master Engineer . If evolution were a fact, such behavior might be more acceptable. But such things are a vexation to thinking people, plain and simple. Part of the problem is that people have an adoration for science and scientists, as if they were the unbiased priests of truth. Scientists are biased and have clouded thinking just like everyone else, and that's a natural fact.  Another problem is that people are not taught crit...

The Joy of Rewriting Textbooks?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen A while back, someone sent me a link to a short article in Forbes , " Why Do Scientists Get Excited About 'Rewriting The Textbooks?' ", which I last accessed on October 13, 2018. It was written by contributor Carmen Drahl, an evolutionist. She had some enthusiastic things to say about the idea, but they were a mix of both realistic and idealistic concepts. Credit: Freeimages /  Jean Scheijen First of all, the title tells us that scientists write textbooks. Mayhaps that's why they keep getting their atoms-to-author evolutionary research fouled up, as they spend so much time writing textbooks? Do a search and you'll find that many different kinds of people can write and publish textbooks, then committees review them. Some scientists write them, many do not. I’m one of the lucky folks who was trained to see science as a process, as a way of looking at the world. And when you see science that way, you realize that while the concepts and...

Universities Prohibit Science against Evolution

There was a time when education meant equipping students for the future. This included lectures, learning from books, debating, listening to lectures that would challenge their thinking, and more. Now we have "safe spaces" where the darlings can feel safe, and they are spoon-fed information that conforms to ideologies. This is a good way to protect evolution from scrutiny and logical thinking. Generated at Add Letters The politically/culturally correct movement is useful to suppress free speech, and is frequently advantageous for political and moral leftists. Evolution is the reigning paradigm in government-run educational centers (as well as liberal religious schools), and the very idea that Darwin's views are not supported by scientific evidence is harshly suppressed. (It interferes with their materialistic indoctrination.) Perhaps academics and students realize that if they have to admit there is a Creator, they have to also come to terms with what he has to say....

How Does a Creationist Student Write a Paper on Evolution?

Christian students in government-run education systems are in hostile territory, especially at the university level . Their faith is being challenged by secularist material (sometimes attacked outright by misotheistic teachers and instructors), and the students want to get good grades so they can graduate or even move on to advanced degrees. Students in these settings are under the control of the secularists in charge (while still having to be respectful), and have to play their cards right. Credit: Pixabay / andrew_t8 What is a student who believes in special creation and rejects evolution on both scientific and theological grounds supposed to do when required to write a paper on evolution? Good students want good grades, but the Christian doesn't want to compromise on principles. Worse, just "doing the assignment" on evolution and giving the materialists what they want would essentially be lying. Sounds bleak, doesn't it? But the situation can be advantag...

Evolution, Atheism, and Intolerance

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen When riding the dusty trail of the internet, it's not uncommon to encounter several illegitimate beliefs and manipulations from intolerant atheists and evolutionists. Evolution is a cornerstone of the atheist religion, and not only have attacks on contrary views intensified, evolutionary indoctrination in schools is also increasing. Ironically, proselytizers of evolutionism do not understand it themselves, but they're "certain" that biblical creationists are wrong, and want us silenced. Aside from opposition to the truth, these folks are opposed to critical (logical) thinking, which would put atheism and evolutionism under anatomization and possible rejection. Christians and creationists need to stand firm, become more educated in both Scripture and science, and continue to put burrs of truth under their collective saddle. Atheists are the smart ones? Atheists claim to be more intelligent than Christians, and especially those of us who ...

Musings on the Ken Ham - Bill Nye Unofficial "Second Debate"

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen First of all, I'll allow that I'm biased regarding Bill Nye the Scientism Guy (like so), because of his atheistic anti-creation activism, abuse of logic, and militant advocacy for his version of global climate change. Even so, I shall endeavor to be as objective as I can in this article about the unofficial "second debate" between Nye and Ken Ham at the Ark Encounter [ 1 ]. I was annoyed while watching it, and one time, a Nye fallacy actually made me LOL. A bit of background is in order. Bill Nye made vituperous attacks on creationism, and against Answers in Genesis in particular. Two AiG scientists challenged him to a debate [ 2 ], especially Dr. Georgia Purdom. He ignored them. Is it because "the Science Guy" is not an actual scientist? He earned a Bachelor of Science, but went no further in his formal education. [ 3 ] Eventually, the formal Ham-Nye debate was established [ 4 ]. I wrote an article about it, which included several...