
Showing posts with the label Resources

Resource — Lucy the Ape Continues to Fall

I wasn't going to post about "Lucy" again so soon, but more information has come in and this will be a link-loaded resource, including articles and a new video. The hands at the Darwin Ranch have been mighty glum lately. News about the alleged transitional form known as Lucy have been going from bad to worse, and it's not only because of biblical creationists. That's right, even evolutionists are admitting that Lucy's status upright-walking link is poor. Some of Darwin's Cheerleaders will deny the evidence (preferring outdated material and uninformed opinions to credible evidence). Do they know that one of the bones assigned to the creature was actually from a baboon ? Modified from a public domain image at Wikimedia Commons First, an article. Further studies show that this extinct ape was swinging from the trees, but they still cling to their story and say that maybe perhaps somehow she spent part of the time on the ground. Pretty desperate to p

Evidential or Presuppositional Apologetics?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Although I have written on a similar topic before (" Presuppositions and Fallacies in Evolutionary Science "), I wanted to develop the subject further and provide some resources. Both articles are mainly written to edify Christians. The word apology has somewhat devolved over time so that common usage means someone is sorry: "I apologize for stealing your horse and shooting up the town". Simply put, apologetics is the branch of Christian theology that deals with giving a reasoned defense of the faith . We have to be careful to distinguish the word's usage, since there are atheist apologists, Mohammedan apologists, Roman Catholic apologists, and various non-religious apologists as well. So from here on out, I'm discussing Christian apologetics. There are various schools of apologetics.  Perhaps some people choose an apologetic method because they admire celebrities that use a particular version. I've seen from three to

Creationism and Child Abuse

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Feral atheists and evolutionists are upset when Christians and creationists teach children about the Bible and creation, so they call it "indoctrination" — and "child abuse". Those really take the rag off the bush , since they're emotion-provoking falsehoods. Meanwhile, children get materialistic indoctrination in government-run schools. Most likely, they know what Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin) said, "Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted." School Teacher , Jan Steen, 1668 Laurence Krauss, Clinton Richard Dawkins, Bill Nye, and others have expressed their imperious outrage that Christians would have the unmitigated gall to teach our children in accordance with our beliefs. Yes, it's wrong to deliberately lie to children when teaching, so we can agree with Krauss on that point. The rest of the claims of these tinhorns is simply prejudicial conjecture and bigotry. Fu

Resource — the "Debunking Evolution" Series

Review by Cowboy Bob Sorensen When I obtained the free PDF download of Debunking Evolution Taught in Public Schools, with the subtitle, "A Six-Lesson Video-based Training Program for Christian Public School Students", I didn't expect much. After all, there's a heap of books, articles, videos, and so on with similar names, and I had heard of neither Genesis Apologetics nor editor and author Dr. Daniel A. Biddle. (Which is fine, they've probably never heard of me or Piltdown Superman, either.) So, I converted the PDF to my e-book reader's format. Glad I was mighty wrong about my initial reaction! Turns out that the PDF version of the book is not only available free on the Genesis Apologetics Website , but you can buy it in paperback as well as Epub and Kindle versions. Debunking Evolution Taught in Public Schools  is primarily intended for students in the public indoctrination centers. They are presented with sanitized "evidence" for evolution, i

Would Evidence for Radiometric Dating Stand Up in a Court of Law?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Forensic science is very important in obtaining evidence about the past. Naturally, the more recent the evidence, the more persuasive it is, especially in a court of law. To send someone to jail or certain other instances nowadays in American courts, guilt must be proven "beyond the shadow of a doubt". In small-claims court, someone needs "a preponderance of the evidence". Good thing that procedures have advanced from the time of "Hanging Judge" Isaac Parker, who tried 13,490 cases his ownself and sentenced 160 who were convicted to death by hanging  (but only 79 actually attended a necktie party). Evolution and radiometric dating use forensic science , but we're not talking about what happened last week or a few months ago. Rather, these are the ultimate " cold case files ", supposedly going back millions of years. Radiometric dating is a mite different though, since the measurements of parent-daughter materials a

