
No Transitional Forms in the Fossil Record

I’ve tried putting a simple question to various people and groups of people: “Can you tell me anything you know about evolution, any one thing that you think is true?” I tried that question on the geology staff in the Field Museum of Natural History, and the only answer I got was silence. I tried it on the members of the Evolutionary Morphology Seminar in the University of Chicago … and all I got there was silence for a long time, and then eventually one person said: “Yes, I do know one thing. It ought not to be taught in high school.” — Colin Patterson   Fundamentalist evolutionists insist that the fossil record proves macroevolution is true. Creationists cite evolutionists who say that there are no transitional forms, then get accused of quote mining . Damage control! Then, the evolutionary faithful will trot out pictures of fossils, say that there are many transitional forms, and paste material from angry anti-creationist sites like (they should check out tru

Cuttlefish Fossil Puzzler

A fossil that is allegedly 34 million years old may contain some of the original hard biochemical material. That is no surprise. But the chitin is relatively fragile, and should have broken down long before the supposed millions of years.  Credit: Freeimages / John Boyer This is yet another example that the presuppositions of radiometric dating are flawed and should be overhauled to represent a much younger Earth. Cuttlefish are mollusks that look somewhat like squid. They have an internal, hard, supportive structure with soft organs around and inside it. This resilient "cuttlebone" is made of cleverly woven strands of a biochemical material called chitin and mixed with a hard biomineral called aragonite. A team of paleontologists found a supposedly 34 million-year-old fossil cuttlebone that still had both the original aragonite and chitin. This is significant, because one might expect the hard aragonite to persist in the fossil record, but not the  organic  chiti

Fossils and Backdating

Scientists generally take a straightforward, even common sense, approach to their theories. That is, they will see if evidence and observations fit their theories. If not, they abandon the theory and make a new one. Or adjust the original theory. stock.xchng/knightia How much adjustment is excessive? This is where the sensible approach fails evolutionary scientists. They start with the presuppositions that the world is ancient and that evolution happened. Then the data are interpreted within this worldview — sometimes even resorting to amazing extremes rather than abandon a faulty theory. When fossils do not fit the time frame, then the time frame is pushed back. This happens much more frequently than evolutionists want to admit. We are commonly challenged to explain the fossil order worked out by evolutionary scientists. Fossils are, of course, crucial to the evolutionary story; their sequences and placement in the evolutionary time scale are fundamental to the evolutioni

Carbon-14 Part 3: Data and Assumptions

This is the third in a three-part series on Carbon-14. Part 1 discussed the basics of Carbon-14 dating , and Part 2 pointed out a major dilemma for evolutionists : Carbon-14 is found where is should not be, according to their reckoning. This section points out that creationist models have to deal with date ranges that do not fit their  model, either. Also, there are assumptions that are made in all radiometric dating, and some greatly affect Carbon-14 dating. A Biblical creation model fitting the Noahician Flood geology is explored and offered as the best explanation. Evolutionists aren’t the only ones who run into challenges when trying to reconcile radiocarbon dating with their view of history. How do creationists explain dates of 50,000 years? Conventional geologists claim that fossils, coals, and diamonds are millions to billions of years old. Yet it has now been firmly established that they still contain measurable amounts of radiocarbon, which has a half-life (decay rate) of onl

Carbon-14 Part 2: Found Where It Should Not Be

Blue diamond by Kathy Reed This is the second of a three-part series on Carbon-14. Previously, the basics of the process were explained . This part brings up an interesting dilemma: Why is it found in rocks that are allegedly millions of years old? Carbon-14 should have vanished after 5,730 years. Excuses are made about bad measurements and  contamination , but those do not withstand scrutiny. If the radioactive element carbon-14 breaks down quickly—within a few thousand years—why do we still find it in fossils and diamonds? It’s a dilemma for evolutionists, who believe the rocks are millions of years old. Many people think that scientists use radiocarbon to date fossils. After all, we should be able to estimate how long ago a creature lived based on how much radiocarbon is left in its body, right? To finish reading "Carbon-14 in Fossils and Diamonds, an Evolution Enigma", click here . 

Carbon-14 Part 1: Basic Information

Mmmmm...Earth... This week, we will have a three-part series on Carbon-14 dating. This first part gives an overview of the basics: How Carbon-14 forms, is absorbed, is depleted as well as the determining the rate of decay. Then the way it is used for dating is discussed. Many people assume that rocks are dated at “millions of years” based on radiocarbon (carbon-14) dating. But that’s not the case. The reason is simple. Carbon-14 can yield dates of only “thousands of years” before it all breaks down. The most well-known of all the radiometric dating methods is radiocarbon dating. Although many people think radiocarbon dating is used to date rocks, it is limited to dating things that contain the element carbon and were once alive (like fossils). This is a good start, but to read the rest of "Carbon-14 Dating — Understanding the Basics", click here . Part 2 is here .

Flooding and a Fossil Graveyard

The tired old story that a critter dies, gradually gets covered up and turns into a fossil after huge amounts of time seems to be falling by the wayside. It was unrealistic and unscientific in the first place. No, fossilization requires rapid burial and the proper conditions. A flood will do the job nicely. Especially if it's a big one. / rosym / Deep in the Forest Some people believe that dinosaurs evolved into birds. It is annoying to them when birds and dinosaurs are swept up together in flood waters and end up in the mix at a fossil graveyard. According to Genesis, all creatures of the earth were created within days of each other—including dinosaurs and humans. A common question in response to this is "If dinosaurs and man lived at the same time, why aren't their fossils found together?" Bird bones and egg shell fossil fragments from a waterside bird colony are sending clues from the long-ago past to help solve this quandary. The f