Willingly Ignorant of Genesis

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Biblical creationists often hear criticisms from atheists and evolutionists who prefer prejudicial conjecture to actual answers (Prov. 18:2 HCSB). I commenced to pondering this while watching Creation in the 21st Century  ( one of the few biblically sound programs on the Trinity Broadcasting Network), where host David Rives interviewed Mike Snavely . There was a brief clip of a trapdoor spider grabbing lunch ( here is a video clip of one in action ), and I thought about Adam naming the animals. There probably weren't any trapdoors in Eden yet, so where did that name come from? Medieval painting of Adam naming the animals /Agios Nikolaos Anapafsas, Monastery in Thessaly, Greece Scoffers will say, "There's no way Adam could have named all the animals over the course of years, let alone, one day!" Let's do some homework that certain people are reluctant to do. First, read the text carefully in Genesis 2:19-20. He didn't name fish

Audio Series: "God and Evolution" by Andrew McCaskill

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen As regular readers may have noticed, an advantage to my data entry job is being able to listen to things. Rows of people in Cubicleland are plugged in to music, radios, audio books, and in my case, podcasts. I happened across this series called "God and Evolution" by Andrew McCaskill on Sermon Audio, and am pleased to share it with you. The lecture series is a mite longer than I usually share, what with being sixteen parts and all. But I reckoned it was important. It was presented April-September 2015 at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Verona, Virginia . Mr. McCaskill isn't one of those yee-ha entertainment-driven teachers. Instead, he is soft-spoken and more concerned with delivering his content. You won't be overwhelmed with science, but there is some as well as serious theological content involved; Andrew show serious flaws in theistic evolution. Y'all know how I feel about that stuff . Andrew McCaskill has taught biology for sixteen

Do Creationists Accept Speciation?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Simply stated, yes, creationists believe that speciation happens. It's the not-so-simple answer that gives people difficulties. Fungus-to-finch evolutionists often give credit to the puny god of evolution for every change, no matter how small. Some creationists disunderstand the idea of speciation and oppose it because they do not want to give Darwinists a foothold. When understood properly, it is not a threat to creation science, nor does it support Darwinism, but it does support biblical creation science! Colorized version of John Gould's Galapagos Finches, 1837 Scientists often disagree about the meaning of the word species and if critters are indeed separate species, but the generally accepted definition of speciation is when organisms diverge into genetically distinct lines. Evolutionists cannot agree on what causes speciation. Creationists accept natural selection and speciation, and reject "fixity of species", where everythin

Distant Starlight — Creation Science's "Elephant in the Room"?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen One of the most frequent "Gotcha!" attempts from evolutionists that I've encountered at The Question Evolution Project and other places online is the "distant starlight" problem. That is, when we bring up the many evidences for a young Earth, solar system, and universe, those get ignored and the owlhoot campfire red herring song is sung: "We see light from stars billions of light years away, therefore, the universe must be old, the Big Bang is right, and you're wrong". They act like it's the creation science "elephant in the room" that is being ignored. First, in their efforts to slap leather with creationists, they're shooting themselves in the foot instead. The Big Bang is loaded with difficulties and ad hoc  "explanations" (rescuing devices), including it's own light travel difficulty called the " horizon problem ".  Also, changing the subject (which was evidence presented

Book Review — Defending Genesis: How We Got Here & Why It Matters

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen When I was pondering which horse to saddle up and ride for Question Evolution Day (since every day is QED for me), Tony Breeden came along at the right time and said that he had a new book coming out, Defending Genesis: How We Got Here & Why It Matters . That title is singing my song. "But Cowboy Bob, he writes science fiction and stuff!" Yeah, well, so did C.S. Lewis and others. Tony has been writing nonfiction for years, and my favorite of his sites is " Defending Genesis " (no surprise that I like that one). He spearheads " Creation Sunday ", a response to the efforts of deceptive atheist Michael Zimmerman to get Christians to compromise with evolution. Breeden has interacted with a variety of people, from obstreperous atheist stalkers to enthusiastic supporters and those in between. Defending Genesis is written in a conversational style for the most part, and has some humor throughout. There are 22 chapters plus